I really appreciate Jamaal Bowman and will be really sad that he will not still be there next January. Hopefully it will be possible for him to try again in two years. We really need people like him, and progressives like him in our government.

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Jamaal Bowman has actual integrity. He's genuinely trustworthy. Is New York really too stupid to grab onto him with both hands?

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After this long and uninterrupted attack on Latimer that includes unfair and unbalanced attacks about racism (while ignoring Bowman’s equally weird gaffes and turns of phrase about Jews), the essay wraps up describing the result of this election as a “scalp” - a genuinely racist term that the author would clutch his pearls in offense at if it came out of Latimer’s mouth.

This Substack’s gonna be weird, isn’t it.

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The "scalp" was a direct quote that was linked.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24

America has often exposed itself as racist, bloodthirsty & psychopathic, but America has never before exposed how PITIFUL it is. It's on its knees, bowing & scraping to a country that openly MOCKS the fact — FACT — that Israel PUPPETS the US & AIPAC OWNS every level of US government.

As for Hillary Clinton: Hillary has never met a racist dog whistle that she didn't love. Or blow.

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Hi Waj! :) This is my first comment, although I subscribed for the whole year as soon as I heard you were starting this awesome Substack! I like the title a lot, too! I think I'm going to really enjoy reading your work. This article was so powerful (and scary - those AIPAC assholes!!). Gawd only knows where all of this is gonna end up, but I'll stick with you for the telling of the real truth. Have a great day and see you on the Nerds tomorrow. /Maddy

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I really like this newsletter. I like another newsletter that relies heavily on video and it’s just not what I come to Substack for. You’re really offering strong, powerful, informative missives on here. Here for it. Thanks.

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They always shit on the progressives🤬 It's infuriating because, unlike the white moderates, MLK had some words about them, the progressives are legitimately working for us! Do you recall the issues with the first inception of the Build Back Better bill? They couldn't get it passed with all the nice things for women and children so they split it in half. The BBB and the infrastructure bill. Biden said he wouldn't sign one bill without the other. He lied🤬 Everyone and their dog were criticizing the progressives for trying to fight back. That getting the infrastructure bill passed was more important than helping women and children.

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I don’t believe Biden lied. He was TWO VOTES SHORT for the entire package. The two votes: Manchin and Sinema. I hate them forever, but thank goodness they will soon be gone. They weakened and forced many things out of the BBB package, and Biden /Schumer/everyone else had no choice but to accept their changes because TWO VOTES SHORT of passing the entire thing. Arrrrrrgh!!!

Manchin and Sinema also refused to abolish or modify the 60 votes filibuster cudgel in order to pass voting laws, reproductive freedom laws, anything not 51 votes reconciliation laws.

Which suited the Republicans just fine! Only one Republican was interested in a voting rights law, Murkowski, and only two Republicans were interested in reproductive freedom laws, Murkowski and Collins.

That would have been enough to pass the laws if only a simple majority was allowed. And you only need a simple majority to stop making it be required for any specific law or just in general. But Manchin and Sinema have steadfastly refused. And so we are stuck. Until the next Congressional session hopefully!

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Look, if it's not Manchin or Sinema, there will always be someone to stop us from getting nice things. We lost Roe. We still don't have universal healthcare. Citizens United hasn't been legislated out of existence, like it should have been. Andd the Fairness Doctrine that Reagan repealed, still hasn't been updated for cable/streaming and re-legislated. They don't work for us, they work for their corporate masters, Wall Street. Only the progressives are on our side and there are only a handful of them in Congress. They are always outnumbered even though progressive policies are ridiculously popular nationwide. George Carlin nailed it here.


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*And. Ugh, why do some comment threads have an edit capability and others don't?

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Biden lied. He said he wouldn't sign one without the other. He did so anyway. No more excuses. The neoliberals, Biden is one, hate the progressives and their policies. Biden is friends with Manchin🤮 He's also friends with McConnell. They're all wealthy, white men who give not one fuck about us.

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He has signed some of the most progressive laws since the New Deal era and if not for the two votes he could have passed much more. So long as he still has a Senate majority in January, he is poised for passing many more.

Being work friends with your coworkers is a way to help make the work go smoother and to be able to pass more things.

In 50 years, Manchin went from being one of several conservative Democratic and Republican conservative Senators, to being the only conservative Democrat left in the Senate, if not Congress entirely.

The Republicans repeatedly invited him to caucus with the Republicans and that is one thing that Manchin has going for him, even though he is now nominally an Independent. He still refuses that, and is still caucusing with the Democrats, helping preserve a Democratic Senate majority.

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No he hasn't🤣

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He literally has. Just because he isn't doing everything that you have in your wish box, does not mean that he has not made significant accomplishments. At the end of the day, you have to make two vitriolically opposing sides agree to produce meaningful legislation.

While I do not agree on our unconditional support for Israel, there is really no rational approach from the other side that could potentially be implemented.

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Biden can end the genocide with one PHONE CALL. He absolutely can tell Bibi to stand down and get out of Palestine or he'll pull their funding. He is CHOOSING NOT TO.

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No he literally hasn't 🤣 No voting rights. No right to an abortion. Democrats had 50 fucking years to codify Roe. No universal healthcare. Biden would veto any such legislation. What accomplishments🤣 I've voted Democrat all of my voting life and things have only gotten WORSE. Now, either the Democrats are weak and feckless or they're COMPLICIT. Neither option is good.

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