Excellent breakdown of the latest trump shitshow. Thank you for your work. You’ve been speaking truth about trump and his cult since his horrible racist rant at his campaign announcement speech nine years ago. Nine years of his ugliness. Shew! Hopefully the end is in sight. Not of the Republican Fascist Party of course, that will take time, but of trump. If we can relegate him to the loser side yet again maybe, just maybe, the mainstream media will stop covering him ad nauseum. Maybe. In the meantime I will read your work for the truth, the clarity of the issues and the humor. Thanks again.

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I’m surprised that you, an intelligent Black man, did not know that someone can turn black or Black. It probably takes a very big brain, the biggest brain (with the best words), to grasp the existential meaning of Donald’s statement. It is quite esoteric and difficult for me to explain. Mainly because I have a smallest brain with the smallest words. I did watch the interview today… why in the hell would anyone vote for this thing? He knows nothing. Just blabs. When he shook her hand I cringed for her. My lord, our country is in trouble.

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Drumpf and his followers are in trouble, the rest of us are ok.

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The transition from Indian to Black occurred quickly. Like today, when Demented Donald introduced us to this novel concept. I’m sure the Vice President missed the transition entirely, being busy eviscerating Donald.

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Coming from a person who for years claimed he was Swedish, and whose family name was actually Drumpf, it probably makes sense.

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The 'interview" was astounding. Astounding. Shame on Fox host Faulkner for calling him "Mr President" and not punching back to his lies. She showed exactly who she is, and where Fox is.

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Every road trump tries to go down is closed to xenophobic, racist conmen. He's finding it out the hard way. The spaghetti isn't sticking. Kamala Harris is far too bright and worldly for a bungling clown like dj trump. Independents that he needs to convert have left their racism behind in the 1980s. Racists in this country have all joined the Republican Party long ago. The racism and misogyny still works well with them, but there aren't nearly enough of them voting for trump or any modern day Repub to win elections if, and let me stress IF DEMOCRATS and moderate independents go to the polls like they should. Hopefully, this November election will be the last one where a right wing racist and misogynist will ever be able to run for any major office in this country. Hopefully, donald j. trump will be the one who causes Americans to vociferously reject racism, xenophobia and misogyny in an overwhelmingly loud and powerful voice, and Kamala Harris will be the multi-racial woman who sees that it happens in November, and we are the voters who rush to the polls in gate crashing numbers to elevate her to the presidency, and makes it clear to everyone that those kinds of hate and bias will not fly in this country ever again. I'm counting on it! Im voting on it!

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I’m partial to unfrozen caveman lawyers. (Cavemen lawyers ?)

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Zoot, alors! Egads. Whatever will we do? Not only did Biden sic her on Trump but she changed from Indian to Black...or is it Black to Indian?...or...

Ya gotta admit. Trump is more than weird. He's downright creepy.

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Watching the Olympics, I marvel at the diversity of our beautiful athletes. Black, white, Hispanic, Asian or Indian they all wear USA on their clothing. Why is it so hard for people to see that it is our diversity that has made us a great nation?

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I'm also confused like he is, because I thought that a bottom feeding scumsucking orange troll "man" could not ttansform into a lowly bloviating mobbed up blob, stuffed into a cheap suit, who uses his mouth parts to belch lies and slurs! Wow! Which is he now?

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The VP looks just like her father and her sister, Maya, looks just like her mother. So cute 🌹❤️💯

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Thank you, this is great.

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His father was a racist and he followed in his footsteps.

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I agree with April Ryan and many others that there was no justification for giving him a forum in front of the National Association of Black Journalists. He has repeatedly insulted and denigrated Black people, women and journalists in particular. The NABJ made it possible for him to get the attention he has been missing since Kamala became the presumptive nominee by showing him insulting and belittling the moderator and the Democratic candidate for president. Whoever made the decision to invite him should be removed from leadership in that organization. How disgusting!

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My Very Best Wishes to Shyamala Gopalan and Donald Harris !

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Nailed it. His racism keeps flowing.

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