I think she knows. Hecklers are still rude. Get behind her and air your grievances privately, after the convention. This type of heckling give your cause a black eye. I think what’s happening in Gaza is horrible and I want it to stop. But if you want Gaza to continue to exist, you’d better think seriously, that democracy works better than whatever Trump would/will do. He’d give all the weapons to Netanyahu to pulverize the people and the city. Then his family could build a disgusting hotel.

I support the ceasefire and all hostages home. I pray that happens everyday.

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Aug 10·edited Aug 10

The only 'hostages' are the tens of thousands of Palestinians held by filthy zionists like you in your rape dungeons. Hamas has every right to arrest any zionist trespasser on Palestinian land. You will pay for this you murdering cunt.

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Nasty name calling does nothing for legitimate discourse. I feel sorry for you.

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Humans don't have 'discourse' with zionists. We warn you, because you WILL PAY for your support for genocide.

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Ok dude. Whatever.

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You filth are committing far worse crimes than the Nazis were ever accused of. We will hunt you to the ends of the earth and make you pay.

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The conflicts between Israel and the Palestinians pre-date 1948 and the creation of Israel. With each new round of violent conflict, the Palestinians are put in a weaker position to negotiate a just and lasting peace, and Israel goes about creating new “facts on the ground” in the form of Jewish settlements considered illegal by the international community. Where this goes next is out of the control of President Biden, Harris, or Trump. Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims in the US must make their votes count. The alternative to Harris-Walz is Trump-Vance. Only Harris-Walz will make an effort to restrain Netanyahu; vote accordingly. When the Israelis vote Netanyahu and his right wing hardliners out of power, the prospects of a lasting peace may improve. Or not.

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lol, total nonsense. Zionist interference in human nations may predate 1948- but it isn't going to be allowed to continue much longer.

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Respectfully, Vice President Harris cannot bring about a cease fire. She doesn't have that power. Israel is an independent nation and Benjamin Netanyahu is for all intents and purposes a dictator in his country and he makes the decisions. What we can hope for is that as President, Kamala Harris will crack down on Netanyahu more, and use the leverage we have by making continued weapons availability dependent on what Netanyahu chooses to do. But if those Democratic voters boycott her and she loses Michigan, and Trump gets the office, you can be rest assured that the Palestinian people will be doomed. This is a binary choice. The Republicans are doing everything they can to rig this election in their favor by how the states count and certify the votes that we cannot afford any defections. That is the harsh reality, whether or not you like it.

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Addendum -- regarding your suggestion as to what Candidate Harris can say -- I believe she has said that already, and I believe that President Biden has stated he will continue to work towards a ceasefire with the goal of that happening before he leaves office. I support President Biden in everything else but his approach to Netanyahu. And I believe that Candidate Harris as President will become her own person regarding the issue. But when I'm seeing others on this thread suggest playing with the vote in this all or nothing election, I find that very upsetting. I believe the protestors should continue to peacefully protest, but find other ways to petition Kamala Harris than interrupting her campaign speeches. This particular time in history cannot bear fooling around with the vote. It just can't. I don't even want to think about what will happen to Gaza and the West Bank if Trump got in. And not only in the Middle East, but also Ukraine. Trump's favorite people Netanyahu and Putin are brutal dictators who will stop at nothing to maintain power, as is true of Trump.

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We also can't ignore the fact that, like Trump, Netanyahu is under criminal indictment in Israel and his only means of avoiding accountability and justice is to cling to power. He has every incentive to keep this conflict going.

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To be honest, I don’t think Michigan is going to be determined by that constituency anymore, anyway. Their flailing around and threats don’t mean nearly as much as when Biden was the candidate. (I don’t think he would have won even with their help, to be honest.)

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Pissrael isn't a nation, you filthy zionist.

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Does anyone know the facts about the protesters interrupting her speech? We’ve already heard the “we think what’s happening in Gaza is horrible and are working everyday to fix if” routine; so what were they hoping Kamala would say or do by continuing to interrupt her after her first polite acknowledgement of them and statement about everyone should have a voice in a democracy? Is it possible they were Trump plants? Is it possible the campaign had inside information about those protesters? I think what I’m trying to say is Kamala is Gaza’s best hope so give her a fucking break! She’s been running for president for 15 god damn minutes while Netanyahu and other US politicians have done nothing for fucking years. So that’s my advice to the Gaza protestors. Jeeezus! Thank you for listening! HOL. Oh BTW, we got a tiny view into how Kamala might be with Bibi; ask nice once and then not take anymore shit! HOL

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I did see one man behind Harris's right should whom I've seen holding signs several times at Trump rallies. He left his position behind her a few minutes after she started speaking.

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OK crackhead

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Wow Really? HOL Wonder if he is undercover secret service.

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I thought about that, and I also thought he may just have needed to get to the men's room.

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Well, after seeing what happened in Arizona today, I guess Wajahat was right and I was wrong! HOL except I think I was right about one thing; we’re all tired about words with seemingly no action. In Michigan it was reported Kamala met with pro-Gaza representatives prior to her rally. Of course that doesn’t mean the protesters during the rally knew that. But I I do think the Biden/Harris administration has been working non-stop on a solution. It’s just hard to understand why it’s taking so long or why they don’t withhold weapons support; perhaps in fear that would send the wrong signal for nearby factions to bomb the hell out of Israel. It’s a complex issue; but I think there’s one thing we can all agree about; Kamala/Walz is Gaza’s best chance; but let’s not count out Biden before his last day on the job

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I'm a rabid fan of Biden and Kamala, but I am utterly confused by their approach to Israel. (Really, it's about Biden since Kamala does not yet have any power. I'm sure she will take a harder line, but that is months away,, and the world cannot wait that long.) Given who Netanyahu is, the only way to break the log jam is to cut off the weapons. I'm aware of the consequences from terrorists and neighbors, and especially Iran. But that is not a good reason to wait. Israel is taking us all to war, with or without our weapons. I believe that, if we cut Netanyahu off from our weapons, the Israeli people will throw him out of office. We can still keep our fleet offshore, as a deterrent to Iran, but we have to stop putting the weapons in the hands of Netanyahu to use at his discretion. Every Palestinian the Israelis kill creates ten more (the victim's family), so Netanyahu's approach simply expands the problem (and keeps him in office). We have to stop this man and quickly, and it is up to office. We and our weapons are the only leverage: the international bodies can do nothing.

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Oh I couldn’t hear what was happening. I thought it was MAGA folks trying to disrupt things.

Trying to get Netanyahu to agree to something is like trying to get Trump to agree to something. I watched a YouTube podcast today with a negotiator in Israel and he’s not having any luck either. As soon as Netanyahu heard he was trying to help the situation, he made him stop. It’s a horrible, disgusting situation. Not just the war, but the way Israel has been illegally occupying Palestinian’s homes for years.

All that said, I don’t think shaming a candidate to get our own Netanyahu elected here is a very good plan. Kamala was right by saying if you want Trump to win just say it because that’s precisely what they were doing.

I can’t even imagine their desperation. They don’t want the war to end, they need it to end.

The video I watched today had news briefs with Netanyahu. He has no plans on stopping. He thinks everything he’s doing is 100% justifiable. There’s something wrong with him. He’s like a man without a soul. And of course, like Trump, everything is someone’s fault, he’s just the victim.

I think an even better plan would be to start her speeches with a statement about Gaza and what they’re working on to prevent any disruption from happening at all during the rally.

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We only have one president at a time. VP Harris's role is to support the President, especially on foreign policy. Right now, our president is doing everything he can, along with our allies, to put pressure on Israel not escalate the current conflict into all-out war with Iran. The president needs to handle foreign policy. The VP needs to focus on winning this election and preventing Donald Trump from returning to the White House and giving Netanyahu the green light to bulldoze Gaza.

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lol STFU zionist

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Aug 14·edited Aug 14

She actually did change her response in the next rally they did - I can't remember if it was Arizona or Wisconsin. How she handled it was very close to your suggestion.

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8

I think she handled that situation exactly the right way. And should continue to do the same towards any future attempts to disrupt her rallies. She's running for president, and the thousands of people who showed up yesterday came to hear the VP and Gov. Walz, not a bunch of disruptive protesters. With respect, those protesters aren't the only people who understand the gravity of what's happening in the Israel-Gaza conflict and want peace. The VP made it clear she respects other people's opinions, but that doesn't give them the right to disrupt her rally.

Secondly, we only have one president at a time, and our current President is running the country and setting foreign policy; our VP has to support the President's policies. He's been pressuring Netanyahu to de-escalate for months and get a peace settlement signed. But instead, Netanyahu killed the leader of Hamas, the lead peace negotiator, while he was a guest of the state of Iran. Now the world is waiting to if a wider war in the region will be the result of Israel's irresponsible action. Which, not coincidentally, happened after Netanyahu met with Trump at Mar-a-Lago.

We ALL want to see peace between Israel and the Palestinians, and to help rebuild Gaza after the fighting stops, but disrupting a campaign rally is as counterproductive as the people who throw tomato soup on priceless artworks to spotlight climate change.

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Shut the fuck up, supporter of zionist rapists.

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Jane - how did you report? I can't find a way to do that. This guy is not just calling vile names, he's making threats.

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Click on the user name; click on the 3 dots next to it; select 'report.'

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Aww, does your pussy hurt, zionist? Justice is coming for you babyrapers.

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When I worked professionally in Israel back in 81, I met and knew people who were against the illegal settlements, and I witnessed violence against Palestinians. I also experienced discrimination against non-Jews, very shocking for me as I had grown up in a NY suburb with a high percentage Jewish population, so the culture felt like"home".

The terrorist organisations must be shut down, but Israel's handling of the war produces more terrorists.

Two state solution NOW!

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From your lips to Kamala’s ears. TY Waj for your courage.

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Zionist pig, you will pay for your rapes of Palestinian children.

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Yes, this absolutely.

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She really should have said something clear and firm about ending Israel’s brutal trapping starving and murdering of innocent children and families, ending their genocidal occupation of Palestine. She cannot hope to get the votes she needs without this. And in Michigan? Blatant disregard for the people she’s speaking to. Im Disappointed. I thought she’d be smarter than that.

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Update: she was VERY clear in AZ - said CEASEFIRE NOW multiple times . I can’t help but have hope 🙏🙏🙏

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You should stop smoking crack.

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Ok. lol. Well a lot has happened since that comment and right now I’m at a full blown F you to Harris and the entire Democratic Party.

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Talk is cheap. If there isn’t a permanent ceasefire and an arms embargo (which is required to actually get a ceasefire) before November, then the genocide is guaranteed to continue until the Palestinians in Gaza are exterminated. I’ll vote for Harris if and only if there is a change in policy — ceasefire/arms embargo. Anything else is a vote to ratify genocide.

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Good thoughts, though I doubt it's enough, because there's no reason for anyone to believe Harris. Or Biden. Palestine is Vietnam in the late '60s. It's El Salvador and Guatemala in the '80s. It's Iraq in the '00s. The US is using a proxy army against Palestine, and Harris is trying to play "good cop" to Biden's "bad cop," at best. But really they are both LBJ, and how many kids did they kill today? That's the literal situation. People will only believe their actions. And until they act to stop the slaughter ... by suspending all weapons and financial and military aid, imposing sanctions and cutting diplomatic ties.... The US could end the massacre quickly, which it backed and enabled all the way. Until there are concrete actions to do so, no one will believe any nice words, which continue to be few and far between even at this late stage.

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All the Politicians in Washington are Con men and Con Women !

Geopolitics is changing while Genocide Biden with a Damaged Brain…

Biden busy with his efforts to Finish the job in Palestine with American Politicians Sponsored Genocide !

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