What Has America Become?
An uncomfortable truth that Americans must confront is that Donald Trump and MAGA represent the cruelty, vulgarity, and racism that was always present but rarely acknowledged. This is us.
Happy Thanksgiving, fellow Americans. I hope you enjoyed your family and loved ones and could rest and relax. Some of you were kind enough to spend your free time serving the marginalized in your communities or giving charity. That’s what our public servants, like our Presidents, generally do on this holiday.
Well, that’s what they did.
Now, they troll and shit post the most vindictive, petty, weird nonsense imaginable. This happens when a plurality elects a vulgar criminal to the White House.
Trump’s Reek, JD Vance, decided to debase himself and voluntarily post this photo as a Trad wife serving up the whitest picture of America a photo of the electoral map. Again, please tell me more about “unity” and how the rest of us, the 48% who didn’t vote for Trump, should reach out and understand MAGA voters.
In this episode of Democracy-ish, Danielle and I discuss how Trump, Vance, and MAGA represent a quintessential America that this country doesn’t want to acknowledge or understand. The America that is cruel, petty, corrupt, and racist. The America that would rather drain a swimming pool than have Black kids swim with white kids. The America that would rather secede and engage in a Civil War than end slavery. The America that would rather self-destruct than elect a competent Black Indian woman as President.
We F’d around, and now we’re all about to find out.
We haven’t become anything. We were always a racist country. This just confirmed it to the rest is the world
A cesspool of wealth and excess. The bog of eternal stench.