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Sep 7Liked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

Excellent episode. For your amusement, I misread a title about Vance. I thought it said “Vance and autofascism”. What is that? Is it similar to autoeroticism? How can someone be a fascist to themselves?. Naturally, I went back to look. I was sorely disappointed to find the article was about Vance and Austrofascism.

As to your podcast, I was glad the zHarris/Walz team was investing in down-ballot races. I might point out that winning the Presidency but losing the House and/or Senate would make governing virtually impossible. Easier if it’s not Trump-backed candidates winning, but still…

I also wanted to underscore the importance of this secretive Christian Nationalist movement. It may be tied to Project 2025, but it is a money-making juggernaut. I advise everyone to read Anne Nelson on this topic as I think you have previously advised us to do. Both groups are very scary.

I was shocked that code-shifting should be alien to anyone. We all do it, and most of us know it. I only run to a Scottish accent, a foreign language, work and home. Though I think I also shift between friend groups. But the general vacuity of some people continues to amaze me.

My horror from this week (other than everything Vance says) is the attitude of the courts toward Trump. Pardon me for living, but since when does a convicted felon get his sentencing postponed? Is it fairness to the people not to let us know before the election? To some Republicans in particular, his being found guilty of crimes and being sentenced is going to decide their vote. It is providing a permission structure for some people to vote for the orange man despite their doubts.

I hope at some point soon Trump’s lawyers will be called out for wasting court time with their impossible appeals, or their citations of Clarence Thomas dicta. Next they’ll be citing Ginni Thomas. All lawyers have to take Professional Conduct, and these guys are walking a fine line. Nobody wants to call out Trump or his team because it might be unfair to Trump. If they don’t it is unfair to the rest of us. At least Judge Chutkan has a sense of perspective, not that we will discover much before the election.

Thank you as always, and keep fighting the good fight.

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