So gratified to read this as is exactly how I feel about Woodward & others like him who could have provided v relevant info to make a difference in lives of those who follow trump and/or the trump-curious, & oh, yeah, our democracy.

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Neoliberal mindset at it’s usual.

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How is this relevant? It's greed at work. Stop with the labels. Not helping

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Thanks for writing this. Your accurate analysis seems to go unsaid by everyone else in journalism. Shameful.

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Not everyone but definitely by the majority.

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Woodward turned out to be a self-centered jerk. Maybe he was always that way. Maggie Haberman of the NY Times is another access hungry reporter. She used to write biting exposés on the fpotus, now she has flipped to sane-washing him, because she has gained super easy approaches to him. Journalism in MSM used to be pro-democracy; now it is tabloid fodder to get clicks and notice. I have turned to Substack writers who get at the substance and heart of an issue. Soon I will be able to upgrade to more paid subscriber status; but I encourage all my friends to read here. I hope it helps. We need honest journalism.

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Looking for a silver lining here- maybe the mid October. publish date of Woodward's book can act as "October surprise" in the vein of Comey's statement on HRC emails??? Let's hope the media gives these revelations A LOT of attention and just maybe a few more GOP endorsements for Kamala...like from GWB and Romney and Gen Mattis & HR McMaster?? Maybe some confirmation from National Intelligence community & superseding indictment could be in the near future (a girl can dream🤷🏻‍♀️)

I do admit my immediate reaction on hearing this news was "why was Woodward sitting on this bombshell instead of informing the public?"

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Absolutely right! I have been steaming all day from this author’s selfish move. That he thinks he knows best when Americans should benefit from his juicy drops infuriates me no end. Selfish prick is right.

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Such an excellent summary of how so many in the press failed us, and continue to do so. It is so disheartening. Thanks for calling it out, sticking to your guns, and telling the truth, even if it costs you. I deeply appreciate the few sources we can still trust.

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Right on point … shameless … we can only hope the information now reaches a few people who’ve not already made up their mind…

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Isn’t this illegal? We only have one president at a time!

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I put Woodward in the same group as Garland and Taney - oops, I meant Roberts.

Garland did nothing from day one on the job to fully investigate and legally prosecute trump and his entire administration for their outward, gleeful corruption and grift - let alone the hidden stuff. (Tell me why a man who instigated an actual coup against our government - while still in office even - and who daily foments violence against the same has been allowed to run again?)

Roberts works tirelessly to turn America into a fascist led theocracy, sold America to the highest bidder with Citizens United, ripped apart our voting laws to feed his racist yearnings and is clawing for as much power as he can for himself and his five fellow trump lapdogs. His motto for SCOTUS behavior is “Ethics Be Damned - they don’t apply to us!”

All three are extremely dangerous to our country and its future.

I thank you Mr Ali for having the moral courage and inner strength to speak out against Woodward and his ilk.

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Exactly!! I would never buy this book! Woodward and other access journalists are self-serving and amoral.

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Thanks, Waj, for speaking out. It certainly seems the public should have been informed about the calls with his BFF before orange man was anointed a king to be.

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We’ve bought his books in the past, we will not support him again. He like many others have only written for the money and not democracy. Where was he telling us when he learned all this?

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⬆️What he said.

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His actions are venal indeed. Contemptible. We needed this information and he has withheld it how long? No. This is inexcusable. Then he goes on TV for interviews as though he has saved us. Reminds me of Prince Harry’s Spare-—profit tops everything. The media is culpable of grand deception in the lead up to this election. I no longer watch CNN, nor do I read the NYT. I long since gave up on the WSJ as it became slanted ages ago.

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Great piece. You are channeling 10 years of anger & frustration I’ve felt at media. Woodward is a despicable person and unworthy of the accolades and money he accumulates by default.

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