Sep 3Liked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

This is the best piece on the Israeli/Gaza/US/Mideast tangle I've seen to date. THANK YOU BOTH. Please, Noga, come over to Threads. And can we figure out a way for us to financially support you in addition to pressuring the networks who don't. Please have her back, Waj.

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Holy crap, that's dark. Thank you Waj and Noga for this incredible interview. This tells us the stakes for our own election, too. We knew how it could go, but not how quickly. There's no way Trump isn't just waiting for his chance to follow his buddy Bibi's example.

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Sep 3Liked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

Great interview. Thank you for your commitment to truth and freedom

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Sep 3·edited Sep 3Liked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

Thank you for this, as well as your previous video on the same question. Tin pot dictator in Central America--pthah. He's mirroring trump. The whole inability to connect with reality. Check. "No one will preach to me" including thousands and thousands of Israelis. Sheesh. Doing anything to keep from prosecution? Check. Himself as being the state? Check. He's operating on an Israeli version of Project 2025.

He also moved what he calls "extra" troops from the Gaza border to "protect settlers" in the West Bank. This was KNOWING that intelligence was warning that Hamas had plans--had even done a VIDEO of a practice raid. The place that needed protecting with "extra" troops was the Gaza border.

And YES. Biden no longer has actual skin in the political future. He is actually free to order the stopping of offensive weapons. For political purposes in appeasing the Pro Israel lobby, Harris can demure. But she isn't the one who can make the order. What Biden can do is equivalent to what he actually did with Ukraine to oust the corrupt guy--follow (in this case make) a policy that the administration overall agrees with, and withhold funding. (This is different btw from Trump's withholding, which was purely for personal benefit, the "announce an investigation" bit.)

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Noga, Thank you for your brilliant analysis and suggestions about how those of us who desire a democratic Israel can best understand its political reality. I only question your use of autocracy to describe how Netanyahu wants to rule. Autocracy seems like a euphemism for a fascist dictatorship that he and his fascist cabinet are trying to impose on Israelis.

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Incredible reporting, and terrifying . . . . This is mind boggling, and yet, not so unlike what we’d have here if Trump regains power. What is really interesting is Noga Tarnopolsky’s take on Biden (of whom she is a fan) and the events of the past few days.

And I send a prayer to the Universe for a miracle for the remaining hostages . . . All of the people of Israel trapped in this madness, and the Palestinians whose suffering as a people has got to be unimaginable.

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Netanyahu is a narcissistic, criminal sociopath. You are too kind in your description of his "endgame". Global profiteering from extractive fuel industries, weaponry dealing, and intelligence dealing is terrible. Politicians everywhere lie about it.

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October 7 has exposed many things, like the indifference to the ongoing genocide by America and the Western government (not the people though)and that the elephant in the room of the Middle East quagmire is the villain, Netanyahu. He plays politics with the lives of the hostages and his messianic aspiration will only harm Jews and Palestinians.

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Israel is a terrorist country who commits extreme atrocities seen in our life time. Awful crimes against humanity committed by Israelis

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Israel is Pariah State, Apartheid State, Genocidal State, anything but a democracy! No peace until Palestinians have peace! US is the biggest terrorist father of the world, UK is the mother of terrorism and their created daughter the terrorist Israel are the axis of EVIL that need getting rid of to let humanity live in peace...just look at their track record of invasions, wars, bombings, kidnappings, thieving, raping, organ harvesting and pedophilia. Not to mention fake monetary system, fake viruses, fake terrorist groups they created and funded and poisonous vaccines to depopulate the world. The world would be a much better place without this warmonger colonisators, criminals who call everyone else terrorist yet they are the biggest terrorists of the world! God must have plan for them soon.

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I have to say I have consumed daily a lot of content related to the Palestinian genocide. But this interview is very illuminating on Netanyahu behavior and how it’s becoming a template for modern day authoritarian projects around the world, specially in liberal democracies (look what’s happening in UK, France and Germany if you follows the news).

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Please both of you, leave Twitterx! There are other much better social platforms like this one, that aren't owned by the guy whose thinks his money gives him the power of an emperor!

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