
He makes me physically ill. I don’t understand someone who can bait people to attack others. They are the ones behaving like animals. I spent decades studying Russia, Poland and WWII. I know how this all works, and it is terrifying. It also tends to snowball until few have any control. Stalin turned on his own people and Ukrainians, but managed to keep things tight. He was singular in that respect, but the Russians themselves were turning on one another to save themselves during the Terror. Once it starts everyone is fair game.

My grandfather was in the Raj in Wurzistan circa 1900 when he was a young man. He rose in the ranks. But I never, ever heard him say anything racist about his troops of whom he was truly fond or of the Afghanis. I am sorry about the Raj. And all these years later look where we are with Afghanistan.

But I digress. This willingness, or even eagerness to hurt blameless people is reprehensible and should get Trump and even more so Vance barred from office. Surely this is clearly action aimed at destroying our democracy.

And as of today, the would-be dictator doesn’t know if he is in Georgia or Louisiana. We are supposed to trust this man?

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Oh yes, great idea banning from office! There should be rules about slamming other humans running for office and so much more…

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Thank you for your honesty and clear well evidenced description of Trump his movement and this moment.

This is the worse period of American history I think I have ever lived and being an immigrant like yourself makes it all even more vivid.


Thank you 😊!

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Politics has become so ugly it's no longer fun to keep up to date with it any longer. How can America tolerate much more of this evilness and hold its head up high with the other countries? Where is our pride? Have we no shame? Don't we care about getting the respect from the other countries?

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If I didn't live here, I'd likely stop following American news. It's just so stressful and embarrassing.

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Please don’t leave. America needs bright and kind people.

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Thank you, and I agree that we need well-meaning and invested people here in the USA. I'm so disappointed in our media outlets. Their incentive now is clicks (money) rather than truthful service to the nation.

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Ya think. America is doing itself in I'm afraid. But why?

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I agree, the egregious lies the Marxists on the left keep spewing via their party controlled media doesn’t allow the tax paying citizens of this nation, The greatest nation on earth in fact, from making objective decisions. It is shameless beyond comprehension. The same people that feed them the lies want to prosecute their opponents by politicizing the justice system.

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Wow. Now there’s chat gpt for right wing-nuts.

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So 1965!

Haven’t seen a Marxist in decades!

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Oh shut up you dumb bot.

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I think you’ve expressed it the way I’m feeling it. I am so damn tired of him and beyond ready to move on.

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Excellent summary of the violent racism out in the open, promoted by the fpotus and his enablers. Republicans are proudly White Supremacist. The fenzied chanting of "Send them back" by the cult at fpotus's rally was a horror reality show. These people would be lining up at lynchings. The weird thing is, fpotus purposely puts Black persons behind him at his rallies. What??? Fpotus wants to court Black votes, but chants racist taunts about them. How insane is this?

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How much do you think he pays for standing behind him at the rallies?

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I cannot believe that our country has been taken over by the most terrible people imaginable. Then again, we've spent so many cycles electing the lesser of evil with the net effect of an ever increasing evil, so ... maybe that has something to do with it. But here we are. And whining about how we got here does nothing. Time to turn the corner, pedal to the metal, and turn this shit around. Hate has no place in my America.

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It finally dawned on me reading your piece: it’s not just a playbook, it’s his brand.

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The most frustrating part is I feel helpless about being able to do enough other then voting and trying to get others to vote. The other side can use any language while we have to always play nice and hope there are enough good people to vote / that’s some

Fucked up way to try and win. Where is fucking Merrick garland has been my go to rant these days knowing fully well there is no one coming.

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the filing of lawsuit is against The Former President and a nominee for vice president not (“our president and vp”) . the mindset of those supporters drives my bonkers and terrifies me simultaneously. 40 days suspense too intense. stay safe, stay sane 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊

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He probably has (or has had) quite a few Haitians working for him at Mar-a-Lago. There are many in service jobs in South Florida.

Trump and his followers' racism is embarrassing. The fact that millions of people still believe him is an indictment of America, the Republican Party, the media and the US education system.

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Thankyou Ted. Thankyou Abdul. Thankyou Waj. 😉

Yes, they've all dialed it up to 11 and IMHO, they want nothing less than civil war.

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Agree and hopefully a broad base of Americans are similarly seething below the surface with various versions of outrage at all trump's inhumanities and will assert it at the polls.

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Oh, I really hope so, but D T is set to win the electoral college votes to win the election. How can you stop that? His followers are redness far right supremists and fanatics.

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I saw it straight up when he picked in Kapernick . Destroying Kapernick future (well he tried) and why ? Because Kapernick took a knee ???? WTF 😒

Yet tRump eventually showed his disturbing unpatriotic self . And then Johnson taking to his knees in the WH showed how many and bent there Repub assholes are . Taking a knee is the same thing period , a young black wonderful athlete or a disturbed white supremacists both asking for mercy for their beliefs . And why ,I , don't go to my knees for nothing . ..unless I fall . Vote blue because the other option is absolutely unpatriotic and very disturbing

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By now, we all know he's racist. My question is this, what happens to all of the current racist GOP if he's not elected? Do they just go back under thier rocks or do they double down on their racist ways to block anything the Harris government tries to accomplish?

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Hopefully people will be voting down ballot for Democrats and flip some seats. Yes, they will do what they did to President Obama for 8 years. Mitch McConnell is a scumbag.

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Come on .. you don’t see that an alarming percentage of Jews support genocide of a Muslim country ? They want Trump president cuz he supports a Jewish white supremacist ethnostate .. no mention of the genocide in Gaza ?

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Thank you Waj for telling the hard truth. You are saying stuff that needs to be said. I hope and pray that these monsters will be swallowed up by their vile racism and self-destruct (politically).

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