Yes! Caught the end of his rally in Detroit tonight & it was great! Hope we can energize voters especially in the swing states. I hope people are as angry as I am at corporate media, uneducated consultants and privileged men who think they should make decisions for the nation even after primary voters made their voices heard.

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100% Spot On!

Huddle up around Biden-Harris & Prepare people to vote while facing Traitor Trump, Putin, Stone, Miller, Heritage Foundation, Erik Prince & Bannon’s evil shenanigans.

Play to Win & Fight on Offense.

Get out the vote!

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I think it is also worth saying that Joe Biden was no one’s favorite pick in 2020, and he was seen as an institutionalist, a centrist. The congressional Black caucus was behind him then. But we threw our entire weight against the 2020 election with him and won.

He turned into the finest, most progressive President in the last 75 years, since FDR. Has he been perfect, no. FDR was not perfect either. But with very slim majorities he has been able to do a hell of a lot. Switching him out for an untried random white person, as you say, is a losing proposition. We need to be proud of Biden.

This election we are truly playing for all the marbles, and we need a Democratic majority in the House, Senate, and we desperately need to keep Biden in the White House.

With a trifecta (and he and.we all need to very specifically spell this out) he can finally pass desperately needed laws. The senate 60 votes filibuster rule can finally be changed with Manchin and Sinema gone, to a simple majority. That’s why we didn’t pass these laws 2021-2023, because of their refusal to change that rule.

With that we can finally pass a law regulating the Supreme Court, giving it the enforceable code of ethics it refuses to give itself, limiting its justices to gifts of $50 a year just like any other government employee, regulating what it can and can’t do as part of a court (like not taking away rights!) and most importantly, expanding the number of justice seats it needs as part of a thriving democracy with 330 million people with 13 judicial districts, and reforming the justice seating and terms process.

From that, all the other desperately needed laws can be passed.

Then the United States would be an ever so incrementally less flawed democracy. That’s worth fighting for!

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Now sell this pitch to the battleground states that we must win. I’m 100% with you

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Absolutely 100% agree with this!! All in for the Biden-Harris ticket!! Let’s win this and finish the job! 4 more years!

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I agree with you!! I never swerved away from Biden and I won’t. He’s a very fine President and he will continue to be so. Everyone needs to just calm the f#*% down! Kamala is also excellent. I hope Joe does not waver. Stand strong Joe!

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His age!!! It’s all the Republi-nazi’s can find to use against him!! (Funny that most of our reps and senate and just government in general are old!!)

We elect then re-elect mostly because we’re lazy and don’t like change.

So, this man Biden is politically clean, honest , hard working, family man who loves his country. He is smart and he understands world politics and he’s steady as a rock. Don’t let the press ride his age to the nations destruction ( distraction).

Biden for the win!!!💙💙💙

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It’s all true . Panic will not save us . It will ruin us . This is a Maga ploy.

If Democrats take the bait they’ll lose for sure

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President Biden has proven that he is up for it. Over 40 years of political experience and a guy who upholds the constitution and has our backs as Patriotic Americans. Plus he has a great VP behind him who can takeover at a moment’s notice should the need arise.

The other guy is just a useful idiot for the heritage foundation and the dictators of the world.

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I'm with you.

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Joe was ambushed in Atlanta, it was a psyop…. See: Havana Syndrome. VPutin is very proud of that tech they developed. Joe looked fine at his event immediately afterwards. Think about it - why was he positioned at a different angle than his opponent at the other podium. It was pivotal that HE BEEN SEEN AS WEAK precisely at that high visibility moment. We have to start thinking like our adversaries before it’s too late:/ !!! It was a planned attack.

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Not far-fetched at all, Sunny. Dems are too trusting because we wouldn't stoop to sabotage. The traitors to this country will do anything to destroy it, including murder. I hope Joe has a loyal (to democracy) Secret Service detail.

This whole mess we're in is keeping me awake most nights. Sigh...

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So now they’ve ‘forced’ him to have to get out there more, I don’t like it at all. Instead of laughing in their faces DEMS scramble to prove something? Just read another reporter refer to Joes ‘disastrous debate’. You know what? Some people didn’t even notice him being ‘off’ that much - but maybe they weren’t expecting a WWE-level performance- they were actually more concerned with Donald’s lying (602 if you include repeats). The German Chancellor read the transcript and said Joe answered all the questions - what’s the problem? We need to grow up - FAST: “but her emails” - benghazi benghazi benghazi- laptop laptop- disastrous debate, disastrous debate… How convenient this highly ‘unusual’ thing happened at that exact, precise moment. What were the odds ya know?

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Change my mind 😑

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That was good, Waj!

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I can make the point in less than 2 minutes!

I’ll vote for anyone who will keep Lina Khan at the FTC! Right now that is Biden.

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Excellent, Waj. Keep it coming!

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Well said!

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Great to see you on DN! Nerd Strike!!

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