Remember when SCOTUS appointed Bush the dumber and while many of us cried for days, other people said, “It’s only four years?” Four years that destroyed our reputation in the world so they gave him four more and us Alito? How could a country not have learned from that experience not to trust the guardrails?

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Sarah is brilliant and she scares the crap out of me. We need to stay on target.

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Many US presidents have been above the law. FDR dropped 2 atomic bombs on CIVILIANS. Reagan and Shrub Sr. got away with Iran Contra. Shrub Jr. 2 invasions and torture. Dick Cheney. Henry Kissinger. Every corrupt Wall Street banker were all above the law.

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Please, don’t panic, after all trump is an American ! trump cannot be worse than Biden !

Let us pray for America and We the People 🙏

We worked hard and we elected all the Corrupt Rascals in Washington since the beginning of our time 248 years ago, when our Visionary Founders formed a Union of States with a Beautiful Constitution !

Our Founders said here is our Freedom and Our Union if you can Keep it ! Let us try ?

Never forget we are all Americans !

The Newly Minted Labour Party in the United Kingdom, with a Super Majority, and the Foreign Secretary of UK told the Criminals to Tel Aviv, it is time for A Ceasefire and Halt the Genocide ! He didn’t waste a single minute since the Election !

Our Morons are Approving the Genocide for Nine Long Months and now the Bombs are still showering, the Bombs from America are still Dropping from the Palestinians’ Skies ! Babies, Children, Women, Mothers, the Elderly and the Sick are all dying in Hundreds of Thousands with American Bipartisan Support, with Our Bipartisan Politicians flying all the way to Tel Aviv to Write Poetry on the Bombs before exploding, then Blow Up every Home of the Palestinians and Blowing Up every baby, every child, every woman, mother and father and the and everyone who is not a Jew !


Just Imagine trump or biden …, all the Buggers are COMPLICIT in the Genocide for more than 76 years !

Yes, our Brave men and women died fighting many wars from the beginning killing those natives, fighting the colonists, fighting each other, then fighting the Nazis and Fascists in Europe, transplanted the Jews to Palestine against the wishes of the Palestinians, armed and lavishing billions of our taxpayers money to the Jews encouraging them to make a Jewish state by killing the native people almost 76 years of incessant slaughter and Ethnic Cleansing !

Who is better ?

Who is a better leader ?

I wish they lived still since they Declared our Independence, our Bills of Rights and the Constitution and The Civil War and gave us the Union if we could keep it !

All in vain !

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Excellent episode with Sarah Kendzior. She would never be accepted by the corporate media because she exposes the corruption going on in today’s media! I subscribed to her Substack newsletter. Thank you Mr. Ali

To anyone paying attention to what’s going on knows the election of Trump has completely undermined our system of law and order. It has been a two tiered system since its inception but now it’s obvious to those who weren’t paying attention. Instead of forming a more perfect union where every American citizen would be proud of their country we have devolved into a divided society that is tearing the country apart!

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We’ll all be bending over and kissing our a** goodbye!

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Mr. Ali, are you a Legos collector too?

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Out of self-interest, I’m more inclined to wonder what happens to Canada after what happens to the U.S. if Trump wins. Borders don’t matter except as an annoyance to people like him. Especially when they’re above the law.

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The historical amnesia you mention reminds me of Gore Vidal and the documentary on his life United States of Amnesia. It's available for free on YouTube if anyone would like to watch it. Vidal and his words are so important especially now. Erica Jong called him one of the U.S.'s top polemicists after he passed on.

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Waj talking about elites being in similar circles is so true, because I remember the gossip magazines covering how Tiffany Trump and Naomi Biden were on some boat together back when DJT was president. They also both went to Penn together and graduated the same year. They are not like us at all.

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I'm pissed as fuck! Instead of doing something to stop the fascists, the Democrats are fundraising off of the threat🤬 I hold Biden and his administration accountable for NOT DOING THEIR DAMN JOB! They swore an oath to protect and defend the CONSTITUTION against all enemies both foreign and DOMESTIC.

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