Sep 22Liked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

Wonderful to get such a close-up view from the inside, and with deep insight and realism about the task ahead.

Thanks very much!

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Sep 23Liked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

Very informative. Thanks to both of you. Updates would be greatly appreciated.

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Sep 22Liked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

Yes. Israel is destroying itself and its people and culture, as it does the same to Palestine. It's a tragedy and a lose-lose for everyone.

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thanks for this - Mairav is very brave!

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No doubt Bibi makes it a lot harder to defend Israel. No doubt Bibi and his cohorts Shmotrich and Ben Gvir have been behaving like Nazis in the West Bank forcing people to tear down their own homes or pay for the privilege of having it torn down for them. But this goes back way before Bibi. In 2005 Sharon made a significant gesture towards peace in removing Jewish settlements from Gaza. Palestinians reciprocated by electing Hamas terrorists. As such they bear responsibility for the actions their elected government has taken in their name. The 1967 war ended in 6 days. The 1973 war in 3 weeks. Jordan made peace with Israel after 1967 and Egypt after 1973.

If you want to go all the way back to 1948 and before there is no doubt that Zionist terrorism played an integral part in the formation of the Jewish state. But as to you and others using the provocative term "occupiers" when if you are living in the Good Old USA, here in New Zealand, or any number of other places are occupiers as well. As such unless you are prepared to return whatever property you are occupying to its rightful owners is the height of hypocrisy. As for US support for Israel Hamas is more than Palestinian resistance but Islamic resistance as well. They know nothing but perpetual war against infidels. Israeli Jews as not just occupiers but infidels as well are doubly cursed. No one with any sense wants Islamic terrorists taking possession of Israel's nuclear arsenal. Anyone with any sense would like to see this end as in Ireland with The Troubles. That was always remote at best and damn near impossible now once Hamas decided on October 7 a year ago to force a showdown. Like the song says "a time for war a time for peace".

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The Israeli military security sector wrote to the US Congress before Netanyahu's recent visit and warned Congress that Netanyahu's actions were contrary to both the Israeli and US security interests. They wrote that Netanyahu's visit was designed to shore up his base in Israel.

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