Sep 17Liked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

Astonishing, but not really surprising at this point. Thank you for shining some light on it.

Your description of “regular” Republicans having no problem supporting this in myriad ways reminded me of an old Mike Royko article I recently read about MLKs assassination. His descriptions then aptly parallel today’s MAGAs.


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There will never be another Mike Royko. RIP.

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If we were all one color I think the privileged amongst us, the rich would still find ways of justifying of claiming to be deserving of so much more than the majority of us.

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You are so right.😔

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skin color just makes it easier for identity politics.. Where skin color is not at issue other differences-manufactured or real in an unending identity politics rather than focusing on economic justice. Martin Luther King knew this. He Knew that addressing white poverty was essential to dealing with poverty period. Race is a manufactured concept. Martin knew that there is only one race, The Human Race. Martin's focus was on economic justice for all. Martin was a socialist-a democratic socialist who believed in the radical reconstruction of Society. He argued for guaranteed annual minimum income...he was more grass roots radical then Bernie Sanders. Most American's when they quote or pay homage to MLK do note really know that he was a DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST. GOD BLESS HIM FOR THAT!

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We dealt with this denial of racism while the blatant acts and words of racism were flowing, and every GOP operative swore to do everything to stop President Obama . . . Pitiful as it is, here we are and they have no low to low . . . This is how the R (right, Republicans, racists) roll.

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Megyn Kelly will be donning blackface for Halloween, so why would she pushback on the N-word? 😈

The racist underbelly has become a proud bellicose bump. The invisible ink is now tattooed on the foreheads of sycophantic influencers, in bold capital letters. The acoustic dog whistles are now amplified as stochastic terrorism.

The darkest hour is just before the dawn. Stat vigilant good people. ✊🏼💙🌊

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Rich Lowry does not seem like the type of guy that uses the word regularly or often.

But of all the contexts to use it, he picked THIS one??


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The brain worm controlling him hit the “n” key instead of “m” and autocomplete took over from there, that’s how he can justify to himself saying he stumbled over the word migrants.

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Rich Lowry is the guy who wrote the NYTimes oped a few weeks ago -- "Trump can win on character"

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I think intentionally targeting Haitan immigrants based on a completely false narrative looks like the deliberate coordinated attacks against Jews across Germany in November 1938. Both groups of people were targeted as a pretext for violence.

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« Nigge*  (R)» and « migrant » are not anywhere near in proximity in the oral cavity. Lowry definitely said the former. I’m guessing he was quoting the two complainants and that tells you right there what motivated their calls.

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MaGA or any other * * GA, are all Americans, but Zionists …they move around the globe colonizing and ravaging the Native Species, this is the main problem facing the entire world and entire humanity minus the Zionists / NAZIs !

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I would say … F them and pay attention to the Real Threat to the Planet and the Entire Humanity …the Zionists and their Zionism and their Poisonous Tentacles !

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I saw and heard the clip with Rich Lowry, and he undeniably, not "appeared", used the N word before changing it to "migrant". There was no mis-pronuciation of "immigrant". The Republican machine is full on racist, and they revel in it.

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Rich Lowry is usually the friendlier version of Josh Hawley. His viewpoints are always hard right.

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Misspoke "migrant," huh. He clearly must come from that teeny slice of the upper upper class who, as a mark of distinguishing themselves, pronounces "migrant" with a short i.

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