this evening p’s news -thx Chris Hayes - republican senator gleefully announced bill to exchange our national fort knox Actual Gold into bitcoin. as the gold underpins the dollar, it’s depletion will pull the rug on our currency, and (surprise - not) raise the value of bitcoin even higher (1 bitcoin is 100,000$ today).
this evening p’s news -thx Chris Hayes - republican senator gleefully announced bill to exchange our national fort knox Actual Gold into bitcoin. as the gold underpins the dollar, it’s depletion will pull the rug on our currency, and (surprise - not) raise the value of bitcoin even higher (1 bitcoin is 100,000$ today).
this evening p’s news -thx Chris Hayes - republican senator gleefully announced bill to exchange our national fort knox Actual Gold into bitcoin. as the gold underpins the dollar, it’s depletion will pull the rug on our currency, and (surprise - not) raise the value of bitcoin even higher (1 bitcoin is 100,000$ today).