Jul 17Liked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

Everyone will read this piece, inshallah. Masterfully spoken, Waj!

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Jul 17Liked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

It's messy, If only the Democrats would get messy.

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If only...

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Jul 17Liked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

Johnson gave the "wrong" speech. Sure he did. Unity my ass.

But apparently he called her today.


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The Dems aren’t the ones calling for retribution, revenge and military tribunals.

The Dems aren’t the ones screaming “lock Biden up”, have pictures of Biden shot in the head and tied up in the trunk of the car, have a Biden punching bag.

The Dems aren’t the ones blocking any and all gun reforms.

The Dems aren’t the ones denying the 2020 election was fair and legal, threatened two Georgia poll workers so much that they had to flee their homes, and have said the “ revolution will bloodless if the left allows it”.

The Dems aren’t the ones threatening our Democracy.

Enough already.

Vote out every republican.

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Oh, Waj, you're a hoot!! I mean, I take you seriously, but the seriousness of it all as explained by you, just makes me laugh because (1) it's so true, and (2) the way you lace in the sarcasm adds to that 'je ne sais quoi' of the truths you speak! I'm planning to go listen to the Nerds and Mary pretty soon and hope to see you there. I must say you are a lovely man, both as relates to your high political IQ, but also, you're not bad to look at either (and before that goes to your head I'm 72 years young, but I can still see what I see and say what I say). Lololol!

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Thank you sir. Everything you point out seems self-evident, and it's doing bad things to my blood pressure to see so much of the public world doing mental gymnastics to avoid acknowledging what's obvious. Please keep up the good work!!

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