Journalist and host Jemele Hill joins me to discuss the double standard in America when it comes to discussing the role of MAGA and Trump's racism and white "identity politics" in the 2024 election.
Such an important conversation. Thank you both for your experience and intelligence. Waj, I’m a fan of the nerds and sharing your Substack far and wide. Keep going please! We need you*
I wish there was more of this. I for one won't celebrate the misogyny that took over the 2024 presidential race. The audacity of the vp to step up emboldened the worst of us. My sister was challenged in the street by a man calling her a loser after this election. This is what they chose. I'll tell you this... they will lose. It'll take more time, yet they will lose. We're smarter, more strategic and more influential.
What sense is their in a game where one side adheres to the rules and the other makes their own?
What pride is possible in a nation which elects a convicted felon, a gutter epithet abuser, a sexual predator, a dishonest and several time bankrupt businessman, an isolationist, a friend and supporter of the nation's main enemies, a dictator to the nation's long term allies, an inveterate liar, a racist, a denier of human rights, a self-important nonentity fraudster who no rational or aware and self-respecting person could respect?
Does it help to see the 70-plus million voters of #47 as victims? Victims of #47's abuse/his evil desire to bring out and amplify the worst in humans? Maybe if we see them as fleeced victims and not evil, we can find hope. I havent found any.
Gretchen, I'm not sure that it helps but I do agree with you that probably or certainly perhaps, the majority have not made rational and objective choices. In my view, which I have stated variously several times on this and other platforms, there are serveral factors which have combined to cause this irrational migration of votes to Trump by so many for whom it is clearly not in their own interests.
I have no belief in hell or heaven or good or evil so let me put that to rest at once. I have never stated that voters for Trump or even Trump himself is evil. Neither do I see any merit or benefit in blame. It is a negative concept that, inevitably, only has negative results and makes matters worse rather than better, as well as making it more difficult ever to resolve difference and find at least some honest and reasonable compromise.
Key factors, in my view, are the conditioning of the North American population to a materialist society and one that equates 'success', not with a sound and worthwhile appreciation of 'life' but rather with wealth, status, fame, power and control. If one needs any evidence that these 'attributes' make for a healthy, rewarding, engagement in the wonders of 'life' and a beautiful planet, then one need only consider the reality that so many who have some or all of them are terribly unhappy, turn to drugs or alcohol, become corrupt in reaching for even more, commit suicide purposely or through accidental excess and so often become grotesque figures.
'The American Dream' has long been a fiction, if indeed there was ever a time when it wasn't. There has always been a large gap between those with and those without and, predominantly, the notion of a 'middle class' is fraudulent in as much as most who must work to survive only gain enough return to allow them to keep on doing it - like mice on a tread-wheel, if you will. Yes, some may work in relative comfort and cleanliness with minimum physical effort whilst others toil in heat, dirt, cold, danger, physically difficult or demoralisingly boring jobs. I understand that. I was raised in a slum and have had more different occupations than I can remember. However, in reality, there is little difference for in both cases, the opportunities, encouragement and understanding that this is about living, not "life" and its wonder, is rare indeed and mostly absent altogether. Instead, the majority who create the wealth and enable the nation to prosper are the ones who gain least from it.
That is another key factor. These people, particularly those who have least - they hurt. They struggle. They are constantly in pain. They are controlled by a society which charges them for everything and that charge always includes a penalty - a profit for someone else who does little and probably deserves even less. If they cannot get work or cannot cope with the nature of the type of job available to them, they are abused as 'bludgers', 'a burden on society', 'lazy', 'useless' and worse. In other words, they are blamed for being a position not of their own making. It shouldn't be hard to understand why some of them turn to crime. However, even then, they are treated differently. Bob Dylan makes an apt reference to this in his song: Talkin' New York: “Now, a very great man once said; That some people rob you with a fountain pen; It didn't take too long to find out; Just what he was talkin' about” - and those people will often receive little or no punishment, particularly no incarceration because they can afford top lawyers and have powerful friends or they simply pay a fine that doesn't create any problem for them: "Steal a little and they throw you in jail. Steal a lot and they make you king." (Sweetheart like you.)
So, all these factors combine to create a populace - the masses, if you like - 'ready to rumble' - angry, hurt, bewildered, deceived and so particularly susceptible to the snake oil salesman that offers them a quick and cheap cure - the magic that will fix anything - and they jump to it. That's the core of Donald Trump's appeal. Not a policy or plan or rationality or compassion or caring, even for those who have voted for him - one only has to see how he treated his supporters during his first term. The thing is, that in these circumstances, a mass of people who in any case are relatively unsophisticated in political manoeuvre and often not well educated, being all fired up and *needing* attention, well-being, understanding and a helping hand, will easily fall victim to the confidence trickster and will back any horse that someone, particularly from their peer group or who looks the same as they are, tells them is a winner.
So, yes, I apologise for the lengthy response but I do agree with you, they are fleeced victims and, sadly, some can be and will be verbally and physically abusive in extreme ways and react by turning their anger onto those whom they are deluded into thinking are actually the cause of their misfortune and disadvantage, rather than those who actually cause it. So, rather than recognise and turn their anger on Trump - a billionaire, despite having several times been bankrupt, i.e. having lived well on the money of others which, in most cases they will never have recovered or, at best, received only a few cents on the dollar - and someone who lives in a mansion and flies in a private jet and etc. - all the things they have little or no hope of ever achieving; instead they turn on those even more disadvantage than themselves but who look different and so can easily be 'framed' as culpable by snake-oil salesman, Trump. Thus, they take their anger out on immigrants and people who have jobs, (despite those jobs often being ones they wouldn't do themselves), and people of the LGTBQI+ community and others of difference. Trump only has to point them in a direction and they'll follow.
This election, if it tells us anything worthwhile, tells us in BIG BLACK LETTERS which we oughtn't to be able to miss, that this society is SICK. Sound values, compassion, healthy moral concepts, respect for others and caring for those in need have given way to 'anything goes if it gets me what I want', 'I'm alright Jack so F you', 'He has it so I want it too', 'Why should I be the patsy all the time' and etc.
Put simply, we have a take, take, take society instead of a give, give, give one. Not only may so many not have a life, they may not even have living and, disastrously and pervertedly, that only causes them to become even more selfish and encourage more take and less give, which actually results in their lot becoming worse.
Winston Churchill, the British Prime Minister during WWII, said something that I feel would be far better printed on the currency than 'In God We Trust', for it is far more pragmatic and achievable and actually tells us what is important. Churchill said:
"What we get gives us a living. What we give gets us a life."
If only people would look outward and, as did you in writing your comment, seek not to blame but to care and seek real causes rather than jumping up and down about symptoms.
Thank you for joining those of us who are done analyzing "what did Harris do wrong?" The fact is Trump has a super power! He is able to cultivate and amplify the dark and worst sides of humanity. His joy is the power of bringing out racism, misogyny, xenophobia, fear, lots and lots of fear. The only thing, the ONLY thing Harris did wrong? Metaphorically speaking, she brought a book to a knife fight. The problem, is finding hope. Hope for this culture this society we call the USA. How do we find hope when 70-plus million are drawn in to the racism, the xenophobia, the fear, the meanness? Maybe she made one mistake. instead of weird. Maybe we should have called them all mean.
I'm sorry but no. Being black/female/Indian was not the main reason why Kamala lost. Kamala was weak. CNN poll of debate watchers said Kamala won by a 2/3 majority. Yet that same poll preferred Insane Clown to handle the economy by a 20 point margin. Kamala said When You Know What You Stand For You Know What To Fight For. But she didn't stand for anything and didn't fight for anything. Put down the damn pom poms and throw some punches. Damn right I'm with they/them. I'm with L, G, B, T, Q, and all of U. Damn right I'm woke and if you are not woke then you damn well better wake up. No doubt it falls to Democrats to sell the hard sell issues. Insane Clown says Drill Baby Drill and we will all be as rich as a Saudi prince. Kamala would not even speak the unspeakable forbidden words Climate Change, preferring instead to twist herself into knots trying to explain why she was against fracking and now in favor of fracking. Insane Clown put the blame on Biden/Harris for the drastic rise in prices when the reality is that his clownish pandemic response bears full responsibility. That needed to come out of Kamala's mouth. Insane Clown shit all over Kamala and then demanded she tone down her rhetoric. And she complied. Walz was no prize package either calling himself a knucklehead and letting JD shower him with abuse and asking JD who won instead of telling him. Democrats didn't lose the information war they surrendered without a fight. Insane Clown controlled the conversation from start to finish. That is what he does and he is very good at what he does, he has been scamming people for years. But the scam depended on Kamala going high while Insane Clown went low and never the twain shall meet. Go on the fucking podcast. Take a stand and if you lose so be it. Move To The Middle is nothing more than a euphemism for Shut Up And Do Nothing.
Disagree with your take. Trump has been in the collective consciousness for decades. TV is his wheelhouse. Harris spoke of policy and fixing problems. Trump was the freak show, the entertainment.
57 % of white men and 53% of white women said, “nothing affects me. His values are my values. Other people will suffer but I don’t care. I’m a Christian and superior because my faith teaches me that. “
It’s too simplistic to say Kamala Harris lost solely because of racism and misogyny, though these factors undoubtedly played a role. The deeper issue lies in how identity politics often alienates working-class voters by prioritizing race and gender over shared economic struggles. This division enabled Trump to exploit economic anxieties and cultural backlash, further reinforcing systemic inequalities that sustain both privilege and prejudice.
To address the root causes of these societal fractures, a more unifying focus on economic justice and solidarity is essential. Without building solidarity, politics risks devolving into battles of identity politics, where opposing groups, entrenched in their own collective narcissism, refuse to empathize with one another’s struggles. This lack of empathy not only deepens divisions but also helps to reinforce and recreate the very categories that prevent connection through shared humanity.
The media - aside from normalizing Trump - don't go after him for identity politics the same reason they don't trumpet his many, many crimes and indiscretions: because throwing this stuff 100 percent of the time becomes normalized. Obama wore a tan shirt. Hillary had a private email server. One indiscretion. And in the media for months. But Trump overwhelms with the nonstop blitz and people stop reporting it. It's a tried and true brainwashing strategy.
Such an important conversation. Thank you both for your experience and intelligence. Waj, I’m a fan of the nerds and sharing your Substack far and wide. Keep going please! We need you*
I wish there was more of this. I for one won't celebrate the misogyny that took over the 2024 presidential race. The audacity of the vp to step up emboldened the worst of us. My sister was challenged in the street by a man calling her a loser after this election. This is what they chose. I'll tell you this... they will lose. It'll take more time, yet they will lose. We're smarter, more strategic and more influential.
Great discussion. I so appreciate Jemel's closing thoughts on how she's going to maintain her balance.
Thank you for bringing us Jemele Hill’s voice. I’m new to her voice, but totally appreciate her excellent insight. More please, and thank you again.
This is so true, it hurts.
I cannot shake my depression.
What happened to humane in humanity?
Why is it now self-ish rather than self-less?
Why is it division rather than addition?
Why is it polarisation rather than association?
What sense is their in a game where one side adheres to the rules and the other makes their own?
What pride is possible in a nation which elects a convicted felon, a gutter epithet abuser, a sexual predator, a dishonest and several time bankrupt businessman, an isolationist, a friend and supporter of the nation's main enemies, a dictator to the nation's long term allies, an inveterate liar, a racist, a denier of human rights, a self-important nonentity fraudster who no rational or aware and self-respecting person could respect?
What pride?
What satisfaction?
What ignorance?
Does it help to see the 70-plus million voters of #47 as victims? Victims of #47's abuse/his evil desire to bring out and amplify the worst in humans? Maybe if we see them as fleeced victims and not evil, we can find hope. I havent found any.
The 70-plus came to him as victims of their own losses, fears, and bigotry.
Gretchen, I'm not sure that it helps but I do agree with you that probably or certainly perhaps, the majority have not made rational and objective choices. In my view, which I have stated variously several times on this and other platforms, there are serveral factors which have combined to cause this irrational migration of votes to Trump by so many for whom it is clearly not in their own interests.
I have no belief in hell or heaven or good or evil so let me put that to rest at once. I have never stated that voters for Trump or even Trump himself is evil. Neither do I see any merit or benefit in blame. It is a negative concept that, inevitably, only has negative results and makes matters worse rather than better, as well as making it more difficult ever to resolve difference and find at least some honest and reasonable compromise.
Key factors, in my view, are the conditioning of the North American population to a materialist society and one that equates 'success', not with a sound and worthwhile appreciation of 'life' but rather with wealth, status, fame, power and control. If one needs any evidence that these 'attributes' make for a healthy, rewarding, engagement in the wonders of 'life' and a beautiful planet, then one need only consider the reality that so many who have some or all of them are terribly unhappy, turn to drugs or alcohol, become corrupt in reaching for even more, commit suicide purposely or through accidental excess and so often become grotesque figures.
'The American Dream' has long been a fiction, if indeed there was ever a time when it wasn't. There has always been a large gap between those with and those without and, predominantly, the notion of a 'middle class' is fraudulent in as much as most who must work to survive only gain enough return to allow them to keep on doing it - like mice on a tread-wheel, if you will. Yes, some may work in relative comfort and cleanliness with minimum physical effort whilst others toil in heat, dirt, cold, danger, physically difficult or demoralisingly boring jobs. I understand that. I was raised in a slum and have had more different occupations than I can remember. However, in reality, there is little difference for in both cases, the opportunities, encouragement and understanding that this is about living, not "life" and its wonder, is rare indeed and mostly absent altogether. Instead, the majority who create the wealth and enable the nation to prosper are the ones who gain least from it.
That is another key factor. These people, particularly those who have least - they hurt. They struggle. They are constantly in pain. They are controlled by a society which charges them for everything and that charge always includes a penalty - a profit for someone else who does little and probably deserves even less. If they cannot get work or cannot cope with the nature of the type of job available to them, they are abused as 'bludgers', 'a burden on society', 'lazy', 'useless' and worse. In other words, they are blamed for being a position not of their own making. It shouldn't be hard to understand why some of them turn to crime. However, even then, they are treated differently. Bob Dylan makes an apt reference to this in his song: Talkin' New York: “Now, a very great man once said; That some people rob you with a fountain pen; It didn't take too long to find out; Just what he was talkin' about” - and those people will often receive little or no punishment, particularly no incarceration because they can afford top lawyers and have powerful friends or they simply pay a fine that doesn't create any problem for them: "Steal a little and they throw you in jail. Steal a lot and they make you king." (Sweetheart like you.)
So, all these factors combine to create a populace - the masses, if you like - 'ready to rumble' - angry, hurt, bewildered, deceived and so particularly susceptible to the snake oil salesman that offers them a quick and cheap cure - the magic that will fix anything - and they jump to it. That's the core of Donald Trump's appeal. Not a policy or plan or rationality or compassion or caring, even for those who have voted for him - one only has to see how he treated his supporters during his first term. The thing is, that in these circumstances, a mass of people who in any case are relatively unsophisticated in political manoeuvre and often not well educated, being all fired up and *needing* attention, well-being, understanding and a helping hand, will easily fall victim to the confidence trickster and will back any horse that someone, particularly from their peer group or who looks the same as they are, tells them is a winner.
So, yes, I apologise for the lengthy response but I do agree with you, they are fleeced victims and, sadly, some can be and will be verbally and physically abusive in extreme ways and react by turning their anger onto those whom they are deluded into thinking are actually the cause of their misfortune and disadvantage, rather than those who actually cause it. So, rather than recognise and turn their anger on Trump - a billionaire, despite having several times been bankrupt, i.e. having lived well on the money of others which, in most cases they will never have recovered or, at best, received only a few cents on the dollar - and someone who lives in a mansion and flies in a private jet and etc. - all the things they have little or no hope of ever achieving; instead they turn on those even more disadvantage than themselves but who look different and so can easily be 'framed' as culpable by snake-oil salesman, Trump. Thus, they take their anger out on immigrants and people who have jobs, (despite those jobs often being ones they wouldn't do themselves), and people of the LGTBQI+ community and others of difference. Trump only has to point them in a direction and they'll follow.
This election, if it tells us anything worthwhile, tells us in BIG BLACK LETTERS which we oughtn't to be able to miss, that this society is SICK. Sound values, compassion, healthy moral concepts, respect for others and caring for those in need have given way to 'anything goes if it gets me what I want', 'I'm alright Jack so F you', 'He has it so I want it too', 'Why should I be the patsy all the time' and etc.
Put simply, we have a take, take, take society instead of a give, give, give one. Not only may so many not have a life, they may not even have living and, disastrously and pervertedly, that only causes them to become even more selfish and encourage more take and less give, which actually results in their lot becoming worse.
Winston Churchill, the British Prime Minister during WWII, said something that I feel would be far better printed on the currency than 'In God We Trust', for it is far more pragmatic and achievable and actually tells us what is important. Churchill said:
"What we get gives us a living. What we give gets us a life."
If only people would look outward and, as did you in writing your comment, seek not to blame but to care and seek real causes rather than jumping up and down about symptoms.
Thanks for the comment.
Take care. Stay safe. ☮️
One of the best Chai Talks.
Thank you for joining those of us who are done analyzing "what did Harris do wrong?" The fact is Trump has a super power! He is able to cultivate and amplify the dark and worst sides of humanity. His joy is the power of bringing out racism, misogyny, xenophobia, fear, lots and lots of fear. The only thing, the ONLY thing Harris did wrong? Metaphorically speaking, she brought a book to a knife fight. The problem, is finding hope. Hope for this culture this society we call the USA. How do we find hope when 70-plus million are drawn in to the racism, the xenophobia, the fear, the meanness? Maybe she made one mistake. instead of weird. Maybe we should have called them all mean.
I'm sorry but no. Being black/female/Indian was not the main reason why Kamala lost. Kamala was weak. CNN poll of debate watchers said Kamala won by a 2/3 majority. Yet that same poll preferred Insane Clown to handle the economy by a 20 point margin. Kamala said When You Know What You Stand For You Know What To Fight For. But she didn't stand for anything and didn't fight for anything. Put down the damn pom poms and throw some punches. Damn right I'm with they/them. I'm with L, G, B, T, Q, and all of U. Damn right I'm woke and if you are not woke then you damn well better wake up. No doubt it falls to Democrats to sell the hard sell issues. Insane Clown says Drill Baby Drill and we will all be as rich as a Saudi prince. Kamala would not even speak the unspeakable forbidden words Climate Change, preferring instead to twist herself into knots trying to explain why she was against fracking and now in favor of fracking. Insane Clown put the blame on Biden/Harris for the drastic rise in prices when the reality is that his clownish pandemic response bears full responsibility. That needed to come out of Kamala's mouth. Insane Clown shit all over Kamala and then demanded she tone down her rhetoric. And she complied. Walz was no prize package either calling himself a knucklehead and letting JD shower him with abuse and asking JD who won instead of telling him. Democrats didn't lose the information war they surrendered without a fight. Insane Clown controlled the conversation from start to finish. That is what he does and he is very good at what he does, he has been scamming people for years. But the scam depended on Kamala going high while Insane Clown went low and never the twain shall meet. Go on the fucking podcast. Take a stand and if you lose so be it. Move To The Middle is nothing more than a euphemism for Shut Up And Do Nothing.
Disagree with your take. Trump has been in the collective consciousness for decades. TV is his wheelhouse. Harris spoke of policy and fixing problems. Trump was the freak show, the entertainment.
57 % of white men and 53% of white women said, “nothing affects me. His values are my values. Other people will suffer but I don’t care. I’m a Christian and superior because my faith teaches me that. “
So what are you saying? Insane Clown was unbeatable? Seriously?
Sports & Politics! Who knew!!❤️
It’s too simplistic to say Kamala Harris lost solely because of racism and misogyny, though these factors undoubtedly played a role. The deeper issue lies in how identity politics often alienates working-class voters by prioritizing race and gender over shared economic struggles. This division enabled Trump to exploit economic anxieties and cultural backlash, further reinforcing systemic inequalities that sustain both privilege and prejudice.
To address the root causes of these societal fractures, a more unifying focus on economic justice and solidarity is essential. Without building solidarity, politics risks devolving into battles of identity politics, where opposing groups, entrenched in their own collective narcissism, refuse to empathize with one another’s struggles. This lack of empathy not only deepens divisions but also helps to reinforce and recreate the very categories that prevent connection through shared humanity.
The media - aside from normalizing Trump - don't go after him for identity politics the same reason they don't trumpet his many, many crimes and indiscretions: because throwing this stuff 100 percent of the time becomes normalized. Obama wore a tan shirt. Hillary had a private email server. One indiscretion. And in the media for months. But Trump overwhelms with the nonstop blitz and people stop reporting it. It's a tried and true brainwashing strategy.
What you wrote below is why I stopped watching the NFL. I run my own little protests.
I wish you would not lump all white people together.
I would to see Jemele in congress or something bigger. Very insightful, courageous and intelligent.
I can't help but think of Trevor Noah's title of one of his books: Born a Crime.