I now understand why Justice Alito threw his wife under the bus.
Lady Macbeth has nothing on Martha-Ann Alito, who has a fetish for freak flags and a German taste for revenge.
I understand now why Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito threw his wife Martha-Ann Alito under the bus recently and blamed her for being solely responsible for flying insurrectionist flags at their properties.
Independent journalist Lauren Windsor released bombshell audio recordings of her conversations with Supreme Court Justice Alito and his spouse at the Supreme Court Historical Society where she approached them posing as a sympathetic anti-abortion activist.
That’s the same Society by the way where former anti-abortion activist turned whistleblower Rev. Rob Schenck said wealthy conservative donors were invited and encouraged to befriend and influence Supreme Court Justices in attendance. The grooming by these “stealth missionaries” worked like gangbusters. In 2022, Schenk wrote a letter to Chief Justice Roberts informing him that Justice Alito told Schenk the outcome of the infamous Hobby Lobby case before the ruling was announced. In turn, Schenk tipped off the president of Hobby Lobby. You give unelected Supreme Court Justices money, gifts, and expensive trips, and in return they give you favorable rulings.
It’s a beautiful, reciprocal relationship.
Just ask Justice Thomas who received millions of dollars worth of gifts over twenty years from right-wing billionaire sugar daddies. Being courted and feted by elite donors doesn’t count as cheating to these Christian nationalists. Their spouses are completely on board with this incestuous polycule, which makes sense considering they too are also right-wing extremist activists. Ginni Thomas, the wife of Justice Clarence Thomas, texted Trump’s then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows in support of Trump’s failed insurrection attempt and referred to Biden’s election as a “heist.” She has since regretted her actions and chalks it up to being caught up in “an emotional time.” I’ve done many things under emotional duress, but I’ve yet to support a failed insurrection against our democracy. (Alas, maybe I’m different.)
Shockingly, Justice Roberts has refused to pressure Justices Alito and Thomas to recuse themselves from upcoming cases about the insurrection. This is the behavior of “moderate conservatives” like him who are allegedly committed to preserving the tattered reputation and tarnished integrity of a thoroughly compromised and unpopular Supreme Court.
But, I digress. Let’s get back to Martha-Ann Alito, who is an exquisite avatar for America’s unearned white rage, grievance, and vindictiveness. She’s the quintessential handmaiden for white Christian nationalism in lipstick and pearls.
In the same recording, Justice Alito warned, “One side or the other is going to win. There are differences on fundamental things that really can’t be compromised,” about the country’s widening divide between the majority who understands the Constitution and the concept of separation of Church and state and the minority that wants to create a Christian theocracy. Instead of keeping her husband in check, recordings of Martha-Ann make her out to be a Christian nationalist Lady Macbeth.
Martha-Ann Alito embarks on a strange, homophobic rant against LGBTQ+ people and doubles down on flying her freaky flags. “I want a Sacred Heart of Jesus flag because I have to look across the lagoon at the Pride flag for the next month,” she tells Windsor. “Oh, please, don’t put up a flag,” Alito replies. She adds she would make up her own flag with yellow and orange flames that read “Shame” in Italian. (Nevertheless, she persisted.)
This is totally normal behavior for a spouse of a Supreme Court Justice during Pride month, especially after she was subjected to international scrutiny and zero accountability for flying the flags of traitors. But why expect remorse, contrition, and self-reflection from Martha-Ann Alito? That would be Christian behavior espoused by Jesus. We’re talking about MAGA culture warriors, people! They believe in safe spaces and civility for themselves, but cruelty and contempt for the rest of us whose existence makes them slightly uncomfortable. Losing their privilege to be hateful in public is the greatest mark of victimhood which apparently must be avenged with vengeful retribution.
What is she going to give back? Will it be efficient German engineering inspired by the Autobahn? Will she create experimental and innovative futuristic electronic music for kids like a modern-day Kraftwerk? I mean it’s such an odd, strange, foreboding statement rarely uttered out loud by sane adults. I do Nazi what she means no matter how hard I try to parse her statement. It’s safe to say we can only assume the worst of intentions based on her words. In the same recording, she tells Windsor, “It’s OK because if they (the media) come back to me, I’ll get them.”
Considering she’s married to a Supreme Court Justice, she can outsource her rage to her dutiful partner who can feed her anger and also advance the right-wing Christian culture war while he’s at it.
Lady MacBeth eventually regretted her complicity in ushering forth ugly and violent acts, uttering, “Out, Damn Spot!” while sleepwalking. However, in 2024 America, Martha-Ann Alito has no time for such melodramatic self-reflection or contrition. Instead, she looks forward to proudly flying another hateful flag, fully awake, with eyes wide open, a clear heart, and a German taste for revenge.
What a pair.
He should step down. He won’t, because he has no honor.