Jul 17·edited Jul 18Liked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

Can you give me 45 good reasons we should listen to a studied expert, American historian and PhD. with a specialty in modern American history and quantitative methods who developed his prediction system for determining the outcome of presidential elections in the United States using 13 keys that have a proven track record, co-developed with another PhD. in mathematical geophysics he met at Caltech, a preeminent learning institution devoted to the instruction of pure and applied sciences. Huh? Huh? Can you? HOL

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I can’t believe Schumer and Schiff are pushing Biden to step down.

They are out of their minds. Have they consulted with any reputable pollsters?

We will win if we unite. They should STFU and support their president.


The GOP backs an adjudicated rapist and convicted felon!

We can’t back Biden because he’s old??

Shame on them. And I did like Schiff. No more.

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I agree, I think the people asking Joe to step down are causing an issue within th party and our eye needs to be on the Prize - Beating Trump. If we are not in unity it will tear us apart. With JD Vance and Trump things are even more dangerous. Biden has done awesome in Detroit and at The NAACP event he was on fire and passionate. I think there maybe a better candidate and at this point I think we need to unite and get behind Biden and Harris

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Wajahat Ali, I so appreciate your positivity and your take on all these issues. You are one of my favorite commentators. Dems need to grow a spine and support Joe and Kamala. Thanks for all you do.

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And Wajahat does it without looking or sounding pissed off! How does he do it! HOL That interview with Piers and his prissy pursed insults, then asking you to agree with him, (I’m embellishing here) ‘you’re being a little bitch, don’t ya think?’ delivered like only a Brit can! HOL I’m gay and of Brit descent so I claim special dispensation to say that! HOL.. although I’m not insinuating Piers is gay… or a Brit! I’d have to see his birth certificate! HOL Anyway, Wajahat was perfection in that interview!

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I've been pushing one solitary point for almost 40 years - to little avail - the Presidency is not a one person show, no matter how hale and hearty that person is.

We elect a TEAM and when you think in those terms Biden is the overwhelmingly clear choice. With Trump you get psychopaths and this time around no adults in the room to try and rein them in.

If the general public had a decent grasp on the ghouls surrounding Trump, he'd lose in a Mondale-esque landslide.

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I have Covid and I live In Florida .. it is going around everywhere. Sore throat, stuffy nose ( like a cold) it’s been 3 days feeling better . Never had a fever.. The RNC is definitely going to have some Covid cases and luckily it is not serious like it was .. some friends went on paxlovid , I just am resting. Joe is the best person to get the job done so if the damn Democratic Party can stick together we will win. If the republicans can support a criminal, liar , fraudulent businessman I would think the democrats could back him!!! I will stick with Joe. I am pissed at Schiff and Pelosi and this small group against him. Like Gaetz, Greene et Al are we going to have them go against the party?!

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Going through a messy open/brokered convention would be a disaster, just like in 1968 when LBJ stepped down. It was a bitter, ugly mess and led to Nixon winning. So annoying that the step down crowd don't even describe what their plan b is.

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I trust Allan Lichtman, Simon Rosenberg, and Joe Biden and his team.

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Thank you Wajahat Ali for this information!

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I happen to agree with you. If Biden can stay essentially even or within points of a man who has a lock step party unanimously (apparently upon pains of exclusion and doxing) pushing hard as they can for him, then imagine what he could do if critics in our party did likewise. We would be well on our way to a landslide victory already and the toxic media would probably have decided their bread will be buttered on our side as to subscriptions and clicks. It is time to shrug off "what ifs" and just work like hell for what is, to avoid what we hope will never be. Call all of the representatives' offices (they have abandoned listening to the people on Xitter or through their email contact forms unless you live in their tiny local districts although they presume to speak for the nation) and tell them you still support Biden.

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This is great stuff and I think the Dems promoting this change of horses are nutters, but if Trump ends up winning you might have to add another Key: Has the incumbent’s own party thrown them under the bus? T or F.

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When North Korea Comes to America, Can You Say Coup? https://shorturl.at/VlVDL

And a flashback:

When the Two State Solution Sought is Michigan and Minnesota, and not Israel and Palestine, You Can Expect Another Cackle from Vice President Kamala Harris. https://shorturl.at/JUYXq

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By the way, it appears that the link to the Xeet is currently broken. At any rate I don't get it when I try the link.

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listen to james zogby. member of the democratic national committee. you guys are just wrong. biden won't win anymore against trump.

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Hillary lost As you noted by only 40,000 votes. There was the Comey report, there was ignoring Wisconsin, there was the fact that she was arrogant and not a great candidate. Are those in the 13 points? The notion that there are set rules that allow you to predict the future in something this complicated violates every notion of science and the scientific approach that I know.

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First of all, I'm a big fan of The Left Hook and you! I commend you for keeping your composure on that Piers Morgan debacle and I can't figure out how to compliment you without insulting them, but you made sense while they, well, didn't. But this interview was disappointing. I would rather have heard much more discussion OF each of the 13 keys and why they are keys. (Did I miss it? I started to listen, then left to do errands, and came back and picked it up again. So I take that part back if I missed it.) I didn't think would be 30 minutes of mostly just critiquing -- kind of repetitive -- that's not what you usually do. The link to Lichtman's article is very old - do I have to sort through all of his YouTube videos to find the one that describes the keys in more detail and why they are keys?

Some of the comments here are also disappointing. It's not about being spineless. We DO have our eye on the prize and that's why we are concerned. I wouldn't call James Zogby, a long-time DNC member, grassroots worker to DC insider, executive director of the Arab American Institute, someone who has no spine! One thing I think is being missed here and elsewhere is that it's not about Biden's actual ability to govern. It's about optics. It's about how he looked at the debate, and those of us who are worried are not spineless - we want to win. It's not about Alzheimers, but it is about the appearance of possible cognitive impairment, of which there are many, many variations. Even after only the first 10 minutes, you almost had me. Then I got pinged that Peter Beinart's interview with Zogby was out, and I gotta say, you have to listen to him talk about the proposal. I also thought Carville's proposal was exciting. I'd rather see some excitement, which I think would mobilize especially young people and show off democracy better than the excruciating, shoulder-scrunching, daily, minute-to-minute, word-by-word scrutiny Biden is going to receive from the media now.

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