6,000,000 people died due to a regime that begins with the “N” word. Enough said.

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In addition to the 5,000,000 LGBTQ individuals, physically / mentally disabled, Roma (gypsies), Poles, other Slavic peoples, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and members of political opposition groups who were targeted by the N word regime.

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Don’t forget the million or so mentally ill and physically suffering humans that Hitler used as a warm up to the Final Solution.

Best sources I have provide a total of over 65,000,000 deaths directly attributable to the NAZI ideology.

Guess that like the deaths of school children and innocents due to crappy gun regulation is just the price of Freedom and Protection of Free Speech, huh?

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Ah yes, I’m reminding of the old saying: “If it looks like a racist duck, swims like a racist duck, and quacks like a racist duck, then it probably is a racist duck.”

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Thanks for reminding us that there is a new and much more appropriate N-word to apply to this movement.

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What trump actually said about Charlottesville is that "there were very fine people on both sides." He has spun this to mean "I condemn the haters but there were some fine people marching, too." But of course, you pretty well can't be a "fine person" by definition if you join a march that shouts "Jews shall not replace us." A fine person LEAVES such a march as soon as he realizes what it is about.

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In 2016 I read the psychological analysis the CIA commissioned in 1943 in an effort to predict how Hitler would respond when the allies closed in. That’s when I knew we were in trouble. https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP78-02646R000600240001-5.pdf

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I had no idea such a document existed, Nicole. Thanks for linking to it. I’ll save it to read another day.

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Just sent the article to myself. Thx.

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No doubt all these nazis are queueing up to take all those civil service jobs Trump plans to take from seasoned staff and give to his lunkheads. Trump is right that the nation is in decline and his very position in this country is proof of it. How easily Americans have been conditioned to accept the downward spiral initiated by this toxic cretin.

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We see these scummers all the time here in Florida. And they receive the blessing of our Governor, who of course is Nazi Symp #1.

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I have been long since been calling them Nazis. There are a lot of forbidden words that Kamala and Democrats should be using. Insane Clown belongs in jail. No one will say that. They won't even question why would Insane Clown need immunity when no other president before or since has needed immunity but him and no one has ever threatened malicious prosecution of an outgoing president but him. Another forbidden phrase "ethnic cleansing". Ethnic cleansing is a labor of love for Insane Clown and his buttplugs Abbott and DeSatan. If there was any doubt of that Insane Clown has removed it when he declared that the forced removal of immigrants will begin with the Haitians in Springfield OH who are here legally. Still another "chickens come home to roost". Insane Clown demands we shed tears and mea culpas for the attempted assassination(s) when he laughed his ass off when Pelosi's husband was attacked.

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Never again. Straight ticket BLUE till we drain the “N-word” swamp.

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The Nazis mowed the european jews down and the Isreali fascisits with he help of the Biden/Harris administration are mowing the Palestinians down (woman, children and babies). Both evil both need to stopped the same way we stopped the Germans. Maybe we should ask the Russians for a little help...we couldn't have done it without them defeating Hitler. Let's see if we hear one cry of defience of all those Emmy award winners this eveing from Holywood: And if not I wonder why??? This genocide is so wrong and we let it continue.

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What do you suppose Hamas's intent was on October 7?

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I thought you were hinting that Vance is a Nazi. I don't know if I get this game.

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You know, I grew up reading superhero comics. And I used to read the ocasional story where some larger-than-life supervillain would run for elected officer, under the assumption that they were "reformed". And they would say the right things, whether it be Harry Osborn or Lex Luthor or even Red Skull, and I'd read and wonder, how are the citizens taking these obvious supervillains seriously? Just because he's saying he endorses lowering taxes and feeding the homeless doesn't mean he's still not LEX LUTHOR.

I have since learned those comic books were, if anything, too optimistic. The supervillains don't actually need to tone down their rhetoric or speak of generous policies. Turns out they can just say supervillain stuff and earn support. The Red Skull, an actual Nazi, can make up lies about Jewish people, and people can still say, "Aw, don't take what he says seriously!"

Kinda blows my mind that comic book tales of Dr. Doom and the like were somehow subtle.


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Clever hook for your post, Wajahat. And I’m glad your family and friends still enjoy playing games.

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