Aug 25Liked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

This is one of the best articles that you've written, since I've been reading your substack (two months). I'll reluctantly admit that I had to dust off my dictionary for three words. You made me work to learn. BRAVO!

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The exceptionally brilliant concept of this piece starts with just this . . .you are mainstreaming the conversation that this is a real issue and reform, rules, expansion is possible. Keep on preaching and I’ll keep on sharing. We only will ever get what we demand.

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Yes, I noticed only 1 or 2 mentions at the DNC about the awful decision to grant presidential immunity for any "official" acts. I feel like Democrats haven't fully comprehended this dangerous expansion of executive power. The separation of powers between the judicial and executive branches are gone! I am also very concerned with their killing the Chevron doctrine. There just has not been enough push-back!

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Just wanted to mention a few reputable sources that are indeed, valued civic watchdogs re SCOTUS.

* ProPublica

* Fix the Court

* Brennan Center for Justice

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I've probably been as angry about this travesty of a Supreme Court as any other issue in the last few years. The only positive to come out of it is their stupid immunity ruling - which, if President "Dark Brandon" Biden is thinking ahead - he will cause to be overturned after Kamala wins the election by doing some really egregious thing that will show them the stupidity of their ruling (hmmm, they didn't forestall killing opponents - which no doubt could be justified on the basis of treason/sedition).

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Beyond frustrating.

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Question - how difficult will it be to get Supreme Court Justices appointed if Kamala wins the Presidency but the Senate is controlled by Republicans - assuming any of the justices can't serve anymore?

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very difficult, but Democrats can hope that MAYBE Alaska GOP Senator Murkowski can join them.

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How do you upgrade? It says you can’t manage the subscription in the app.

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Democrats fold to Republican obstructionism on so many issues .whether it be immigration, voters rights, woman rights, our civil rigjts, Palestinian rights. It's a fuc$%&# duoploy people. Get wok vote them all our of office. PEOPLE. PLANET. PEACE

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