Jul 31Liked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

Your happiness rolls off your words. It’s nice to feel hope again.

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Nothing about Palestine then? A lot of voters are waiting for her to take a stand on this subject before they will commit to her.

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Sadly this war will continue. Let's hope she pivots.

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Part of me says you're right, that's reality, and another part of me says, did you really just say that? We're going to "hope" she pivots? And if she doesn't, what will we do? Allow the war to continue? Fail to use American power to end it? I remember watching the first Obama election at one woman friend's place, texting all night (on one of those primitive phones where texting used the number pad, so it was hard) with another woman friend in Montana, and then crying when he and his family walked on stage. I also remember the utter disappointment as he did nothing about Assad despite having drawn a "red line" and despite the continuing slaughter of hundreds of thousands and the flight of half the population, some of whom are now my friends and others I met in refugee camps in Greece in 2016 and 2017. Something is terribly wrong with America, and Kamala is not going to fix it. I love her! This clip is genius. She'll kick Donald's ass, thank goodness. Then what? Donald Trump is a convenient distraction from all we really do need to do to establish -- note I did not say "restore" -- democracy. (It's time to admit that we need a new, fresh Constitution for the 21st century and beyond, one that doesn't need to be constantly tweaked because it was built on non-democratic premises, one that is truly aspirational, not one we comfort ourselves by saying it is aspirational.) All of our energy goes into defending from the right, then we maintain the status quo of an oligarchical empire that supports or brings death and destruction to people in other parts of the world in the name of "keeping America safe." I've enjoyed The Left Hook a lot but I'm thinking there's not much that's left about this comment. Haters, please understand that this comment is coming from despair, from having participated in electing a president since 1972, from seeing so little difference among them, from feeling duped by Clinton and Obama, from admiring Biden so greatly for the domestic gains unlike those achieved by anyone since Lyndon Johnson and then crashing when he doubled and tripled down on support for a genocide of Palestinians. I simply don't know what else to do then speak out, even though I know that is futile too.

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No Democrat you could vote for would significantly change the system or foreign policy. Its about preventing republicans from creating systemic change that will leave us all worse off. If you want systemic change and the genocide to end you have to organize and take to the streets. Stop expecting neoliberal candidates to be leftists.

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That’s exactly right

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U know quite frankly many of us r tired of hearing people nic pick those that r trying AGAIN to help u all out of a bloody mess that we & others did not create..It's heart wrenching to watch so many children & generations get slaughtered AGAIN! & FOR WHAT!!?..It's time u start looking at who u allow to lead u..The day is going to come that ALL this help from so many that truly do care about ALL of u is going to just stop & then what!?..Who r u going to nic pick on then?..Ur protesting & complaining at the wrong doors..In order to have freedom & ur own state is to know what that means ..what U URSELVES r responsible for to achieve it & then to permanently maintain it..it ALL starts with u & ur choices of leadership & who u pick..the buck as they say stops there!!..ALL THE HELP IN THE WORLD WILL NEVER GET U REAL PEACE & A REAL LIFE IF U URSELVES DON'T LEARN TO UNDERSTAND IT..THE KILLING OF UR OWN CHILDREN - UR OWN FUTURE GENERATIONS WILL CONTINUE IF U DON'T...

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She can't yet..She's not President yet & other leaders along with Pres. Biden have been working on this tragic mess all along..Their goal has always been to bring ALL hostages home & bring an end to a senseless cold & bloody war that we nor the others started!..We all know who started it & we all know whose pushing it along..She stated what she feels about it & like she said & could only say is "I hear u"!..instead of dumping on ALL THOSE who r trying to help..try looking at the ones who created this mess & help get rid of them so u ALL can live in peace - FOR ONCE!

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One thing she should add to her challenge is “ Mr. Trump are you afraid to be on the same stage with a woman you cannot Sexually Assault?

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The hoops and heels immediately come off . . . .🤣. She’s whuppin on DJT with her hoops and heels in place and not even messing up her hair. 🩵

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😄👍🏻 ok we so needed that - thank u for brightening the morning!..

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Great today, Waj!

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Donny doofus likes to talk out of both sides of his big orange 🍊 ASS

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I want Bobby with Kamala as his VP

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