Jul 3Liked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

This is nearly the same discussion I am having with folks in several friend groups. While Rome burns the punditocracy and Dems want to try and convict Joe for being old instead of focusing on the real criminality of the twice impeached, convicted felon who is a one man crime wave, as Joe pointed out.

I despair for our country.

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Jul 3Liked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

I voted for Joe in the primaries, which he won across the country. Hearing/reading about the pundits saying Joe must go, I’m reminded about the 2020 elections where republicans took cases to court essentially saying our votes didn’t count. In my mind the pundits have joined the authoritarian/facism republic in their push to ignore and invalidate the choice of the voters.

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How do you feel about Kamala being coordinated then?

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That's funny coming from the left who routinely try to pull Trump from ballots. It's a safe bet if you accuse the conservatives of something then you are currently engaged in it.

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“routinely” 🙄

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Oh dear God please forgive me I'm sorry I spelled something wrong

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You got that backwards.

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I’ve unsubscribed from the Bulwark, here and on YouTube. But I am still a member I guess for an another few days. So today I had to block their emails and label them spam. The deus ex machina mode, the fury they have about Biden, the further platforming of Putin’s wet dream, I just can’t anymore. I might as well be looking at the NYT. It’s the same playbook that maga used and is still using. Say something often enough, say how voters hate Biden, say how no one will support Biden, no one will turn out, and voila, you have reset reality. You guys worked for Republicans, you were Republicans. You deliberately looked away from the rising fascism. Now you’re superior to Dems? I think not.

Ruth Ben-Ghiat states the goal of fascism is to wear the non fascist down, to make us feel so terrible and hopeless that we stay home. But it’s not the fascists wearing me down. It’s our side. They are the ones filling me with angst and sadness.

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Amen. Yes, yes, yes! The world is burning. Pay attention, people. Biden’s age means nothing.

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Hi RmT, oh my; it looks like I hit a nerve. Vote or whom you wish. I will do the same.

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“for” not “or”

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When does Bret "Bedbug Stephens weigh in?

Gawd I hate the NYT. They did this same shit to Clinton.

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This is the perfect truth .

The overall BS for the most arrogant in the minority group ever .

To be lectured by Kevin Robert’s , of the Heritage Foundation , tells us a few things.

He is white , wealthy and whacked .

He has suddenly the authority to tell Americans , supporting our Constitution, which this country was founded on , to get in the groove with fascism, or, we will pay a terrible price.

I believe we already are but I know it can get much worse.

We’ve spent the past eight years being jerked around by the Liars .

They attempted to overthrow a free and fair election.

They engaged militant gangs to assault police at the session of Congress for the purpose of certifying the election of Joe Biden as president of the United States .

Police were killed by these fascist Maga groups . People were injured. Our Historic seat of government was destroyed in some areas . The Magas that produced this chaos and killing were sanctioned by Presidential Liar in Chief .

He encouraged these criminals to go to Congress and wreak havoc , they eagerly obliged.

Thank goodness no one in their right mind could call this an official act .

Oh … the far right Supreme Court has also not only allowed this but encouraged and protected Trump.

Remember , Vladimir Putin is at the helm of this twisted plan .

Trump is happy to oblige because he’s afraid of falling out a tenth story window , afraid of heights you know.

This must be stopped .

Remember Putin has been known to say the U S will be destroyed from within.

The Supreme Court and Donald Trump are seemingly happy to oblige .

Don’t let’s forget Kevin Robert’s.

Another very confused white wealthy fellow who will create a blood bath if we don’t go right along with their plan for their New Order, 2025 .

They are working hard to make that destruction permanent .

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This is a little late, but I still have the Bulwark on my podcast feed, though not for much longer. I moved 500 miles yesterday into today so I was catching up on a few. I noticed JVL and Sarah had one with how they aren’t taking the reactions they are getting from a ton of people who are really upset with their calling for Biden to step down. I admit I didn’t listen, it was in the title!

And I thought, I don’t care if either of you are upset. I personally said things like stop with the bed wetting and use your platform like a sledgehammer on Donald, but I didn’t call them names for goodness sake! They are public figures who make a living now off mostly Dems who have welcomed them into our community, into our party, if they were interested. Sure, a few old guard conservatives might listen, and I honestly don’t know how many independents do. But I imagine a lot of Dems and what independents they have are as dumbstruck by their obtuseness as I am. I don’t want their detractors cursing them or saying anything that could be interpreted as remotely threatening.

But if they are upset over what I’m sure are 50% “stop being bedwetters” statements, then they should find another line of work. This is not just politics, this next election is for the literal definition of the U.S. Even if Biden wins, the next midterms and the next Presidential and every Senator race will be a decision between democracy and Project 2025, because it’s not going anywhere for a long time.

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This is seriously dumb honestly. You leftist will spout the biggest bunch of lies. By the way it's you guys who are the violent extremists.

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You surely realize that you are here, trolling nonsensical accusations to people who have the evidence to prove you wrong. What makes you embarrass yourself this way and have you considered seeking the help of a cult deprogrammer? They are available and there’s an ICD code for insurance coverage.

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I'm pretty sure no one here has evidence to do s***. And and most assuredly not in a cult, I have common sense that's what sets me apart from you and all of the other dumbasses on here that actually believe garbage that comes from the leftist media.

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Really who went after Congress with weapons and destruction . You have believed the MAGA BS.

It’s not true . And pointing false fingers doesn’t make it true .

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No one went after congress with weapons and destruction you retard and everybody in the f****** world knows it's the goddamn leftists that are the f****** violent extremists it's pretty f****** obvious.

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