I think there are some people down here yelling about "genocide" without listening carefully to what the VP said yesterday

(or perhaps without even knowing she had a comment, sigh)


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I have been listening to all the politicians !!

I have seen and listened to Biden and his team and their elks for more than 40 years !

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Fine, you don't want to listen? She said it's time for a cease fire and she'll do everything in her power to get it done. All you fools talking about Genocide by Biden are way out of line. He's complicit for helping Israel, and ISRAEL is committing the genocide. Put the fault where it really lies.

In the meantime, you can jump on the administration for continuing to send them $$$$$$$, but WE are not doing that bullshit to the Palestinians. Israel is. Part of it is because the Jews are powerful people right here in the U.S. THAT is the problem. If you disagree with them, they'll call you anti-Semitic without realizing that term applies to Palestinians as well. <major eye roll>

The conflict in Israel/Palestine has gone on for way more than 40 years, dude. Get yourself together, because Dems haven't been in power of this friggin government for 40 years. STFU

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The problem of trump is nothing new,

But, what is the alternative ? Embrace the Genocide by Biden Team ?

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The alternative is our Constitution won't be thrown out of the window, there won't be a dictatorship in the U.S., and fascism won't replace democracy. SMFH

You're anger is misplaced anyway. ISRAEL is committing genocide. Because you can do nothing about it, and our politicians have to, you're mad at them for not stopping ISRAEL and that asshole of a President of THEIRS.

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So Kamala will continue the genocide of the Palestinians and this isn't mentioned as a shame on the Democrats? Shouldn't the DNC be held accountable?

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Try thinking instead of repeating Hamas sonsored propoganda. Im not an apologist for Israel but you’re one of tmr btainwashed moral idiots. The worlds more complicated morally that youre even willing ro image. Hows half the pipulation—women!—doing inGaza, in Iran, enen inSaudia Arabia

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Just out of the Jungle ?

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Oh man, fix your spelling & grammar. This is almost unreadable. The 3 dots are the edit for comments.

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And yetyou managed. Very impressive. Stick to AI posts— they are made for people lie U

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Okay, now you're being immature. I did NOT manage and don't know what you said. Wanna be heard? Be legible. I'm not into AI. Grow up.

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