Thanks, Waj. You so aptly articulate what I fumble around with. I look forward to following you for the duration.

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Beginning of paragraph 7, "Trump's Jeffrey Epstein..."

Should that be Trump's pal? Trump's bestie? Trump's long-time associate?

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yup pardon thanks for the look out.

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I read it elsewhere - these nominations of unqualified candidates is one of the things DEI was designed to address. This is why they hate DEI so much - it jeopardizes the unwarranted elevation of more qualified people (women, minorities, non-Christians) who don't happen to look like them.

It's anti-American.

BTW, one Republican Senator was decrying the failure of recruiting numbers. Turns out that young men are still applying, but fail to meet "minimum standards" of education, intelligence, sobriety (can't pass drug test), physical fitness.

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Elect a clown, you get a circus. Only this one puts cyanide in his lapel squirt flower and has a wood chipper out behind the tent. I keep going back to hapless Jeff Sessions, one of the first in Trump’s first administration to get chewed up and spit out—I mean, Trump traumatized this guy. Any one of these nominees is setting themselves up for this: either they make a peep he doesn’t like or something goes awry under their watch and it’s all their fault for doing a lousy job.

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This whole hearing made me sick. You've done a Great Job covering it,Waj, Thank You 🙏

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I don’t understand how you can sit in front of people like Piers Morgan and not want to reach across and strangle him. I applaud your efforts.

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Pray that God helps us.

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I’m going to go out on a limb here, but I predict that 1/3 to ½ of all Trump appointees will be fired in the next 2 years, by him. Anyone agree ?

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Thank you for your lucid writing about these perilous times and the maniacal persons about to ascend into more power.

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Waj, I love your writing and humor, although this is no laughing matter. These confirmation hearings are a joke, and the insulting attitude by the candidates proves how disgustingly partisan they are. None of them would have made it out of committee before Convicted Felon Mad King Donny. Guess we had better learn Russian,since they will pretty much be handing us over with these picks. The world will never trust us again because the MAGA Morons voted him back in and, assuming Gabbard is confirmed, we will no longer get intelligence from our allies. These picks, like Donny, will destroy our national security.and country, and we will never regain our place on the world stage.

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It is anti-American. Those in power have world dominance-- not America-- in their hearts. They entered in a Trojan horse, said they believed in free speech or whatever, captured our media, courts and government. We’ve been invaded. By people who have no IDEA what America meant or means.

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Thank you, Brenda Brown.

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It’s appears no facts matter. Quit going on Piers… he’ll have no talent left to appear. I quit watching.. even the clips you send.

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sadly, facts dont matter anymore for right-wing media.

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So sad that work experience / competence is no longer required for jobs at the highest levels of government. It astounds and sickens me. Hey, but some of Trumps nominees are cute/ television ready! He'll have a cutie pie cabinet.

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Well, Piers Morgan is obnoxious, but at least he allows people on who disagree with him.

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They team up with the actual World's Worst People because they have no qualms about going after who they imagine are the World's Worst People.

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