I'm sorry, but those willing to sacrifice trans rights, whether out of ignorance or moral cowardice, cannot pretend to be liberals.

Feeding bigotry strengthens illiberalism.

It's a form of appeasement, and appeasement always strangles democracy.

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Authoritarian bullies cause chaos and destruction of AMERICA by pitting us against each other. The tyrants hate everyone . "THEY came for my neighbors and then they came for my friend then they came for me . " This is a quote I heard the other day. It's horrifying .

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This is excellent, terrifying, and so helpful. Thank you both!

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What rights do trans not have that everyone else does?

Forcing people to see you & accept you as the opposite sex or a fabricated gender is not a human right.

It is not a human right to force others to lie on your behalf.

It is not a human right to identify into another demographic.

Being included in gays' & lesbians' dating pools isn't a human right.

Taxpayer-funded “affirming care”aka harmful puberty blockers and surgeries aren’t a human right.

Never being "misgendered" isn't a human right.

Never having the motives behind your transition questioned isn't a human right.

Men competing against women isn't a human right.

Access to single-sex spaces for the opposite sex isn't a human right.

Human rights aren’t ”rights” when they erode or take away another persons rights.

Protect Women & Children from toxic gender Ideology…


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I love Chai Talk.

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All bullshit

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I once played guitar for a local church service. For about a year, we had a trans woman play with us. She was actually really good looking and played a mean guitar. She was scared off by the first Trump administration, but for a while she found a safe place that looked at her for what she could do. All this hate is rather stupid and reminds me of the AIDS crisis on the 80s. I was asked how my church felt about AIDS, and my response was “I’m not sure AIDS isn’t the leprosy of our time.” Now we have another test with how we treat trans people.

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