Good God Wajahat. What a dirty, slimy specimen! Thank you for this article.

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You are so right. Thanks for leading this charge, Wajahat. We need your strong voice these days, so I'm upgrading my subscription to Paid.

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Thanks so much, Deb! Means a lot!

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Thank you for explaining it so clearly. Exactly. Argh.

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Two ways to hurt Musk is don’t buy a Tesla and sell Tesla stock. Then maybe he’ll understand how toxic he is. I’d rather walk than buy a Tesla and support this …

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I’m sorry. This business with Nazi-loving Musk SUCKS. I want him to LOSE his visa OR whatever he has that allows him to EVEN ENTER THE US - MY COUNTRY- EVER AGAIN. He’s right up there with TRUMP THE DUMP. DISGUSTING. Yes I’m shouting. I don’t CARE. OUT OUT OUT.

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I think it should be spread around that Muskrat is HIV positive. I bet Trump would wonder and not want to get to close to him.

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Wajahat - YOU and others like you are the news now. If Mainstream Media had any credibility, the "America First" story would have been understood by the American electorate.

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Nazis. And we only know a tiny bit

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I am an American expat living in Germany. V.P.-elect Vance and Citizen Musk have taken a public position that is deeply offensive to about 80% of German voters. That outsiders would involve themselves at all in German politics is doubly offensive.

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I just upgraded to a paid subscription, Wajahat. If we want the truth from the journalists, we will get it from you and from other excellent writers who post here. I have abandoned the MSM.

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Good article Mr.Ali. The more President Musk speaks and dives into the public forum, the better. Many people suspected his motives, he will confirm what he stands for every week.

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Dec 22Edited

Thank you for giving up your time off to bring us this

I've shared it with the readers on Wonkette

From Jamelle Bouie

"when you have anti-DEI proponents openly going after black military officers for recruiting from HBCUs and suing schools for their black and Hispanic enrollment *even after the schools ended any racial preferences* then the only honest label for these people is "segregationist""


"I genuinely think we should start calling businesses and schools falling to the anti-DEI movement “segregationists” because they are re-segregating. And earlier rounds of segregationists *also* explained their preferred policy in race-neutral terms (“state’s rights” and “freedom of association”)."


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Why are these men still in America? Please take your wives and leave if you don't prefer our politics.

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Show love to the muskrat,

Make the Vance dance

With left, right hooks, uppercut

To the pair, whenever they prance.

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The action which is demanded of America is for Department of Justice to stand up as the Enforcement Arm of the Constitution.

Demonic trump's Confession of what he will do once seated are Treasonous acts, by definition. It is the same as threatening to kill your boss, when you become boss. He promise to abolish the Constitution and the Presidency, in favor of a Dictatorship. Those are Treasonous statements to the highest degree of crime.

Joe Biden is the President who holds all the Jurisdictions from the Supreme Court Opinion, granting the Office of the Presidency, Absolute lmmunity, not Demonic trump.

Therefore, it made Joe Biden The King, and The President of the United States.

There is not any law and procedures of law that transfers Joe Biden, as King back, to any other Presidency. His Authority is out of and above the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, and the Constitution.

Joe Biden must use this authority, as King, in the best interest of the Country and our partnerships international. Our NATO, Leadership is based upon World Democracy.

Joe Biden never has to obtain approval as King from both sides, as he's done faithful in the Interest of America, for 50 years. Demonic trump, as a Confessed Dic'tator, would use this power not as a King, but as a Dictator, for the destruction of America and NATO partnerships and more so, leadership. Acts of Treason, can not be sold upon a vote.

Treason, is always the highest crime under the Constitution, and the NATO Alliance. Never is the Surrender of Democracy, the Axiom of freedom, sold upon a vote. Democracy isn't optional, nor availability under the Constitution for sale.

This, is the Legacy of the President who became King, signed, sealed and delivered. It must be a Legacy in triumph over a legacy of Demonic trump, a Felon who Confess to assuming the title of Dic'tator over a Confederate of States.

Joe Biden, The President, and as America King, of the most powerful Country ever, and the World, it is demanding for you to Declaration Demonic trump, as being an unqualified criminal, unable to meet the terms of the Oath of the Presidency.

KING/President Joe Biden, as Commander-in Chief, with the endorsement of, and with the DOJ, must charge Demonic trump with Treason, in addition to his other outstanding charges, and jailed, because Democary here and abroad, matters. The World demand a cure, not a crowning, of the Beast of Revelation 13. His time and time ½, 42 months, has already been spent in 2016.

The President has honor the horrible ruling of the Supreme Court, in Dobbs, Therefore, you must honor this ruling, in trump., granting Joe Biden, as the only American King. It is demanded that you likewise, by doing as a true King would do, in the best interest and, in unity with the Presidency of the Country, and leader of the free World.

There is not a method removable, or transferable of the Authority granted to you, only.

The Good of the Country, and the Good of the World demands it today.


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Sadly, Sunday football nails it. We live in a world where entertainment literally trumps decency. "Oh, but MUMP is so fun to watch." Zeesh.

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Alarmingly frightening how far President Muskrat is willing to go with his propaganda machine. The US oligarchy was only the beginning

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