What was that comment about “child care”? Made my head hurt. This man can’t possibly lead our country again. Everyday the headline should “Trump makes another incoherent speech”

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Yeah. That’s the real headline.

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the children in Palestine are getting blown up on a daily bases. If we stopped supplying Isreal with weapons the genocide would stop. Who's supplying these weapons? the Biden /Harris admisistation. This is what gives me a head ache.

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likewise. yet the republican candidate would not be better on these issues. his son-in-law wants to abet the destruction of Gaza in order to build seaside resorts. there are many areas of project 2025 and it’s implementation document that will end democracy including (——-‘s) declaration he will “Terminate the Constitution “. First, we must save democracy, proceed to encourage further awareness that many of We The People do not agree to abet International War Crimes.

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CNN was terrible. They ran ten uninterrupted minutes (no Q and A) and then did a lame fact check overlooking most of the insanity gushing from his mouth.

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Trump did not end up in this position of power without widespread knowing collusion in all areas of society. His vicious criminal actions and MAGA’s and the corporate media’s endorsement and complicity of and with them is exposing the decades long rotten corruption at the heart of our governing class. One has to ask just many thousands of silenced survivors of this horde of predators are laughing in impotent despair at the seeming shock of so many that a man like Trump is where he is and is so worshipped.

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No matter what he says or burbles, we know sound minds think he will damage the economy, and add trillions to the debt.Of course we have zero idea of where he would cut government spending (no more Jan. 6 congratulatory galas?), We know nothing about his position on abortion (well , we do, but not from him. His discussion of childcare was not in complete sentences let alone in complete thoughts. This really is the Emperor’s New Clothes, but no one will say he is naked—rather we get Trump was resplendent In a unique robe he fashioned himself. I truly do not understand. If Trump goes after the media in a second term, these guys in the mainstream media are toast. Trump only remembers the insults, and his memory makes elephants look forgetful. Once an enemy.always an enemy. Unless you grovel really, really hard in the public square.

So we will all have to call out the media for their failures everywhere and all the time. We need Jordan Klepper to do a take on media anchors. They would look very stupid. What is particularly galling is that the same people used to call out Trump for everything.

Perhaps the media should be run by committee and not single wealthy people. Who knows. But that reminds me that it is past time for campaign finance reform. No more orange men making megabucks to pay their lawyers. The amount of money spent on these campaigns is astronomical. I know some public schools which would benefit from a tiny bit of it. That and not using property taxes for supporting schools. Those are two of my domestic policy agenda items—not that anyone asked.

Thank you for another very thoughtful column.

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Interesting, this: "not using property taxes for supporting schools."

Out here in California, we are overrun with people in the legislature who are hammering away at Prop 13 which put some guardrails against incremental and unconstitutional initiatives/legislation back in 1978. This year a legislative critter named ACA 1 will seek the voter approval for a mandate in violation of the CA Constitution reducing a majority vote to alter said Constitution from 2/3 to 55%, among other things. Your comment caught my eye because residents in CA for the last 8 years have suffered a lot. Yes, some of it was Nature but the bulk of it was human greed in Sacramento.

I am a homeowner on SS and a large majority of people are in the same threatening-to-turn-turtle canoe with the runaway Legislature. So here is one answer to your "domestic policy agenda items": good luck with that.

God bless you and yours.

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I was afraid of that. But it doesn’t mean that the issue shouldn’t be raised. W. Kamau Bell did an interesting program on two schools in different parts of a midwestern city. The one with the lower tax base did not have college prep courses. Instead they had what used to be known as BOCES in NY back in the day—courses aimed at practical jobs from mechanic to hairdresser to plumber, etc. They had a program with the local police department to encourage kids to join the force. These are admirable programs, and not everyone wants to go to a four-year college. Training through such a program or a community college can provide someone with a lucrative career. In the late 70s a large section of my very large graduating class took these courses. Our high school was really good on wood shop, auto shop, different kinds of art, so practical things were commonplace.

Anyway, that first school was predominantly black. Across the way in a more mixed race school, a huge proportion of the students went on to college. There were lots of AP courses, etc. So the first school indicates you should get a job, there is no point trying for college. That is what strikes me as particularly unfair. Some of these students could go to college with some support. It is a question of options and not having doors shut in your face.

I don’t know how you achieve equity in school funding, but the fair thing to do would be to set an amount a school must receive. If property taxes are insufficient in one district the government must make up the difference to some basic level.

I am so dismayed by what is going on in public schools that I could spit. Shakespeare is too racy, Catcher in the Rye too unsettling, teachers afraid to say the wrong thing. Trump, DeSantis and their ilk must be voted out of office. Then perhaps we can hope to educate our kids.

I will have to look into the situation in California. The national stage has taken up so much oxygen that we hear little about the workings of particular states.

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The main problem (from my point of view) is the inflation has set the state on fire. We burned through about 140 BILLION dollars in less than three years since the COVID handout from a surplus of 90 to a deficit of 50 billion this year. We have a budget larger than most countries and not much to show for it. People are leaving in droves, a lot to Mexico because gas isn't $5+ a gallon elsewhere. And the present state of the election prospects is not encouraging. We are a nation divided and I do not see a solution unless we recognize that God is in control. But that's just me.

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if God was, as you say, in control there wouldn’t be mass murders, innocent people including children dying, greedy corporations….

when Ronald Reagan was governor of California, he couldn’t tolerate people having first amendment rights exercising said rights. he and nixon set out to lessen education and specifically critical thinking skills. this has been further implemented via rewritten textbooks as part of changing history, lessening opportunities, getting school board members to dismantle truth. the top corporate leaders want submissive workers.

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Only the peerless in vacuous idiocy would vote for this mobbed up, racist, misogynistic, illiterate, quivering orange jello mold of oleaginous sewage and mewling wastrel! TPTB own everything we read, see and hear in every medium. We shouldn’t be surprised by anything the Uber wealthy that run this world do or say, but hey this is a really awesome piece you’ve written here, thanks!

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And NPR’s 1A (second hour) today compared the ‘Harris and Trump economic agendas’ with absolutely no mention of the crazy shit he spouted.

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'“Sanewashing,” both sides framing, and performative neutrality is utter complicity in normalizing and elevating “a damaged, delusional, old man,” according to journalist Mike Barnacle, who might become the President again.'

I don't think that's what you meant. Let's do a little edit:

'“Sanewashing,” both sides framing, and performative neutrality is utter complicity in normalizing and elevating “a damaged, delusional, old man” who might become the President again, according to journalist Mike Barnacle.'

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Thank you!!! It is beyond frustrating to see the double standard and false equivalence in all of this. Those who can not and will not are as complicit the elected officials who too know the truth! Spineless wimps!!! Who are afraid of his very small man! Really they have no moral compass either!!! Help!!! I hate can be done!!!

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Trump Trump Trump......boring boring boring.

It's our Republic that's messed up even more so than Trump. Address how messed up the Republic is. That's what needs fixing. That's what needs addressing. Our democracy is collasping. Protesting genocide is a crime. (WTF). Journalists reporting the news are considered enemies of the state. (WTF). Our civil rights are being eroded on a daily bases. (WTF). Our children are being shot in our schools. More guns tha citizens in the USA. (WTF). Netanyahu gets 50 standing ovations in our House Chambers. (WTF). And look at what choice the duopoly is giving us this November. My choices: People. Planet. Peace. <<Green Party>> Ranting on Trump is pretty low hanging fruit considering the the real problems facing our Republic. THE LEFT HOOK...you can do better.

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I mean the article is literally about the fourth estate failing...

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Don't blame the 4th estate: oligarch capitalists they ALL be. We vote our politicians and we listen to MSM. We are fed the propaganda , the lies and like brain dead zombies accept it. Who to blame? Blame the people. We are to blame.

We can stay on this path to complete deep state/oligarch control or we can try to change it. You suggest blaming it in the 4th state. I suggest blaming it on me_ you_the citizen.

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Continuing from previous post….

A young outspoken ethnic female was taken off air until there was a public outcry and she was reinstated because she is brilliant in what shoes does .

You just have to cast an eye on the press and media in some of the G 7 US , UK , France , Germany, Italy and the rest of Europe, you will find people with similar characteristics running the show. The money men who run the show have large pockets to pay lobbyists to maintain their kind in power. Unfortunately some of the women who can influence and make changes tend to develop the same mentality. See the increase in white female right wing in the US.

The only way to change is when financial

Institutions are NOT controlled by the same groups.

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A sad delusional, rambling crazy little man not in size but with low moral compass like his buddy Putin and Kim who he gets on with very much as he claimed. Given the chance he would say Hitler was a great leader.

The Press in the West, BBC , New York Times , Washington Post, CNN , Fox , AFP , Reuter and the rest are all from the same middle class White group maintaining the Status Quo. You just have to look at their Editorial management and their ownership. The only persons from ethnic minorities who manage to break the glass ceiling are sadly constrained by the same mentality to preserve their careers. No journalist would be brave enough to call Trump and his likes right wing misogynistic, racists people in power out. They are career minded and have families to protect.

I read a speech recently as he was “leaving” his day programme saying how his work place is All White and none of the senior editorial are from ethnic minority backgrounds and the BBC admitted that they have still along way to be diverse. All to have see is how someone from ethnic backgrounds dealt with when it comes to so called disciplinary. Say or write something which is anti establishment and rattled the likes of Trump they’ll be seriously dealt with. I remember a BBC TV programme when one of the Co presenters white male got away without being called to account whereas a Young outspoken

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The sad reality we face beyond the insanity of Trump, is that his insanity is being used as cover for the Democratic party committing to less for the working class. Yes, the Democratic Party works for big corporate interests, oil, Wall St, Big Pharma, health insurers and telecom. Just look at the sponsors of the DNC. While EVERY advanced nation on the planet has a national healthcare plan for their citizens, the Democrats continue to carry water for big insurance corporations. Womans' bodily autonomy is a god send talking point for the Dems, it doesn't cost big corporate interests a dime. Don't get me wrong, I've been a Democrat my entire life. I am getting disgusted with the party gaslighting and broken promises. I don't even pay attention to Trump, because it's the Dems that continually piss me off.

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Thank you Wajahat Ali for writing this. Excellent! I think (and could be wrong) most of the American Press want Trump to win. More outrageous reporting, more $$$.

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Yes, just like Biden wanted to go on until ….it took some aggressive shaming action by the behind the scene Democrats and AIPAC, for Biden to pass his dimming torch to the only choice !

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