May I add another reeking layer to this lasagne of these people's self-loathing by pointing out that Usha stands by as her bigot man seeks to disembody women and hamstring their personal autonomy? What the hell, lady?

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18 hrs agoLiked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

We’ve watched this movie before. . . . . She’s going to get a hella wake-up call to remind her of that Faustian bargain. Everything Trump touches self destructs.

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18 hrs agoLiked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

Great writing Waj! 👏🏼

Yeah, these people should know better, which makes their complicity all the more insidious. I guess they sold their souls to the devil at the same time as the "Gays for Trump" and "Blacks for Trump" crowd. 🤦🏼‍♀️😒

Make it make sense. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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14 hrs ago·edited 14 hrs ago

Firstly, Usha Vance’s and Vivek Ramaswamy’s support of a supremacist MAGA is entirely understandable from the viewpoint of the Brahmin caste within Hinduism of which Usha is definitely a member and I assume Ramaswamy is too. They are taught from birth that they are born innately superior to all others over whom they have the responsibility and privilege to rule.

Secondly, the British Empire’s rulership of India created a ruling class of like minded colonialists by working closely with the Hindu Brahmins. The last Prime Minister of the UK Rishi Sunak was married to a very high caste Brahmin whose father is closely allied with India’s present Hindu extremist leader Narendra Modi. He was responsible for introducing anti immigrant and racist legislation. This kind of Internalised colonialist worldview in people of colour is perhaps more common in the ruling class of the still class bound monarchist UK than in the US.

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yes just more blood and soil bigoted hate, topped off with self loathing. Spicy sauce.

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Thank you for confirming my suspicions abt her background, behaviour & support for that man. Remember he married her in 2014, met Thiel, then turned RW. Before that reports are that he was a human being! Since her family in India are in high positions in academia, I figured they must be of a higher caste. Seems like he was under some very highly-privileged influence at the time that poisoned him. “Sad”

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This exactly.

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16 hrs ago·edited 16 hrs agoLiked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

You forgot to mention Piyush "Bobby" Jindal - another whitewashed Indian and wannabe GOP Presidential candidate.

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theres just so much time and so much space ;)

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I have wondered how a clever woman like Usha Vance could put up with the MAGA nonsense. But like Peter Thiel she must view it as a way to manifest her will to power. She has known about it for years, I presume. If I were in her shoes, I would be very worried about my parents. Two degrees of separation is not much protection from extremists. What must the mother, a biology professor, think of her son-in-laws plans for post-menstrual women?

Anne Coulter is wrong. The new in thing is to be a kind of crypto-Catholic . It is all the rage with Christian Nationalist politicians. Vance converted yet again five years ago.

If this were Nazi Germany, Usha and her kids would not be tolerated no matter who Vance was. I hope she is ready to watch the great deportation.

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I think they convert to Catholicism because Taliban isn’t socially acceptable. Same eyeliner though.

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Usha and Hillbilly Vanilli. American nightmare indeed.

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18 hrs agoLiked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali


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The wife is quite the whore, isn't she. The average hooker anywhere in the world is due more respect than the likes of Usha Vance. I would argue that they posses the dignity that Vance has none of as well. As for Nikki Haley & Vivek Ramaswamy, they make three.

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as my child lay in the trauma care unit receiving blood transfusions, it didn’t ever occur to me to consider the ethnicity of the donors. we All bleed red.

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Also, in the photo you included in this piece, the look on the man's face directly behind Usha begs a question. I wonder what that guy was thinking when that image was made.

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To Usha - RUN! NOW AND FAR AWAY! Pack up the kids and go as far as you can. Save yourself and them from the really horrible JD!

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She's all in and is a willing accomplice.

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Absolutely right. Power corrupts and some people get so blinded that color does not seem to matter in that moment - I feel sad for her parents - I don’t give fuck about what happens to her - May she go down just like clad Vance and Agolf shitler

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Well, this is no different than some of the "higher caste" folks in India who are willing to rub shoulders with anyone that preaches supremacy within the Hindu nationalist movement. I would say that these folks have the same idea here in the U.S. The only difference being that the MAGA elites (there's a misnomer) will not give two shits about them if they come to power. I still cannot get over how Vivek stood there with a straight face while Ann Coulter told him that she could not vote for him because of his brown skin. Vivek's tag lie should be "What can Brown do for you?"

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Well stated. I do think that there’s more, though. What is the psychology, the self-hate, the perceived inadequacy that leads POCs to support the ticket that openly mocks, marginalizes, and even disdains them? 🤷‍♂️❓

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You are assuming someone who is a stone throw away from a significant position of power is going suddenly grow a conscience?

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GOP: Haitians will eat your pets.

Nazis: Jews will cheat you out of money.

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