If it wasn't for their dereliction of duty & biased reporting in favor of Trump, I might disagree with you. But I can't under the current reality. You are correct that they're not taking their job seriously. So why should we take them seriously? Good essay!

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I think it’s a stunning reversal on how Trump controlled the media with access. There’s a reason that the NABJ was the first place to ask Donald Trump a serious question and press him on the answer for a while: the rest of the media had learned that if they did that, he would cut off their access.

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I personally hope she doesn’t do a single interview, except perhaps with Lawrence O’Donnell. They have richly earned the contempt which you correctly described. They have become lazy and uninformed and it is evident from their questions.

The other issue is that the orders are coming from the top: make it a horse race or else. Jake Tapper used to insist after January 6th that he would never have an election denier on his show. Now his show and almost all of the others feature a number of them.

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Or Joy!

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I love this piece so much! Thank you for covering this much needed story, as corporate mainstream media has been fully exposed for the corrupt asshats that they truly are…the fact that VP Harris has been doing a corporate media blackout is *chef’s kiss genius! If my memory serves correctly, I don’t think this has ever been done before & I absolutely freaking love it! My hubby & I pulled the plug on cable TV in 2021 because we grew tired of their corrupt ways & their insistence on keeping tя☭mp relevant by consistently spewing his name & rolling out the red carpet all the damn time to cater to him. We the People are sick of corporate mainstream media consistently normalizing tя☭mp‘s egregious behavior, lack of empathy towards others, overall consistent hateful rhetoric, consistent lies, etc. We the People are showing that we’re sick of it, as more & more people have been making the decision to pull the plug on cable to rid themselves of the corporate mainstream media virus altogether (well, that’s what they are- a damn virus 🤷🏽‍♀️)…Instead, we have plenty of independent media outlets we can turn to, such as YouTube, where the MeidasTouch Network, Mary Trump Media, Brian Tyler Cohen, Justice Matters with Glenn Kirschner, Democracy Docket with Marc Elias & so many others can be easily accessed, as the internet is UNDEFEATED! You can also go to Uni E TV & Radio’s Facebook page to access a weekly podcast I co host called “Our Community & You with Tom Jones” where we talk about current events that are affecting ALL of our communities- we go live Monday evenings 7pm EST & the legendary group the Force MDs are our producers. I also simulcast “Our Community & You with Tom Jones” on my main TikTok account PRQueen2019. I will definitely be covering this amazing piece on Monday’s episode, as I strongly feel people need to be & deserve to be aware… We no longer need corporate mainstream media OR cable to access any type of “news coverage”….corporate mainstream media knows it, they know they can’t control it & that’s something they REALLY hate. Why? Because corporate mainstream media knows that their days are numbered! They have shown ALL OF US that they care MORE about their precious ratings than they care about giving actual news, aka THE TRUTH, to the people & we’re showing them that we’re sick of the lies & we’re sick of the tя☭mp clown show!

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👏👏👏👏 Great article! Many thanks. It needed to be said!

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I've rarely been a mainstream person. However, I do appreciate some of MSNBC'S journalists. Otherwise, I like what you had to say. I had DT's number before the 2016 election, and was one of the people who wasn't surprised he got elected. The mainstream in this country would rather be entertained than told the truth. Life really is a comedy of errors, but not that funny if the orange creep is in charge again.

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At the risk of sounding like the Boomer I am, “Right on!”

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I voted for democrats every 4 years since 1980 and I voted for that Zionist Nazi stooge biden! I didn't know what he was. I was just against Trump! No more! Democrats can go to help for all I care. The Republican party the same!

You do your performance lady! You've a Mandarin for one dictatorship, fighting against another.

I'm a Taoist monk saying read chapters 30 and 31 of the Tao he Ching! Democrats don't deserve any support! None. You deserve what you get. That's obvious!

And what are you talking about Dubai for!? Ridiculous! After you are a refugee, stateless in a camp being bombed, then ill come and see about helping you, because then you'll finally have some empathy

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Well she ain't for the childen and woman of Palestine whom the Israeli are turning into hamberger with our WOMD. She's not for the many folks around the world under severe economic hardship due to our sanctions. She is not seeking a peaceful solution in our proxy war in Ukraine and currently in Russia. Who is the woman of Oz behind the curtain. I sure as hell have no idea. The the anointed one is in hiding behind the curtain of secrecy. Come out come out where ever you are Harris in hiding.

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no. but she owes the people. and she isn't talking.. I say no to Genocide candidates and AIPAC.. give us back our country

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Yawn 🥱 Stop being performative & go to Israel to protest Netanyahu OR gear up, fly over there & help them fight if you’re “so concerned” about G-side…you said absolutely NOTHING about the G-side that happened in Syria, which was done on tя☭mp‘s watch where more kids were killed. This is not our war & we don’t want to hear it! We have our own major issues, like putting a stop to Project 2025 once and for all & a Democracy to save! Either YOU’RE with us or you’re not! And before you come at me with some USELESS rhetoric, I’m one of the moderators for a large content creator on TikTok who hosted a 9-hour livestream where he told all of the moderators, myself included, to stand down & let the guests in the panel speak. Like you, the guests were a part of watermelon ISIS, aka the “genocide Joe crew” & the Host, who goes by username USArmyOverlord, allowed every last one of those privileged, selfish, disruptive, performative asshats speak their piece WITHOUT INTERRUPTION FOR 9 WHOLE HOURS! When the Host asked one simple question; “what will you do if tя☭mp wins & the US falls to dictatorship because of tя☭mp & Project 2025”, just about EVERY LAST ONE of you selfish, disruptive, performative asshats said that you have PHd’s & you can just hop on a damn plan & head for Dubai! Every last one of them said that bullshit with their whole chest too! That statement alone shows just how PRIVILEGED & EXTREMELY SELFISH the entire “genocide Joe” crew really is because clearly, you’re all saying that you don’t care if this country burns to the ground because you can just hop a plane & flee to Dubai while the rest of us are LEFT BEHIND TO BURN! Shame of every last one of you for being so damn selfish! The funniest part of this is most of you can’t even vote & you DUMMIES fail to realize that THE PEOPLE IN GAZA WANT EVERY US CITIZEN TO VOTE BLUE! They are actually WELL AWARE that THERE IS NO 3rd/GREEN PARTY! They’re also well aware of the dangers THE ENTIRE WORLD faces if tя☭mp were to win the presidency (God help us). They’re also most likely aware of Project 2025 & the dangers the world faces with that…You MORONS are worse than the “Bernie Bros” back in 2016…at least THEY had enough sense to come back to reality…

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Your word of these day is a clear tell, obvious psychological projection of a zion-nazi apologist. You are the performative one, moderating your little tiktok show.

You clearly are very ignorant and your focused only on your self. What happened in Syria doesn't absolve the USA of any guilt whatsoever!!! The genocide in Gaza is happening under Biden and Harris, both Zionist AIPAC stooges. The deaths of thousands of children with 2000 pound American bombs being dropped by the thousands on the most densely packed concentration camp in the world is Americans responsibility and America is guilty and you lady, are particularly guilty. And I won't cry a bit for apologists for American Zionist barbarism like you and your kind.

Isis is a creation of America, just like al Qaeda. , and just like Israel. Instead of helping the suffering people of the world your blue democrats war mongers ship billions to Ukraine and Israel. Death to the democrats party ! Good riddance. And yeah enjoy your dictatorship. You deserve it!

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The TRUE nazi here is EXTREMELY IGNORANT people like YOU! Why do I say that? Because it’s people like YOU who don’t give one iota if tя☭mp ends up winning the election because your precious PhD status & your FINANCIAL PRIVILEGE will allow you to just hop a plane to Dubai while the rest of us SUFFER from the effects of Project 2025! Oh what it must be like to be PRIVILEGED like you, right!? Or are you one of those who don’t even live in the US & yet think you have the right to tell us who you think should be President but don’t give a damn about what happens to us in the AFTERMATH!? Again, either use your MILLIONS 💰 to fly over to Israel to protest Netanyahu OR gear up, fly over to Gaza & HELP THEM FIGHT! Don’t bore me with your BS rhetoric because I’m not interested! We the People HAVE A DEMOCRACY TO SAVE & A YT XTIAN NATIONALIST AGENDA TO STOP! There’s NO WAY IN HELL I’m about to deal with TALIBANGELICALS & Y’ALL QAEDA because of SELFISH, PERFORMATIVE, EXTREMELY IGNORANT PEOPLE LIKE YOU! And that’s on periodt!

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