I hope and pray for Rula and all journalists and truth tellers in Meloni's Italy

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I am watching this mere minutes before Biden's speech starts. I am wondering whether the fact that he isn't running and thus doesn't have to court the Israel Uber Alles vote, will change his public expression; the omnipresent "anonymous sources" have said that he is privately much tougher.

Kamal has huge asset in any pivot--a Jewish husband who has a record of fighting antisemitism. Maybe SHE can get across that condemning a fascist government run by Jews doesn't mean being antisemitic. It is simply being anti-fascist.

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Hello, I love your work. I am Deaf, and both cannot access an audio conversation and would prefer to read a transcript versus captions. Is it possible to generate one, hopefully without too much difficulty? I would be happy to be emailed with such. Thanks so much!!

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hey! i have added subtitles and a transcript! thank you!

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Oh thanks!!

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I'm pro-Palestine, but when talking about Biden or Harris coming out with strong support for Palestine, I believe it should be done in the context of the current political campaign. AIPAC is a powerful organization in the US. They have enough members to impact elections in some places. Any expression of changing the Israel policy, must include the impact of AIPAC, IMO.

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Thank you for this brilliant conversation. Such strong arguments for democracy and a way to change attitudes and policy to stop the genocide of the Palestinian people!

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So much insight and information, and point brought home, if the US$$$ stop, the war stops. Thank you, and yes, stop Facism before it comes to your country or a country near you.

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The only failure has been not finding all the hostages. But I think it makes a good test case for declaring civilians terrorists. There are of course idiots in the West who think they know more than the governments of the 42 or so Muslim countries, NONE of whom will accept a single Palestinian refugee, for excellent reasons. They are disgusting individuals, and they comprise a disgusting culture. People who support them and a second Holocaust are so twisted and delusional they believe doing so is actually signaling virtue. They don't remember world war II when we had a genocide (which is a weak definition and really only means killing a group of people) that used shotguns and flamethrowers and incendiary carpet bombing and nuclear weapons against fascists, and was completely virtuous in liberating death camps created by losers who deluded themselves that they were better than some other group. And shut up disgusting fascists for a good 55 years until Rupert Murdoch shot Fox News out of his diseased rectum. People who support fascists are far worse than German citizenry of the 1930s. They should know better. Hopefully there is an afterlife and they will be at the deepest pit in hell for their moral rot.

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When Israel was forced by US to adopt a temporary ceasefire in November, over 105 Israeli hostages were released. Since then, Israel has refused to do a ceasefire and only 7 hostages have been retrieved. Oh and Israel killed at least 3 of its own hostages. It's a disaster. Bibi needs the war to stay in power. There's a reason why even the family members of the hostages are protesting him.

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Your comments are filled with hatred and misinformation, and they serve only to fuel division and violence. It is essential to address your points with facts and a commitment to human rights and dignity.

Firstly, labeling an entire population as "disgusting" is not only grossly unfair but also deeply dehumanizing. Palestinians, like all people, deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. They have the same rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as anyone else. Demonizing an entire culture based on the actions of a few is the very definition of prejudice. Israelis too deserve to be treated as humans, though not the barbaric Zionists. One cannot blame Judaism for the Zionists, who have done untold harm.

Secondly, equating the suffering of Palestinians to terrorism is a dangerous and unfounded generalization. Many Palestinians are innocent civilians who suffer daily under occupation and have been subjected to numerous human rights violations. International bodies, including the United Nations, have repeatedly called for the protection of their rights.

The comparison you make to World War II is not only historically inaccurate but also morally repugnant. The Holocaust was a systematic genocide that resulted in the murder of six million Jews, among others. Using it to justify contemporary violence and oppression is an insult to the memory of those who suffered and died.

Furthermore, your assertion that Muslim countries refuse to accept Palestinian refugees ignores the complex geopolitical realities and the immense burden that these countries already bear. Many neighboring countries have taken in millions of refugees despite their own challenges. The refusal to accept more is often due to practical limitations rather than a reflection on the worth of the Palestinian people.

Lastly, your vitriolic language and personal attacks do nothing to advance a constructive dialogue. We must strive for a world where differences are resolved through understanding and compassion, not hatred and violence. Your comments perpetuate a cycle of hostility that only leads to more suffering for all involved.

In conclusion, every human being deserves to live in peace and dignity. Your hateful rhetoric stands in stark opposition to these values. It is through empathy, dialogue, and a commitment to justice that we can hope to resolve conflicts and build a better world for everyone.

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Most of this reply is spot on, but let me push back on one point that you made. You write “Israelis deserve to be treated as humans, though not the barbaric Zionists.” “Zionist” is a loaded word with many meanings, much like the word “progressive” is.There are many self-proclaimed Zionists who are ironclad committed to the two-state solution, even though some, unfortunately, are not.

Also, just as there are some supporters of Israel who are intransigent, bitter, and even hateful, the same thing is true of Palestinians.

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We couldn't disagree more violently. Humans are garbage apes and are capable of being subhuman sickening filth. You think nobody should be dehumanized. I think anyone who supported fascism and its natural extension the first Holocaust should be executed with prejudice. And that goes for the second Holocaust that every resident of Gaza fervently prays for on a daily basis. Never Again! Your rationalizations about the way Muslim governments feel towards gazans are risible. I actually think people like you are exactly equivalent to MAGATs. Reason and logic and decency are not even in the wheelhouse. You're just eristic; it basically means a loser who can't argue on the merits of a case so they just try to be as obnoxious as possible to make the opponents head explode. It's the only thing they have in their lives that gives them any sense of power. And supporting a second Holocaust is about as moronic and provocative as you can get. Fascists on those who support them are losers. Provoking a reaction is the only thing they have in their lives.

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