Jul 18Liked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

The Democrats need to take apart Project 2025 and turn each major component into a hard hitting ad that explains in clear, unmistakable terms what is at stake. Too many people aren’t getting it, and that is in part the fault of the Democratic messaging apparatus.

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Jul 18Liked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

Love seeing you two together again. U-crane!

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The blue falcons (a supposed comrade whose actions harm their friends, often but not always, for their own benefit) in the democratic party need to sit down and shut the f**k up! The base of the democratic party (women) are pissed and are gonna kick you in the balls if you don't stop sabotaging this campaign. Once you are sitting down sniveling and crying we are going to step over your cowardly asses and kick Trump and Vance in the balls until they run away and cry. The women, America know and who make up 90% of the "resistance" are now 2nd class citizens in this country and we know there is NOTHING ahead for us in another Trump term but further erosion of our rights and freedoms. With allies like you, we don't need ENEMIES, you'll happily sell us down the river to MAGA to protect your own asses! See, for you "reproductive healthcare" is an abstraction, mostly. You, unlike every women in your life do not have to think about reproductive health except each time you become a father or a grandfather, if then but your mothers, sisters, nieces, daughters, and girlfriends think about it nearly EVERY DAY of our lives as soon as we hit puberty to the day we die and believe you me, you DO NOT comprehend the depth of fear and rage women are feeling at the betrayal this country has done to us as a gender when Dobbs was overturned. We also KNOW the Trump/Vance ticket are not going to be supporting ANY legislation that will restore our reproductive rights and they will be all in on supporting and passing even more legislation to further control OUR bodies and remove our freedom to make decisions about how we navigate our lives. If you sniveling cowards cannot find the bravery to stand on the front lines in this fight with us, then you need to remove yourself from the field of battle, so the real heros can carry on and win this war!

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What? The base of the Democratic Party are African Americans, more specifically African American women. White women have reliably voted Republican since the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1965.

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That’s right Joseph, but if you’ve been in the rooms and zooms I’ve been in since 2017, you know they are now a filled with late middle aged white women who have finally woke the hell up and are now standing with their black sisters in this party.

But thanks so much for pointing out how we have failed our black sisters and brothers for centuries. But I guess in your book we who have stepped up and recognized our failures as allies cannot now be part of the Democratic Party, hmm?

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I’ve not been in those rooms. But I’ve witnessed “white feminism” and white female racism for generations. White wines didn’t even vote for Hillary Clinton. You may indeed not be one of those women, but there’s little evidence much has changed. Those that have publicly recognized their failure as allies are in the minority. I’m hoping you’re right. I’ll believe it when I see it.

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Thank you for being the level headed people in the room. A lot of other prominent never trumpers went full in on Biden-must-go dogma. I was happy to see Wilson and Michael Steele being resolute in their views of how silly it all is. Wilson: He could cure AIDS and they would say it was bad for him. Then I see this... https://www.fiercebiotech.com/biotech/seventh-person-seemingly-cured-hiv-signs-hope-broader-cure

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And. 62 yo white woman in Bucks County PA. Biden needs to flood social media with Trump memes

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Colin Firth funded at least in part a series of investigations into the differences between conservatives' and liberals' brains. I read a book about it but cannot remember the title. Basically the difference (from what I remember and I read this book several years ago) is that conservatives function in a right/wrong, good/bad, rather rigid world. Liberals have strong opinions but they always leave a little back door ajar in the back of their brain which leaves open the possibility there is something they are missing, so they are always open to being wrong...maybe. And this, I believe, is the reason Democrats are so easy to push around. Now, that's not all Democrats. One Democrat I can name (who I really believe was actually a Republican all her life) doesn't care about being right or wrong; she just cares about winning and will quite literally do anything to do so. Not a liberal. Conservatives use this little gift of liberals being open to the novel, the unknown, etc. against them. So Dems need to understand this is their Achilles Heel and to defend against it.

On the research:


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Here's a better description than mine--the differences (caused by different sized parts of the brain) being between well-developed sense of fear (conservatives) versus well-developed sense of uncertainty (liberals).


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I hear all you are saying and I agree with most, but....I don't think that the democratic party, or the majority of the democratics on the street, or the cowardly republicans, or the powerless independents, or the numerous people who just gave up after the debate and the rulings by the stacked supreme court will prevent this election from going to Trump. My only tiny unlikely hope is that Vance, after being secured by the election, will revert to his prior beliefs. Could he possibly be acting pro-trump now to gain a position with enough power to stop the demise of the US by Trump's evil.

Sorry but I think you guys are wrong. To little to late.

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Mr Ali - it cannot be anyone . You understand this(?) anyone can win - but the candidate ticket that is selected must be beholden and willing to grant access to POTUS for tax cuts , crypto and AI de regulation . This is why Harris is not considered a suitable replacement for Biden.

see the defectors from CA- who they represent , who are their donors.

see the authors on daily kos pulling these threads together - AOC, Sanders

It is not debate perf, poll numbers, fitness to serve BECAUSE they don’t like Harris either.

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Mr Ali please report on the attempted takeover of the Dem party by billionaire tech bros for the purposes of promoting their own very narrow interests which may not be aligned with the Dem voters. It is an attempt to subvert democracy - for tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations , for crypto and AI regulation . We are being duped just as the GOP voters are. Plenty of threads being pulled together, plenty of content already reported on . This is not about Biden Harris ability to win, the polls, or his acuity and mental fitness. They do not want Harris on a ticket either - bc she will not grant them everything they desire just like Biden won’t.

time to focus the narrative on what is really going on and why we’re being divided - to conquer by our own party.

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Rick Wilson is a disingenuous, political hack. Aren’t there better, progressive strategists that would better serve your purpose? This kind of collaboration isn’t helpful. It normalizes and lends credibility to scorched earth arsonists like Wilson.

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Two top guys in my opinion. Thanks!

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I don't get it. Doesn't the leviathan we call government need to be reined in?

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Not sure what you mean by "reined in." Any examples? Bear in mind that a diverse population of 330 million across 50 states might require a sizable bureaucracy to keep traffic moving so all kinds of interests aren't colliding all over the place.

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How can I just copy this video without the article written under it and paste it into Facebook or wherever?

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