Thanks, Waj.

I will NEVER understand why people voted for Donald and I will NEVER OBEY him or any of his minions!

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The POS should be in prison.

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Like RIGHT NOW ALONG WITH MUSK and other traitors!!!!

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I'm not happy about the sentencing either, but at least he's officially a felon now. That's something. And it was appropriate to be civil at Carter's funeral.

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exactly, at least it's on the record for posterity. something...the bar is low.

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You’re correct. Democrats taking ALL the WRONG lessons from the election. Absolutely disgusting and disheartening! Turning on immigrants, sucking up to trump.


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I don't want any damned body telling me to be civil to a POS who's busy shitposting while California burns. People have fled for their lives, people have died, people have lost everything, and all that GelatinousMass can think of is making political hay out of their ordeal.

Never thought I would applaud Karen Pence, but my hat is off to her for the liquid nitrogen freeze she delivered to Orange and the woman he pays to play his wife.

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Reading your columns is like a breath of fresh, unpolluted air! Thank you,

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I cannot absorb the fact that he is given keys to the white house. He and his ilk compromised our country in his last term selling who knows what private security codes, etc to Russia and his son in law was also complicit and who knows what he sold to orher countries. NOW E. Musk will be in the white house a known Nazi!. Explain this to ME????? DEMOCRATS and others need to unite and STOP this from happening. You've compromised OUR Country!!!! The hell with laws now YOU have put the entire world in jeopardy!!!!

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Remember, it was the 6 million Dem voters who stayed home this time who elected Our Mad King (wannabe) Donald the 1st. He is not my king.

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Like I said before I love Michelle Obama but I never agreed with her about when they go low we go high. I personally am they go low I take us both to hell. I am petty like that 🤣🤣. Nah fam I am good with giving you respect for respect and disrespect for disrespect I don't play nice and civil with people who mean harm to my family, friends, loved ones and community. My community is very diverse and we unfortunately will suffer the next ever how long the KKK has power. We also are a poor community in a red state who depends on social services to survive we have no cushion to pad our landing once this plane we all are on crashes.

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If you’re not a billionaire, you’re at a great disadvantage and you’re not welcomed at the table!

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What are they thinking. Can't they feel the pain of the country

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"In front of Trump, there was Kamala Harris seated with her husband, and she also had to be “civil” and graceful to a man who questioned her Blackness and ran a campaign of racism and misogyny"

Happens to brown people every day. Ugh.

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I don't blame Obama for acting civil at the funeral, just as I don't blame Harris and Mrs. Pence and the Bushes for ignoring the fpotus. They weren't so unlucky to have to sit next to the thing. It was President Jimmy Carter's national funeral, ffs. As for the rest of us, Hell No, I won't be civil to maga'a and appeasement media's posturing, outrage, lies, and insanity. And I don't expect anyone who knows the fpotus is a serial criminal to be civil, either. What a travesty and embarrassment for our US to have such an inhumane, intolerant, irrational, ignorant bully be our commander in chief. Call out his nefarious actions; riducule him relentlessly; hound him and his minions in government and out of it with constant truth against their lies; write ceaselessly to our congress people to oppose his every corrupt and oligarchial move. We must take our democratic republic back from the perils of authoritarianism.

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The only reason the Supreme Court didn’t block any kind of conviction is because they were assured there would be no punishment. Otherwise they’d have happily ruled Trump entirely immune to the whole “rule of law” deal. This allows them to keep pretending that “equality under the law” bullshit actually exists.

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I’m older, &in professional situations I use honorifics. Have respected the title.

However, there were safe guards that could have been in place to keep Trump from running again. We shouldn’t be in this situation.

Not only should Trump not be in office, his chosen cabinet nominees are so awful I can’t help but wonder if this is a middle finger to America.

As much as possible we should ignore them&treat these people with the respect their credentials&experience deserve.

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#45, is a convicted criminal no matter what the justice system says. We will not forget how the poor are treated by this same, disgraceful justice system.

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