
People should use the term provided they know what it means. People frequently use the term to mean any number of things. They would be well served to read your article.

I wanted to add a few details that I think are important. It wasn’t just the Jews. The Nazis hated the Slavs and called them vermin. This was in an attempt to lessen their humanity because Hitler wanted to seize their lands for Germany to have Lebensraum. And there were the intellectuals (professors, artists, musicians, philosophers, writers, the communists, the Poles, suspected foreign agents, all manner of people. The point is that only Nazis in good standing without any detectable trace of Jewish blood were safe, and even that did not always hold. In the Night of the Long Knives, Hitler had his minions kill all his military people, he didn’t want them to turn on him, and he wanted to spark fear into the populace—particularly those around him. So if you think a fascist Donald Trump would not come after you because you are not an immigrant or a Jew, think again. Your number could come up at any time. Stalin showed us how it was really done. He starved millions of Ukrainians, used his people as cannon fodder when Hitler attacked, and carried off the Great Terror. In the case of the latter, he sowed fear and doubt among all citizens regardless of background. They could be charged by anyone out of nowhere for not supporting the regime. If you were picked up in a Black Maria in the middle of the night. you were unlikely ever to be seen again.

Maintaining power solely through force isn’t easy. Just ask Putin.He owns all sources of news and information. All unfriendly outfits have been shut down. And he is forcing the population to fight in Ukraine. They tend not to return. Their economic situation grows worse as the war goes on, and he needs money to prosecute the conflict. Benefits: 0; costs: great. So bear that in mind when you think about DJT. Remember, Putin is his hero.,

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I'm running out of words to describe how I feel about this mess that we are in. First, I believe that the Evangelio's have played a big part in supporting Sludge Trump. Second, The Pasty Mask Musk is as well with his billions. And thirdly our government is allowing an individual with a criminal background to run for the highest office in the nation which makes no sense to me at all considering he will have all codes and secrets relating to America's safety. What has happened to our America?

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Well said, Waj. I’m becoming increasingly anxious about the entire situation. I find some people’s comments inscrutable. And I hope not too many people sit out the election or go third party because we need a Democratic victory this year to save democracy.

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yes. this election is not ranked choice voting… which of the two candidates who might gain the 270 plus electoral college votes do you prefer? 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊

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Absolutely right. MAGA is fascist to the core.

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What I’m looking for is the Democrats using the “G” word. Genocide

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"Fascism" has lost its meaning. While it is true that Dems and corporate media could call what you describe, naming it "fascism" robs it of the force needed to change peoples' minds.

Let's say I'm writing a resume. If I say, "exceptional communication skills," that may be both true and succinct. But if I'm a hiring manager, I don't want the couple of words that describes a constellation of attitudes and behaviors. I want examples. I want specifics.

So as much as I agree with the sentiment, I disagree with your conclusion. I think Dems and the legacy media should NOT be using shorthand like "Project 2025" and "fascism". I think they should say things like "elitist," "anti-American," "radical," "like a king," "designed to steal money from the people and give it to billionaires and big corporations," "ultra-right-wing," "what Americans fought against in WWII."

There are plenty of other words that fit. Yes, it's fascism. For me, that's like calling someone an "asshole." It conveys something, but it's used so much that it no longer carries any but the tiniest meaning. It also says, "I'm speaking to people who will agree with me and know what I mean, in Colbert's "truthiness" - it's right in my guts even if not in my head."

That's why Walz was successful with "weird" and why "shameless" and "unqualified" and "too old" resonate.

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Radical? The labour movement and civil rights were considered "radical" at one point in history. The meaning of radical can change over time. The meaning of Fascism doesn't change. I respectfully disagree. Fascism IS the right word. No amount of projection from Donald and MAGA calling "the radical Left" Fascists, will ever change the true, alarming meaning of the word.

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Oct 17·edited Oct 17

Trump is calling Harris a "fascist." Sure, it has a real meaning. Do you think people hearing that are going to be moved when Harris uses it to describe Trump?The word no longer works as a rhetorical/political device outside of people who already know that Trump is a failing narcissist. I take your point on "radical."

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They should be using Project 25 a lot more. Attach Insane Clown to it the more he disavows it make him take ownership of it. Where is Insane Clown on abortion or anything else?

Wherever Project 25 says he should be is where he will end up.

Walz is turning out to be a disaster. The last anyone saw of him he called himself a knucklehead. Weird has kind of faded into oblivion and so has he.

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Unless they talk about specific negative proposals in Project 2025, it's useless. Instead of "bogeyman Project 2025", say, "they want to take contraception away."

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I just don't understand and why is our government and legal system risking putting our America in the hands of a maniac. This is nothing but insane thinking on the part of our government. Who do we have to turn to? I'm sorry, but it's terrifying and I'm not afraid to tell you so.

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I can’t wait for DonOLD to end up like Mussolini - hanging upside down in the town square.

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Or at least in a concrete prison cage having to barter for survival with those who function at his criminally insane capacity.

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Fascist dictator who is trying to destroy our democracy. Thanks for this, Waj.

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It's an opportune time to educate the magas, to let them know that their votes and showing up at rallies and blowing their paychecks on T memorabilia will not spare any of them in the end. Trump has never protected anyone. He's incapable. But if anything about any maga rankles him, they will be roadkill for his golfcart. Providing such a warning is the last kind thing I will ever do for a maga should they re-elect him.

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They send Insane Clown all their money. Then they bitch that they have no money.

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I've called it for 2 years. Therefore, I went to work to prevent it. I can fix this legally if I can get a 1 hour show. I even provided an excerpt on my free Substack (Tony’s Substack). I promise you. I got the answer.

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Need more teaser than that.

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1 hour and you will see.

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We are from the so-called third world country, watching Amrika destroying itself, from within. Just sit back and relax … enjoying our ginger tea.

It is sad that Amerika, which has been blessed with wealth and power, is unable, or too sick, to treat the world with kind, then the world will not treat them with kind, just like those hurricanes … and it’s going to be too late to react or respond.

Many Amerikans do not know nor understand their own problems much less the wold, or simply just choose to look away. But they know every single statistical number and historical detail on their baseball team. Their critical thinking skill has been reduced to baseball analyst, if there is some left. Most Amerikans do not know where Vietnam or Finland on the map, including Amerika politicians, but they certainly have a lot to say about world politics.

Change is coming, change in perception or world view, slowly but surely, whether they pay attention or not, whether they decide to ignore it. It will arrive at their doorsteps sooner than they think.

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Insane Clown called himself The Father Of IVF. He should be called The Father Of Presidential Immunity. I told Kinzinger that on his Substack and he said it was awesome I thought he would run with it on CNN and elsewhere but never did.

Attach Insane Clown to Project 25. Make him take ownership of it the more he tries to disown it. Any time he tries to sound moderate like abortion or IVF or anything else he is full of shit. His position is whatever Project 25 tells him it is.

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Thanks, Philip Schaffner. Glad some are reading this.

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Thank you so much for liking this, peeps.

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Yes FINALLY indeed! I used to love how the trolls over at The Meidas Touch Network would lose their minds when we would type something like "I am Antifa - Anti-Fascist until the day I die!" If you knew history, you were calling it for what it was, years ago.

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