This: “There is a surplus of agony on all sides of the tragic conflict in the Middle East. In a competition of pain, there are no winners.”

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Very powerful line and 100% true.

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“Gaza continues being an inconvenient genocide for the Biden-Harris Administration.”

I wonder how much of an impact this will have on the Harris campaign in November. I, too, doubt she can even touch this issue between now and November. But it would be the right thing to do. It would be a real test of moral leadership and moral courage. It is risky for her campaign, and that risk comes not only domestically but also from Israel.

Netanyahu prefers a second Trump Presidency. He has made that abundantly clear and could take actions or make statements harmful to the Harris campaign if challenged on moral grounds.

Netanyahu had already made statements harmful to Biden over arms shipments before his dropping out of the race.

I am against Israel’s genocide and de facto Apartheid. I support aid organizations in Gaza, such as WCK, but I will still vote for Kamala Harris this November.

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Tim Walz’ children were incredible. Genuine love for thier Dad - and I’m sure their Mom - and appreciation for the life their family has given them. Truly touching

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Walz did a brilliant job, and his son and daughter showed a love and pride that never appeared anywhere during the hate fest.

I can only hope that the catastrophe in Gaza doesn’t cost us Michigan.

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I have no motivation to explain, defend or support the war on Gaza. As is true in general. It is also true that this is Netanyhu's private war.

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It was so moving to see the parents of hostages. I cannot imagine what they are going through and I believe they reminded us all that there are no winners in this current war. Also, the video on J6 got me sad but then immediately angry. That should be aired daily until the election. How can the American public gives this man another chance after he did that to our country? He belongs in prison. We as Americans went through 2 collective tramas back to back. COVID and then J6. We have not thoroughly processed either of those because they linger. I may have missed it but it would be nice if they also addressed COVID during the DNC. I haven't seen every minute so it is possible they had a powerful video on it too.

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Thank you. But Hakeem Jeffries is a terrible speaker. He blew that joke. It should have been dynamic and snappy, but he delivered it as if he were reading an inventory list. Hakeem is not the best the Dems have to offer. Speaker of the House is a powerful position. They need someone good. Jeffries is a plodding, talentless choice.

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The Speaker, ironically, doesn't need to be the best speaker. They need to be the best negotiator and have excellent political timing. Nancy Pelosi always sounded like a SAHM who went to Congress because she was bored and yet she's known to be the best Speaker for what she can get done when no one else could.

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