Thank you for writing this piece. I needed to see my feelings in print. Bravo!

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PREACH! I've had to cut off members of my own family because of their Trump cultism. I KNOW they were raised better than this, because I know the people who raised them. But each member of my family who fell in with the MAGA cult had the same thing in common: a giant chip on their shoulder. They were always afraid somebody else [less deserving, of course] was getting something they weren't - and which should have gone to them in a just world. Trump is their whiny, grievance-filled id in an ill-fitting suit, wearing more make-up than a drag queen with a desiccated squirrel on his head. I don't NEED to understand them. I grew up with them. They'd stab themselves in the eye if it meant getting back at somebody else who they always believe is looking down on them.

Sometimes you just have to say Eff It and move on. I hope you and yours have a Happy, Peaceful Thanksgiving.

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I have family members of the same ilk. They were raised as hard-working, Church going folks, and the younger generations mostly had opportunities to attend college. I can't figure out HOW they developed this massive chip on their shoulder, and resentment of anybody who needs government assistance, when most of them rely on things like Federal crop insurance and other Federal farm programs. My guess it was all the propaganda from right-wing radio programs, Q-Anon, MAGA, Fox News, the conservative Catholic section, and more. They were inundated and bought into it, if there seems to be no coming back from.

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Nov 26
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Wow. Just wow. They remind me of all the phony religious types desperately waiting for the rapture or some such. NOT because they want to see their Jesus so badly, but so they can watch 'all 'em heathens' get theirs. Those people are exhausting. And unreachable. The bit about you being gaslit is priceless. It's always projection with them, isn't it?

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I have relatives in Nebraska too, who bought the MAGA Kool-Aid, but surprisingly they haven't wanted to argue with the few Democrats in the family, much less somebody like me who's perceived as a crazy leftist. So they have ignored me since the election, but I'm sure they are gloating. It will be interesting to see their reactions when the Trump administration takes away the State's undocumented workers in the farms and food factories like meat processing plants. Or will they react when their favorite food reaches unbelievable prices? Or when our elderly mom gets her health benefits reduced?

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At that point, you need to remind them they're getting exactly what they voted for. Gloating optional. No judgment.

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Or their children are no longer covered until 26 under the ACA . . .and on and on.

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OMG . . .the text!!!! No kidding. DONE! Pick your community. I for one (having grown up in the Midwest) have been ending all direct contact with any of my family and former friends who are still preaching the immoral code of DJT. Have a very very blessed holidays . . . And join us kicking back watching what they do when they fool they elected desecrates their lives . . .which he is already mad at beginning . . With his Tariff BS.

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You make a VERY important point, Christine. This isn't just about preserving democracy, it's also about preserving our morality. I don't care how many Jesus references they put in their social media bios, or how large the crosses they wear, they've forsaken every shred of morality to throw their allegiance to the Toddler-Elect.

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Hope these whiney asshats aren't friends any longer. This is who they always were.

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Thank you for clearly articulating every thought that was still scrambling through my head and colliding with the anger in my soul. As many as possible, which happens to be the majority of those I care most about, are being kept at arms length. There is no reasoning with them that is worth the expense of my mental health.

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I drew the line, Waj. My evangelical inlaws continued to vote for the opposite of inclusion, kindness, tolerance, science, health, etc, and I am out. I will never again say " yes both sides are bad" when they are not, just to keep peace with family members who keep saying that brown and black elected officials are the anti Christ, I mean how many are there? So, Thanksgiving at home with just me and the spouse and the pets.

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If they were able to examine the facts objectively, they’d be wondering if they didn’t just elect the Antichrist to the Presidency.

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I think in their their big book of information about how the world works, the Antichrist is never white. 😬

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Have they ever noticed that the only white people in the Bible are the Romans?

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Thank you. I've have beating this drum for a long time. It's been a zero sum game for those of us who have tried to understand people who do not seem to want understanding or refuse to help themselves. They know where we are if/when they want to reach out but at this point I really don't care if they do or not. In fact Id rather they didn't.

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Your operative phrase: “or refuse to help themselves.” We’ve been warning them for DECADES of the real economic wolves who are destroying their way of life. They simply will not listen.

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Thank you for expressing this so well., and yes, for the past 8 years, the media HAS been entirely complicit in emotionally blackmailing the Left to “be more understanding.” Remember the whole “When they go low, we go high” suggestion? Didn’t make a difference—Trumpists just saw the Left as weak fools, and now “Cucks and snowflakes and libtards” is what they call folks who still try to reason with them and understand, in vain. It’s the definition of insanity…

Reason and understanding are a good choice only if you are dealing with rational folks who agree to uphold their end of the social contract—not to mention, agree to the peaceful transfer of power. We saw how that went. And for the four years since Jan 6th, and especially so since this recent election, the media has ramped up their coercive methods, insisting well-meaning Americans make nice-nice with abusive bullies.

We don’t need to be mean spirited or cruel, but we also do not have to consent to our own abuse. I refuse to placate or understand the grievances of folks who are either entirely delusional, or lack moral clarity.

It’s high time more folks just moved on without them, and let them hoist themselves on their own petards. And, for goodness sake, we have to stop paying attention to him. He is an attention/energy vampire. Don’t give yours to them or to him: turn the channel, scroll on by, reach out to a real friend, take a walk, butter some toast, start to join or build localized networks of mutual care.

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Same same same!! I'm so unbelievably grateful that the folks who will be gathered around the Thanksgiving table with me on Thursday will all be united in our shared disgust with the orange menace and his minions, not to mention our terror for the future of the country and the world. Thank you for all you do !! I am grateful.

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I love reading your articles- you always seem to sum up exactly how I feel! So glad you’re there helping us all get through these difficult times!

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Thanks, Waj. Love to you & your family 🥰

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Right On! An old boss had a saying “Fuck’em all but six and leave those for the undertaker.” Which pretty much sums up my sentiments regarding MAGA/Trump voters. BTW, I consider folks who didn’t vote as Trump supporters, since they didn’t vote against him.

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Same. If you didn't vote *for* Kamala you still support Trump and everything that goes with him

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I couldn’t agree more. I’m tired of hearing the Democrats blamed for leaving the working class behind. I’m tired of hearing from Trump voters in Pennsylvania without any pushback from interviewers. It’s way past time for these people to move into the 21st-century and realize that we’re not going back to what they consider the “good ol’ days “. Let them wake up and realize that our demographics have been changing for the last 50 years and we live in a multiracial multicultural world. Let the news media start interviewing Democrats and progressives to hear why we believe that America means equality is for ALL Americans—women, LGBTQ people, people of all colors and religious beliefs—not just white American “Christian” men.

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Excellent today, Waj. Saving to send to my f-up egg friends. Had enough of this crap. Hope you enjoy a peaceful Thanksgiving ✌️

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Wow, we had no idea!

Thank you for your courageous sharing of what’s happened both to you and to the papers.

This piece is on the level of Pat Elder’s recent report on the citizens committee in Hawaii facing down the Navy and then the Environmental Protection Agency over tens of thousands of gallons of jet fuel spilled into the Community water supply.

Similar expose of how systems work to obliterate individuals, and what can be done about that.

Thank you again!

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Amen sister!

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Thank you! This has been on my last nerve for years. I'm so tired of the constant lecturing about how we'd better be nice to them — or else. But it doesn't matter if we're nice to them or not – the "or else" happens anyway. On a related topic. I'm equally pissed about the media's constant demands that Democrats "reach across the aisle" or "find middle ground," but not only is this never demanded of Republicans but they are often praise for "sticking with their values" or "standing their ground." When was the last time you saw an article in a major publication suggesting Republicans need to move to the middle? I'm guessing never.

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I personally don’t know that there’s much to talk about with Trump supporters. No discussion warranted. All of the Talking Heads and pundits are twisting themselves into pretzel knots to avoid discussing the real reason the big orange turd in the middle of the room won. The reason MAGA voted for him and Rump one was because he’s YT.. he’s rich… and he’s male. He also represents the WhiteAngloSaxonProtestantStr8tMale lust to maintain control and power worldwide. The browning of America scares the shit out of the YT power structure so they enabled tRump to “right the ship” and turn back the clock as much as able to prevent any further potential progress made by the “Other”. They backed the Heritage Foundation/ Project2025 agenda 100% and exalt this supremely flawed piece of man to shepherd it into reality. They pulled out all the stops.. even so far as to give Russia inroads to the destruction of our American experiment. We all watched the denigration of America in real time. But blve and know that some people are wide eyed and celebrating all of the atrocities and the end of democracy. They would rather that then have to share equal power with POC and women.. both of whom they deem unworthy of a bigger seat at the table. I am not in the least bit surprised that the wealthiest down to the poorest of Americans were so easily convinced to vote against their own self interests. This is Amerikkka.. RCST at inception and down to it’s core. Accept it and know that it will get worse before it gets better.. if it ever does. I for one am wide eyed and bracing for the “leopard to start eating people’s face” portion to begin. POC have a saying…”those who don’t listen will feel” I hate that those of us who didn’t vote for this atrocity will suffer as well. When shit hits the fan… and it will.. I will offer my thoughts and prayers.

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