Wow ! WOW! Ms Berry held her own. She did not back down. Sen. Kennedy is a disgrace.

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Sometimes it feels like the GOP are only trying to invite violence from their base.

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This Kennedy is playing for AIPAC $$$ is not allowing a answer to his bigoted questions ,, Shameful he’s on a panel against racism when he is the biggest racist

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💔 the live feed is SO MUCH WORSE than words can describe. I’m so sorry anyone has to ever be subject to this abuse. How do we turn this around and how do we stop the violence that always accompanies this incitement of violence against innocent people. I’m reeling from the smugness, the cruelty the arrogance, and I wasn’t even targeted. Words fail to describe my shock.

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This arrogant willfully ignorant cruelty is a signature motive of MAGA. Kennedy’s display of abusive bigotry and incitement or hate is simply playing to his base. It is shocking, which is the point. It is a recognized opening tactic for consequent conflict, equivalent to massed warriors beating their swords on their shields on a field of battle just before a full on attack. It is intended to shock, confuse and terrorize. We all need to follow Ms Berry’s example and as Ali writes regarding her dignity under fire, summon all the strength of our ancestors and hold the line of Enlightenment informed US democracy and right rule of law.

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Excellent insight and advice. Beautiful.

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Thank you. As the substack expert on US law Joyce Vance writes: We are in this together.

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And why? Do they even KNOW why they’re acting so hatefully? I don’t think they do. They just see “different” and right away slide off to the negative. No thought at all - because no knowledge. And no friendly curiosity. I’m tired of this Republican way of being. Tired and sad

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I watched that earlier. It was an absolute DISGRACE!!!

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Kennedy is a fraud huckster grifter like the rest of them. Ivy League educated, ex Democrat- he now sounds like Archie Bunker with a southern drawl. The GOP has become a total grift…. They fundraise off propaganda hate and division because it’s proven. Republicans think they own the libs with their hateful performances- but in reality, they own their own red pill cafeteria rubes- who lack any critical thinking from years of manipulation and misinformation.

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Agreed except Archie Bunker was persuadable and in the end was able to learn compassion. “ have your head in a bag” is appalling

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We live in some interesting times for sure. If a sitting senator said to an expert to put your head in a bag for supporting terrorism after she specifically said she did not support terrorism- during any other time other than the trumpocene- He (and I say he bc no woman would ever be so overtly racist) would be kicked out of the tribe. This is the tribe of trump- where we sling racist, misogynist insults like monkey poop!

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The endless volumes of ugly hateful incendiary remarks made by Republicans are effective in getting under your skin. Inventorying them has got to make one that cares sick. And that's what the fascists really want. The game is to get you nauseous or better yet to get you to react. The only healthy reaction is not to vote for them. Itemizing each and every evil remark ties up your time and attention. If people have not concluded the Republicans are a sick cult by now, they never will

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Your time and attention could be put on why America has no real room for a third party-a non corporate party-a democratic socialist party like all other Western democracies have. Rather than saying corporate media is not exposing Trump and his cult for what they are...the truth is, any fool watching horrible corporate CNN could still detect the ugliness of Trump and not vote for him but that fool may not know why corporate media and the two corporate political parties leave no room for a non- corporate third party. Now that would be worth exploring and reporting on.

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I will always remember this fact from Trump’s rise: he said a LOT of terrifyingly racist stuff, starting with Muslims, then Mexicans and it was all excused and sanitized. Then “Access Hollywood” tape happened and suddenly we all agreed this man could not be president. Would we even be here if Trump’s lifelong racism was disqualifying from the get go? That’s rhetorical, of course.

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This is truly shocking behavior. Kennedy should have to grovel for forgiveness. I shouldn’t be so amazed, but this is supposed to be an educated, somewhat cultured member of our representatives. Clearly a toady.

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Hate is just so terrible. Good for Ms.Berry for maintaining her cool and dignity. This was disgraceful questioning by Senator Kennedy

Why do we continue to go down this hateful, racist road? The government is supposed to solve problems, not make them. All this hate divides us and causes more problems. There was not an “issue” in Springfield, OH two weeks ago. It’s only an “issue” now because Trump and Vance promoted this a week ago. But it serves their campaign narrative. Just despicable

I know this sounds very idealistic but being nice to people, understanding their issues/concerns and showing a little love doesn’t cost you anything. It might even make you feel good. Republicans should try this. It might actually work

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I have no words for this behavior that the others have not commented on other than to say thank you for raising awareness. MSM will never show anything like this so it’s up to us to get educated

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“you should hide your head in a bag” sounds like HE wanted to hide her head in a bag. as we know, putting a hood over a person’s head is (terrorizing, humiliating, inhumane, despicable) and most often the first step not the only step. He needed to be ejected from the committee; that he was allowed to speak to her in such a manner, and continue on without being stopped, means the committee chair needs to be removed also. NOW.

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Aside from his disgusting commentary, I couldn’t help but not the total opposite manner in which he questioned her. He doesn’t speak like that when he’s speaking to another man. It’s just another example of his hate. My god, what have we come to?

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Louisianans, if they are not already, should be overwhelmingly EMBARRASSED to have voted for Kennedy…but they are not.

In a state run by petro-ghouls and hypocritical evangelicals, Kennedy is the perfect representative for the incredible idiots of Louisiana, voting against their own best interests for decades.

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One comment re MTG - in my opinion she's not defending any marginalized group from Laura Loomer -- Marge is as racist as she ever was. She's attacking Loomer because she sees Loomer as a rival. One mean girl attacking another mean girl. It was MTG who was pictured a little bit ago with her bosoms pressed into Trump's gut, and now she's been replaced by Loomer. Yuck on all accounts.

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