Jul 12Liked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

Can someone help me understand why the most progressive among us are sticking with biden and not seeing what the pundits and centrists do? The gaffes should be baked in by now. This didn't start 2 weeks ago. More like 50 years for his whole career. Can it just stop already?

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Yup. This is who he is. Same guy who said "Barack America"

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It seems more clear each day that the donor class is behind this push. Maybe they are nervous about his prospects, which is fair or they don't want him to implement his tax plans. I tend to believe it may be the latter but I am quite cynical so...

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Centrists? I’d say they are right of center. Talking to friends, they said just what you are saying. Same man as before. Terrible speaker. Full of knowledge and key, progressive, much needed points and policy for our safety and security, and to protect the least among us. When Ilhan Omar says “this is the best president of my life” she has seemingly put aside some important to her emotional and difficult matters in present day world affairs and “understood the assignment”. AOC as well. We need to, as the regular regular Americans who are paying attention in this country, and not treating this as a reality TV show or a tired joke, step up and back Biden/Harris. Vote. Register voters. Push back (although places like the NYT won’t print your comments if they are actually progressive).

Boring, point and policy oriented presser, where American reporters paid no attention, read their questions from their phones and notes while examining the President’s ability to do without notes, never caring for content. Embarrassing for the American press. A polish reporter understood the gravity of what’s happening.

Thanks for these comments Waj.

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And mostly terrible questions at that. Very few on Ukraine Israel-Gaza. They should all be ashamed of themselves. I'm not sure if they are aware that many are turning away from them. My husband is so frustrated with the coverage he just completely tuned out. And I convinced my mom to end her subscription to the NYT and WaPo. I hope more people do and send a message but I'm sure this is just a fantasy. I'm afraid so many are addicted to it due to the trump years.

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Yes before his very real degenerative neurological disease deteriorates further. I cannot bare to think of his exit from his awesome Presidency being one of humiliation at the hands of a felon, bully, mad man.

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And which disease is that? Do you have some special insight into his medical records that we do not? You claim it is "very real" so you must have information that the rest of us do not. Aging is not a disease.

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I'm sorry I don't need insight into his medical records. He has symptoms specific to Parkinsons disease an organic brain disease. Aging is not an organic brain disease that causes select dysfunction of the brains basal ganglia and parietal lobe resulting is movement disorder. A mask face is a very telling sign of pd. He has had a stark mask face many times. Pin rolling and expressive aphasia are other specific signs, especially when combined with a kyphotic gait. The only other common cause of such symptoms are use of phenothiazines such as thorazine an old first generation anti psychotic.

So instead of being aggressivly arguementive try applying some empathy. You cannot possibly really believe this is just normal aging. What we are seeing is the progressive neurological decline of a wonderful man who deserves to leave his Hallmark Presidency with pride and honor. And calling his VP Trump is not going to achieve that. Trump will destroy him with bully tactics. We need someone young, on point who can quickly respond to Trumps lies with solid facts and reveal Trump for the less than intelligent, power thirsty, racist, Autocratic that he is. This is serious democracy is at stake. Are you willing to roll the dice in hopes that Biden holds up? I'm not. I want to see someone like Gavin Newson wipe the floor with Trump.

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Jul 12Liked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

Have I told you lately that I love you, Waj? I tell other people I do. You're on a beautiful roll today. Thank you for finding the perfect messages for President Biden.

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Well said, and true on all counts. This is existential folks, at the risk of overusing the word. We are up against far more than Trump. It is a movement that also believes it is an existential fight. We had one of these situations in 1861. Let’s win the election and this time, let them secede.

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Democracy vs. Dictatorship, Mark. That's what's what.

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We don't have democracy and never have. Get real. Maybe what this country needs is a little dose of its own medicine. The streets were blowing up with demos about genocide and the stupid manikin just kept on keeping on, like the Eveready Bunny. Oh, we'll just sent them 500 pound bombs to tear children's bodies apart instead of 2000 pound ones. And it's fine if they sell northern Gaza to American Jews at auctions in the U.S. and demand all the surviving rightful owners of that land to run to Rafah so we can finish the work of destroying an entire 2.2 million strong starving to death people. Not to mention what is happening in the West Bank, which no one is covering. This is not about democracy vs. dictatorship. This is about a colonialist country run amok all over the world. You have turned off your brain if you support what Biden has done. And if you cannot see the connection between these forever wars and inflation you are really not paying attention. This is an oligarchy and you are not one of the oligarchs. And you never will be. And very soon we're going to have another save-the-banks debacle. Both parties are crooked as they come. The Supreme Court is crooked. The Congress is crooked as anything I've seen, and I've lived in some pretty dysfunctional countries most Americans take pride in hating. (Not that they actually know anything about any of them.) Lemmings. A bunch of lemmings. Stop trying to make yourself socially acceptable, Wajahat Ali. Find your true self and speak from there. This country has never been truly democratic. Not one year, month, week, day, hour, minute. Well, not since Europeans came here.

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Jul 17Liked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

"It seems like every institution and its leaders are paving the road towards fascism for the sake of clicks, views, access, profits, and ratings without realizing they will eventually join us in the camps." Great article, as usual, Waj. I love the quote you wrote above because it sooo true! Greed roams everywhere these days, including the left 4th estate on both sides. Sad...

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And that is what we are dealing with. A handful of votes will determine the destiny of this country, and beyond.

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A wonderfully accurate description of the press conference and of the situation we find ourselves in today! Americans must rally around the only decent and competent candidate, Joe Biden! Defeat the criminal who represents the evil our nightmares are all about! Yes, the press conference was a little boring, but it gave us hope!

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Please for the sake of this kind, lovely man's life STOP!!!! President Biden does not simply have cognitive decline. He clearly has a degenerative neurological disease. My money is on Parkinsons despite what the white house says. Classic to Parkinsons is waxing and waning bent over shuffling gait, a mask face, pin rolling of fingers, and expressive aphasia of thought and he has had them all for many months. Movement disorders are diseases of the brain and they are progressive, they do not get better and begin to affect mental and intellectual capacity. For now his intelligence is spared but it won't be forever. He will deteriorate neurologicaly and physically. By the end of 4 years he will be unrecognizable if still alive with all the stress.

What Is his family, team and America thinking doing this to him. He needs to be spared the humiliation and ruin of his incredible legacy. He must be able to depart the Presidency with his head held high not having been defeated by the criminal bully Trump.

Trump does not have the intelligence to defeat Biden, on a usual day, but he might be able to now. I can't bare the thought of the low life, cognitively impaired , felon Trump destroying the President. Is that what Democrats want? Are we willing to send President Biden like a lamb to the slaughter and ourselves end up under an autocracy? The stakes are too high for this babying of President Biden. He needs to be helped to ease into the retirement his health is demanding.

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I didn't see that in the presser at all, Darlene. And he said he's open to doing what his doctors tell him. If he has to step down due to health, fine, but these are baseless accusations right now.

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PD waxes and wanes, especially with certain medication. And he did have moments of expressive aphasia where he knew what he wanted to say but something else came out. He had considerable word searching and even thought blocking.

Are we going to wait till the next debate where he can't hold his own? Or are we just going to let him run holding our breath while a huge section of the electorate has already made up their mind based on his performance in the first debate? I worry about the youth. The educated youth that are so disheartened they are not even going to vote. Wouldn't it be something if we as Dems had a young motivating, top of the ticket candidate such as Newsom who could really take on the issues and Trump? Someone who could grab the attention and hearts of the young electorate? Biden cannot do that.

Mostly, though I fear. I fear for a man I truly honor. A man whose Presidency should go down in history as one of the most revolutionary and most impactful Presidency ever in history. The thought of him exiting this term in disgrace or embarrassment breaks my heart. And like it not it is a likely possibility.

Secondly, I don't think people are really perceiving the threat Trump poses to a great enough degree. We cannot allow him any chance at the Presidency, none. Our country will never be the same. We will be lost on the world stage, aligned with Russia and Hungry if not North Korea and Iran. We will be isolated and a country of White Supremacy authored by christian (word used lightly) nationalists dedicated to the Great Replacement Theory the backbone of Project 2025. I am an immigrant of Canada and here as a Permanent Resident. I have a Black son. I worry about the world we will live in striped of justice and freedoms. Trump is a man who has an agenda of political revenge that he will exact on any perceived dissenting person. We cannot take any chance in allowing him back in the WH, none no matter how slim. We must put up the strongest, most coherent fight we can or we will soon live in an cruel autocracy that has nothing on Putin. Ukraine will go down in flames and Europe will be put at risk. The consequences are unimaginable. Please just think it through. What if, what if what we all saw at the debate was not by some impossibility an anomaly never to be repeated? What if it predicts future behavior, maybe on and off but there regardless. Is that a risk you are willing to take? If so talk to me in a few months. See if I am not right. I hope I am not.

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This was very well done, Waj. Thanks for all you do.

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Genocide is not normal and never will be. I will not vote for Biden. I would consider voting for Harris. But Biden is as toxic as Hillary. Hillary supported and cheered on the castration and lynching of Gaddafi. I will not support this behavior in anyone, much less an elected leader. And shame on you if you do. The rest of the pack are little obedient followers and I will not vote for any of those contenders. They all fell into line when the DNC leadership decided to shove Biden down our throats. Enough already. Your article was most amusing but Biden was never smart enough to be a leader, let alone a president. And he's beena racist and right-leaning entitled warmongerer his whole life. His only political asset is his VERY fake White Boy Smile. Fuck that shit.

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