I'm very proud of you for calling Mika and Joe (Morning Joe) out. 🙂✊🏼🙏🏼💙

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Sad. Mika's mother and my mother were friends back in the '60s. Mika's mother did portraits of my brother and me, and each of us still has his portrait. Mine is up in my office next to photos of my baby sister as a toddler. (I was six at the time. Mika wasn't born yet.) My mother's been gone for over 20 years, but she'd be absolutely appalled. My mother was VERY smart, highly principled, and tough.

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Truth and the Facts, something Joe and Mika are going to be having a tough time with on MSNBC. Thank You,Waj, and will reStack ASAP 🙏💯👍

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So many of my fellow Americans are spineless traitors. I don't ever want to hear another word about assimilation. As a naturalized citizen, I swore an oath to the US Constitution that I uphold every day. The shameless weaklings who support Trump cannot claim to be American patriots.

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I am still stunned that this is where we’re at. The hubris of man will be their downfall. I just hope MAGA doesn’t take everyone with them.

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They have always been like that. I have never liked them. They are super obnoxious and self absorbed.!

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You took the words right out of my mouth.

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Wow, I didn't see this coming from them. Thank you for this piece!

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As Timothy Snyder said, “do not obey in advance”. I am disappointed but not surprised by what Mika and Joe did. My husband and I stopped watching them some time ago. They are far from genuine and prove it every weekday morning.

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Never watched them because Joe's been little more than a gasbag even when he was in the House. Mika is a fake feminist who wouldn't know how to pump her own gas.

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They're also part of the problem now.

Is everyone going to bend the knee to this lunatic?! My God. This is gonna be way worse that we thought.

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I see a burgeoning market and demand for knee pads.

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I stopped watching any tv news. I get most of what is readable right here!! Thanks for helping keep my sanity! Shame on them all for bowing down to the clown

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They both are now INSURRECTIONISTS. I deem

those insufferable two with disdain, because conservatism leaves me with jungle breath, hence you both now join the rank knuckleheads whom worship this crass, arrogant and stupid orange so-called ‘man’. Good luck! I hope you’re torn asunder you lousy, rotten rich TRAITOR TRASH! Have you had an invite to Putin’s Palace yet?!? I ‘betcha’…,

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I wrote this and posted it a few days ago. It was not prophetic, just the logical conclusion knowing corporate media history.

“Long Political Post that you won’t hear in the media. Please read.

It’s time to think about the likely directions that the news media will take in the US moving forward. There are numerous recent historical precedents for the changes in the ways news sources will react to this authoritarianism. The classic example cited is prewar WWII Germany where the progressive media was demonized, then marginalized, then totally forbidden and its proponents jailed. That, hopefully, will not happen here. What I see as much more likely is the way the news media responded to Joseph McCarthy’s red scare in the late 1940’s and 1950’s.

The first attack was a declaration that progressive media, and media in general, were “the enemy within,” bent on the destruction of the country. That has already happened here and now. As time progressed, progressive and accurate voices were relegated to the margins by the authoritarians who were able to convince a sizable portion of the population that all such voices were subversive.

Then came the normalization of the vitriol that the authoritarians were spewing. The right wing media just cheered them on. The response of the mainstream media was no better in general and can be divided into two broad categories.

A significant portion of the media simply shut up. They reported only the major civil rights infringements and abuses and they reported them as simple news without commentary. They tried to keep a low profile so as not to invoke the ire of, and name calling by, the “red baiters.”

Another large segment of media reported the events in detail but completely without commentary or critique, leading large portions of the general public to accept the vitriol and lies as fact.

I am already seeing these tendencies in parts of the mainstream media. It will only get worse. So what can we do? It is not 1950. The Internet has given voice to almost everyone. As the mainstream media allows the noose to tighten around their necks, each of us can commit to spreading the truth: sharing progressive news stories and messages as broadly as possible. Every time. Every day. This will not come without some element of personal cost for many of us but the choice is that cost or the abandonment of our liberties. It’s gonna be a rough road. We need to steel ourselves for the journey.”

And today I posted this:

“Remember my post a few days ago about how mainstream media is going to normalize the authoritarians and we need to be even more skeptical about what we read and hear (and check multiple sources)? It’s well underway. Here is a prime example cited by Chris Cilliiza https://substack.com/@chriscillizza about Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezenski going to Mar Alago and kissing the ring.

In September, 2023, Joe Scarborough said this:

“This is not a reach, I can go back and talk about Nazi Germany and I do it without any concerns whatsoever. And if people can’t start drawing the parallels, well, you’re just stupid or you have your head in the sand, or you’re one of them.”

And now the two have gone to Mar Alago and say this:

“We talked about a lot of issues, including abortion, mass deportation, threats of political retribution against political opponents and media outlets. We talked about that a good bit.”

It will come as no surprise to anybody who watches this show, has watched it over the past year or over the past decade, that we didn’t see eye-to-eye on a lot of issues and we told him so.

Added Brzezinski: “What we did agree on was to restart communications.”

Yeah, and kiss the ring. They don’t want to loose access, their ratings might suffer and it’s not about principles, it’s about money.”

Thanks Chris for calling this out.

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Nice. Fox and the RW disinformation media ecosystem has been state media for a while. Going to get more Orwellian.

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First read. Worth the price.

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The only true journalist, and the one that will probably lose their job first, on msnbc is Joy Reid.

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Lawrence O'Donnell would be second.

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A few days after the election you could see the pivot, they were the one of the first to start in on the "identity politics" as though only marginalized people have identities and the rest of us do not, Joe started talking nonstop about his "Republican Roots in the House of Representatives as a Republican" and you could almost hear the tires screeching as they turned that car around. And when they spent the top of the hour talking about trans girls middle school sports I knew exactly where they were going with this and then yesterday happened. And so I turned on the TV early this morning to see their nonsense and of course it was nonsense and they kept pulling in poor Reverend Al and using the Bible to justify their decision to kiss the ring of their golden idol. I hope everyone at that table is uncomfortable and calling their agent asking how to get out of whatever contract they have either with that show, or with MSNBC in general.

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I’ve never cared for them. They have always been a bunch of phonies.

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