Sep 25Liked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

This is truly gut wrenching. A lawyer who works on these types of cases said they have 1,500 currently in hand. I thought perhaps I had the number wrong, but I don’t think so.

I thought we largely abolished the death penalty partly because it is cruel—no guaranteed painless method, not even close—and because innocent people, mainly black kept getting exonerated ex post facto. I just don’t know on what basis the Court could make such a ruling. I think a death sentence should require a unanimous vote. None of this majority crap.

All these people— Thomas, Alito, Vance—are part of the Opus Dei Washington DC network. I don’t think they give a toss for people unlike themselves. Anyway, with the overturning of Roe there will have to be a ruling against mixed-race marriages, right? Sorry Ginni and Clarence.

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As always with the GOP, the cruelty is the point.

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This was senseless ..... absolutely appalling...we have a nasty convicted felon rapist running as a President , a total Conman fascists bastard provoking these type of crimes ...and it still goes on .....I'm so sorry for him ...his family ...his children ...his friends . I'm empty this was murder ,someone needs to pay ....if their is a god or a higher authority ,let him punish those responsible to their deaths .

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My heart is broken. Anger is also hanging. WTAF!!

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Thanks for the clarity about the railroading of a (probably) innocent man and the appropriate condemnation of his institutional killers. The pain is the point.

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Thank you for your courage to call this murder for what it was, a lynching. MTG whose town, in GA, now all white, lynched black men, in the 20's, not responsible for raping a girl, and the black people were so intimidated they still haven't returned, as she sits in Congress. I had to argue, for my right, even being white, to expose the contrast and history of the J6 insurrection versus the murder of George Floyd, a black male addict, whose judge juror and executioner, summer of love as it's termed, had done exactly the same to a 14 year old black boy just two years earlier, and the trauma the girl who filmed the horrific scene, has most certainly had to have and still does and may always, as to the proud photos of attacking the Capitol, and are not to be compared and why. No surprise not many people understand the fight for civil rights that are stuck both pre-Reconstruction and Jim Crow simultaneously. Trump and his band of criminals do not compare to the centuries of slavery, discrimination, oppression, torture, sadism that built the very building they attacked in the name of a privileged white man who has been a fraud his entire life but somehow better than Floyd. The oppression, I speak of, is for all who are oppressed. I state I'm white because it's obvious and that learning and being a part of the discussion is my way of trying to understand something I never will. The experience of fellow human beings being a different color and their history. I hope no offense is taken by that explanation. I'm also glad you wrote about Rittenhouse. Living in WI I vowed to make myself understand, through careful research, what exactly happened, why Tucker Carlson followed him throughout his trial, literally, and how Rittenhouse became a MAGA hero by getting the acquittal. Rittenhouse never should have been in Racine to play Boy Scout medic, underage, carrying a borrowed assault rifle, from a friend, as Rittenhouse is from WI, with no supervision or license to carry the weapon. Period. He claimed self-defense and WI doesn't have a stand your ground law. The kicker is that Rittenhouse came to kill someone, anyone, and knew the ONE loophole in our self-defense statute, as being carefully researched by him, for an underage, non-licensed, firearm wielding kid to get himself two kills and an acquittal. Our statute gives a pass to all gun laws for underage, unlicensed persons who are protecting a "business" even if the kid doesn't own it nor does any family or friend. He positioned himself outside a car dealership. Hence, the gun charges got dropped. A released mental illness sufferer threw a bag of toothpaste, a toothbrush at him and he fired to kill, not maim, but kill. He was then considered an active shooter and another man threw a skateboard at him and with one shot Rittenhouse killed him next. The third man was a medic, previously, and was carrying a pistol and did aim and Rittenhouse maimed him. He didn't call 911, with the first kill, he called his buddy who borrowed his dad's rifle to him, and went about the rest. Rittenhouse now has a team and speaks at MAGA rallies and conventions. Fast forward to a couple months ago when Crystal Kizer, in the same jurisdiction finally killed her abuser and sex trafficker, who was white and she is black, was sentenced for murder. I loathe the photos of migrants who have committed a crime, especially child sex trafficking, like native borns do not commit crimes of the same. She was sentenced to 11 years in prison. Same city. Same state. Two very different self defense arguments and very different crimes. So, yes, I see the pattern and always have, just not as up close as the last several years. We've always been a racist culture and it is now openly promoted by a man who is openly racist. I get his type. I don't get his voters, except that they too are white supremacists, but also have the most to lose if he's elected. That is the f'd up part. They are willing to lose to gain the same white man who hates non-white people and wants to take away the few rights left, as they'll come for the disabled, the unemployed, the retired, the women, and it's already in motion, as it began, with the Heritage Foundation's first mandate for leadership authored in 1981. I'll also throw one in for good measure that one, in my humble opinion, can't support Trump and be a religious or spiritual seeker in any way. Just like you can't execute any person when the prosecutor is charged against it. The only reason is race and religion which makes up 98% of policy and politics. Thank you for hearing me out. Grace be to the rest scheduled for execution, as Williams is not the last, in the near future and also for Williams and his family's loss that will never be atoned for.

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I am so sorry to hear this. I have been watching information on the state of the appeals here from Law Dork and others and I hoped they would succeed.

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I’m so angry I could spit fire. How much compassion does it take to just look and consider that prosecutors, jurors, and the victim’s family _ALL_ came forward to plea for Marcellus’ life because he’s _INNOCENT_? What kind of darkness resides in people like Mike Parson? What would it have cost him to have mercy on an innocent man? Maybe his very soul. I hope so.

This is/was pure, foul racism. All those who participated in and are celebrating Marcellus’ death deserve no good in this life. (As I say this I throw salt over my shoulder and spit the bitterness of Parson’s name.)

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I saw this story and was horrified. Somehow all the evidence wasn't "substantial" enough to stop the execution--including the recanting of the main witness, who said he fingered Williams (who wasn't there) because he was afraid of retaliation from the real murderer; he'd been promised no execution if he gave up his "cohort" so he just named Williams.

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I read that there was DNA evidence that was not his and that the ex-girlfriend testifier was paid 10,000 by the state and a person of color was dismissed from the jury? If any of these were true - this was a travesty of justice! I tried calling the MO Gov office all day yesterday and they conveniently left on the answering machine all day! WTF?!

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This shit has to stop. Until we are all free and safe, none of us are free or safe.

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This is very well written, but the story is too heartbreaking for my to acknowledge it with a heart

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This is a Horrific visual of the Injustice our tax dollars are funding. Murder of a professed and confirmed innocent man of color. Weaponizing his GOD chosen skin color to justify this Murder, is yet another stain of innocent blood on America and it's Systemically Racist laws. The blood cries out to Heaven…may ABBA answer the call for Justice..may it happen soon.🛐🙏🏾✝️💔🕊Rest in Power Marcellus Williams🕊

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I looked at his sweet eyes, his slight smile, the countenance that I deem true, and wept..I truly have disdain, disgust actually, for conservative ‘Christian’ white men whom wield the power given to them by the deceived and the wickedly corrupted like a Gladius or an Excalibur! Essentially those that have blood ruin for those whom they know nothing…I do, however loathe the charlatan/destroyer in the corporeal of Donald trump, conservative white ‘Christian’ men AND women. If Dante Alighieri is correct in his visionary realism of “IL INFERNO” I hope that these wretches suffer somehow in this life, as well as in the Afterlife.

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What court would deny a stay of execution when the prosecution asks for it???

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