Yes, you DO owe me your Chai recipe. I'm glad you realized that.

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Small question, because I’m more than grateful for your incredible writing, interviews and posts. But just say I’ve shared and people have subscribed, and you’ve generously gifted me a few months free. If I bought a yearly subscription now, would that be added to the gift of 3 months . . . Say, I’d be subscribed for 15 months total? Thank you! If so, I’d be more than happy to sign up for the year now.

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While Gaza and the climate are obviously very important, are those the issues people are really thinking most about? Healthcare and housing access and affordability, child and elder care, quality education, transportation, workplace abuse, justice reform... so many issues need to be addressed to benefit the least fortunate of all colors among us. And there really isn't much talk of what a scourge the drug addiction problem is on our entire society, it is the elephant in the room. A subset of the abortion problem, we also must address sexual assault and violence against women and girls.

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we can think about all of it and lead much needed change! it's doable

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Yes, it's doable, but truly overwhelming. I forgot to mention how we are all, rich, poor and all in-between, being victimized by technology scams as well as real life theft, vandalism, and dangerous drivers that police don't seem to have time to address. Add to all this the fact that SCOTUS has opened the door to the weakening of all our regulatory agencies and rules.

I know we have to think about it all, and I hope there is an extremely strong message before the election that divided government is literally killing us. We must elect Harris and give her the support she needs in Congress.

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