Jul 26Liked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

This white woman is going to knock on doors, make phone calls and donate to get her elected!

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Jul 26Liked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

I’m still on!! It’s amazing to see so many of us unified to make VP Kamala Harris the next President of these United States!!! This is a truly historic moment and I’m so proud and excited to be a part of it! πŸ™ŒπŸ”₯πŸ’™πŸ’™

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Yes, Waj! You do dare that we will show up for Kamala. My mom was on the ZOOM tonight, I just joined Women for Harris AND… volunteered to be a poll watcher in Nevada. Haven’t done anything like that since UC Davis days.

Any woman who has benefited from birth control or has a daughter who may benefit from birth control, must dump Trump.

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Jul 26Liked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

This white 71-year-old woman has never voted against her best interests! I value my freedom. I value my niece's freedom. I also value my Social Security and Medicare! And I'll put my donations where my values are!

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Jul 26Liked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

I got disconnected after 10 min but was able to make my contribution! They had a huge turnout.

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Try to make it to the call Sunday evening if you can. It was really inspiring!!

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Jul 26Liked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

And yes I too am very hopeful

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63 years old suburban woman. Proud to say I've never voted GOP, despite pressure from my entire family and ex-husband. Thrilled that Kamala is the presumptive nominee! I'll do my best to deprogram the Karen's around me. Maybe change a mind or two...one can hope.

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I’m on the call and it’s powerful. We are at $1.8 million in less than two hours.

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You are right on all accounts! I’ve lived through all the events you have described. I am white but I continued to shake my head as white women time and again supported the very people that espoused injustice to others and at the same time are unable to understand they diminish themselves in the process. I pray this time Never Going Back is a realized dream and not simply a campaign slogan πŸ™

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This old White man is with you to the end.

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Are white men going to step up?

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I see plenty of white men online who will step up, for the sake of their own freedom as well as that of their wives and daughters!

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That avatar, Shari! OMG, laughing so hard. It's perfect.

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Forget about them doing the right thing.

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I was able to get on the call. Very late but so inspiring. I even got to hear Pink. She was amazing

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MuellerSheWrote had a substack piece today about how MAGA women don’t need to tell their MAGA family the truth about who they vote for - only they know who they cast a ballot for. Those statistics about white women voting for Trump are based on exit polls right? I wonder how accurate they are given it’s not safe for women to go against abusive husbands or MAGA cult members in their family....

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Waj, you are one of my favorites, but maybe now is really not the best time to paint any "others" with stereotypes or doubt their convictions. We have formed an extremely important and powerful alliance and now is the time to appreciate and respect the strong and unified efforts being made by very concerned and motivated people. Yes, there will still be a lot of MAGA women, (and men) voting stupidly against their own interests, but white women in general certainly do not deserve to be lumped into a group and treated with condescension and suspicion.

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Actually, yes it is. WW (like me) have been complicit - whether purposefully or not - in maintaining the patriarchal status quo. He’s not calling for condemnation or shame but stating facts, which are uncomfortable but necessary to hear. WW, as a voting block, helped put Trump in the WH the first time and tried again in 2020. And while it sucks that it’s taken this long and that it’s taken hearing the GOP espouse views and *write out* their plans that now also threaten the freedoms of WW, thank goodness it’s being heard. Not ignored. They are telling us in plain language exactly what their plans are, and none of them are good. It was clear from the call last night, though, at least from this group of 100K+, that we are listening now, and it’s time to put our privilege to use to elect VP Harris to the Presidency.

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Many WW have spent their entire lives understanding and doing our best to be decent people who reject hatred and discrimination based on race, often at the cost of relationships in our own families. Regardless of skin color, we all deserve the dignity of not being profiled together with hateful, bigoted or simply ignorant people.

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Thank you for writing about tonight's call, Waj. It was encouraging both in its numbers (of us + $$ raised) and in the honesty & awareness I heard from all the speakers. It sure sounds like folks are understanding more about our privilege as white women, accepting the responsibility it brings. A heartening call after an exciting week.

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Why am I just hearing about this now? Late to the party?….

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