I understand the policies we've had in place are now norms. But Harris is breaking all the norms right now, and it's working. So what better time for Biden to slip in and slam shut the checkbook? I feel at this point, Biden is the only one who can shut this slaughter down decisively by cutting off Netanyahu. Let the Republicans scream, once weapons are witheld, they can scream all they want. Biden has nothing to lose by doing this, and everything to gain.

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I agree we should have held funding earlier in the war. Netanyahu is a war criminal and we do not have to tarnish our morality by supporting him. It time for a new election in Israel and for Netanyahu to step down and yes he will likely be indicted on criminal acts. He has escaped the war to stay in power so he it not indicted. Trump and Netanyahu are birds of a feather in that way

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It’s not only Netanyahoo. It’s the extremism behind him. Decades and decades of forcing human beings into inhumane conditions, aka Gaza. No wonder there is such hatred and resentments.

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I agree we should restrain Netanyahu in every way we can. My understanding of the Middle East isn't as deep as it should be, but to allow Israel to continue to murder innocent people in Gaza is madness. It's a dangerous road that Netanyahu is on running loose throughout the Middle East. Iran and other countries could create serious trouble for Israel and the US with Netanyahu continuing his attacks. We should be moving toward peace, but neither Biden nor Netanyahu seem to get this. Biden should cut off the funds that are blood money in the Middle East. It would also quiet the anti-Biden progressives and trump's acolytes who are using this as a talking point against the president and the Democrats. It looks like a win-win to me.

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The reality is that any of the presidents the USA has had over the last 50 and probably the last 100 years would have done and be doing nothing significantly different from that of Biden.

Yes, I agree with everyone that it is completely deplorable that the US has supported and continued to support Israel with both money and arms.

I agree that the US Government and supporters of its assistance to Israel since 7 October 2023 particularly, are complicit in the genocide being committed.

I agree that the US Government and its representatives have a history of hypocrisy when it comes to the Genocide in Gaza and the 'war' generally. The have vetoed realistic and valid motions at the UN, supplied weapons and money to Israel, invited Netanyahu to address Congress and yet, continually claimed that they deplore the murder of civilians, refusal to allow in aid, targeting of hospitals, schools, ambulances, all forms of infrastructure and worst of all, (in my opinion), homes and individuals. All this whilst claiming that they seek a cease-fire.

In my view, the US Government could have stopped this conflict months ago by immediately ceasing to fund or send weapons to Israel and by voting with nations such as South Africa to indict Netanyahu and his co-aggressors at the UN.

The US Government could still do so but, on the contrary, has just voted another $20 billion arms deal with Israel.

However, it is simplistic to hurl blame at Biden. Biden is not the demagogue that some in the role of POTUS have been. The Zionist lobby both directly on the government and indirectly through its power within corporations and such is extremely strong and influential in pushing US policy in the directions that suit it. When one considers the way in which the Gun Lobby through the NRA has successfully countered any attempts to rational restriction of gun access in the US, it is not hard to understand how the much stronger Zionist/Jewish lobby can exert such influence on government. When that is allied to the 'self preservation first; views of the GOP and its indecent support of a megalomaniac autocrat who is as close to a dictator as we have seen in US politics, the course of the government is more readily understood and, as I see it, Biden even as President has been and is limited in what he can do particularly without control of both Congress and Senate.

So, though I agree with the moral arguments made by so many in this thread and most other comments they have made, I do consider it a mistake to 'point the finger' so furiously at Biden. In my view a much more productive, (though I don't say necessarily successful), action would be for everyone who is literate enough and articulate enough to lobby local, state and federal politicians of all persuasions with a rational demand that the US Government stop support for Israel and demand also an immediate withdrawal of the IDF from Gaza and the West Bank, including the removal of all illegal settlers there and accountability for those that have attacked Palestinians, destroyed their homes and orchards and burned their vehicles.

Instead of the divisiveness that has become a characteristic of politics and social discourse in the US, it needs a concerted effort to bring everyone - or at least as many as humanly possible - to vote in favour of peace, stability, equity and dialogue rather than aggression. Such a process would not only help the Palestinian people but the people of the US as well.

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Thank you, Omar Baddar ❣️

Biden's refusal to honour public opinion, any concept of decency, international law OR American law, is irredeemable. It has been a wholly intentional, wholly unforgivable, prolonged commission of the world's worst crime.

Biden is not only criminally complicit. Biden is not only an accomplice to crimes against humanity. Biden is as guilty of perpetrating this genocide — the worst crime mankind can commit — as Netanyahu & his criminal Knesset.

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Well said.

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I agree. Netanyahu is another Trump...running from the consequences of his crimes. I don't support either of these men.

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Biden himself is a criminal that will go down in history as responsible for 21st. Century holocaust…

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No he won't.

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Yes he will.

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Biden’s Lamenting is just for us to think that he is doing something to stop the Genocide ….He always mumble something every time he sends a big packages of Huge Quantities of WMDs to the Zionists …along with 20 or 30 Billions of Hot Dollars….Just Borrowed from the regular lenders ….and the Extremist who Harass the People and Killed more than 600 people in the West Bank, in Addition to 40,000 people in Gaza, mostly Children …they all know when Biden Mumbles something to pacify the American Youth and Children Horrified by the Genocide and Slaughter in Palestine. Biden knows what he has been doing not just since October 7, but during the entire time Biden in Politics and doing Pork Barrel Politics Leading to his Canonization as a Zionist in Jerusalem with a Commitment by the Zionists to Make Human Sacrifices in Biden’s Name ! So…that Promise continues and the Human Sacrifices Continues in Palestine !

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