Jul 25·edited Jul 25Liked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

I'm a native Delawarean. Most people have no appreciation for just how small my home state really is. Just 3 counties. Maybe 90 miles north to south, 40 odd miles wide. We natives know each other. Joe Biden and his family have been part of my life for most of my life. I remember when his first wife and their little baby were killed in a car accident and his little boys were in intensive care. Delawareans have been with Joe through hard times and triumphs. So, this speech was hard for those of us in the Delaware family to hear, because the Bidens are like family to all of us.

I'm proud of Joe for his courage in making the hard and heartbreaking decision to end his political career, but grateful for his selflessness in passing the torch to Kamala Harris. So, all I can say is thank you, Mr. President. Delaware is proud to call you one of our own.

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Jul 25Liked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

I appreciate this piece for how well you could set aside your differences especially given your advocacy for the people suffering heartbreaking devastation in Gaza. I really admire that. You demonstrated sincere respect and clearly have moral superiority over many in your profession.

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It shows a maturity & perspicacity of not letting one issue, even a very heartfelt one, overrule all the other issues, in judging the success of an administration.

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Jul 25Liked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

Thank you for your words. I’ve shared them around, as this is such an insightful tribute to an era that ended with a presidency. We have all been touched by his career as a statesman.

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Jul 25Liked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

Beautifully said. Like you, I have problems with how the greater war against Hamas has been handled. I wish the admin. would stress it's a war against Hamas instead of saying 1 is just for Israel. I also blame the media for their role.

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Rarely do I read piece where I agree 100%. I agree 100% with this piece. Thank you.

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agree totally

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