Aug 5Liked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

Thank you! I’ve been reading & sharing everything I can about these psychopaths! That Yarvin is extremely insane!

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Aug 4Liked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

Thank you, all good to learn.

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It is time that a ceiling was placed on wealth and a process created to redistribute it more equitably for the benefit of all.

There has been and remains an ever increasing gap both individually and at a national and international levels between rich and poor. There are many significant negative issues in our world but this is one of the greatest because it also influences cultural, social and political attitudes and circumstances.

No individual is worth hundreds, thousands of millions of times more than any other in human terms and it is time that such economic and material differences were stopped, as well as those influences they provide which bear no relation to their rationality, logic or benefit to society.

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Sooo true! These guys are just greedy hoarders! Too much money in politics too!

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“broligarchy” 🥰💃🏻

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Right wing preppers talk about surviving nuclear war and even sell gear imported from Russia via government contracts, occasionally making it available to their followers. Several speak of getting "intel" they are unable to name for security reasons. Their ideology is chilling and seems to dovetail with Mr. Duran's research.

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Pretty pathetic total money & power will corrupt ANYONE even the church abd idealistic tech nerds!

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Yes, these nerds are not only weird, they are truly evil. Remember when Google's motto used to be, "Don't Be Evil?"

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