Jun 22·edited Jun 22Liked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

As a brief history and description of where we are at right now, this is outstanding and I'll share it widely. How about a Part 2 where the question How Can Palestinians Achieve Freedom? is answered more fully? It was discussed in a bit of a rush in the last few minutes - how about expanding on it? I'm especially interested in what Palestinians want, and I'm not seeing a lot of people talk about that in the media.

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Thanks for watching Laurie. Certainly, 30 minutes is not enough, but I'm glad Omar was game for it. Will continue the conversation.

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Or they could make peace with Israel.

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Excellent interview! I've watched the world ignore the plight of the Palestinians for decades. I've always considered Israel to be an occupying force. I also watched Dean Phillips squirm🤣 Mehdi was brilliant! Thanks you both for getting the facts out.


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So glad you enjoyed the conversation, Jasmine! Please help spread the word.

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I will do🫡😁

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