What do people not understand that these concerns are coming from the voter? This isn't some elites that are worried it's from small dollar donors. In one of them, I'm not donating to this campaign anymore until I see some legitimate action. He's going to be a drag on the ticket, whom before that Debate were all outperforming +10 points. What are we even doing at this point? This is infuriating.

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And they say women are emotional and weak. But it seems that women are only ones hanging tough and not freaking out over a debate from almost two weeks ago...... And as for voters and small dollar donors, I'm one of them, and I'll be happy to pick up your slack.

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Did ANY of them actually quote a doctor on what a cold can do to delivery? Did they quote any of the transcript showing that behind the delivery was actually coherent and good points? Did the NYT think there might be someone amongst the many White House employees there might be someone with Parkinson's who is being treated?

I looked up Parkinson's symptoms apart from tremors. I check all the boxes-- (with the exception of hands at side which is hard when carrying a purse.) No HINT of Parkinsons because guess what. Those are in fact symptoms of being 80 or more, particularly if you have spinal degeneration (who our age doesn't have some?) and peripheral neuropathy. I was actually worried a few months ago and went to the doctor. Guess what he said: spinal degeneration and peripheral neuropathy. And added--for God's sake, you are 80.

Check out Jeff Tiedrich's post today on the self-satisfied smirk of the NYT. https://www.jefftiedrich.com/p/top-new-york-times-editor-defending

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10

The problem at this point is that the media are so dug in, so wedded to their narrative, and so convinced of their position, that it's hard for them to walk it back. At the NATO Summit earlier this evening, Biden gave a strong speech, crystal clear delivery, and then presented Jens Stoltenberg with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. And he's been performing this way since the debate. The problem? Nobody is covering it because they're too busy driving their chosen story.

The Democratic ticket is Biden/Harris. The other ticket is Trump/EmptySuit. The choice is simple.

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His call in to morning Joe was so cynical. It disgusted me.

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Because the Democratic Party is not in a suicide pact with this administration. It's painfully obvious that he needs to step aside or we are going to LOSE THIS RACE! JFC I guess they want to completely tarnish his accomplishments cuz that is what will happen when Trump takes back the WH.YES, we're all going to vote for whomever runs against Trump, but the undecided voter is who we must focus on and those swing state polls are damning. Wake up people!

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Well. Like Trump getting him off the ballot in Colorado ,Maine…. The Supreme Court said no because the voters had voted in the primaries for him to be the nominee… this is the same with Biden. Let the voters decide! Let’s compare their policies

and debate them.

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How many white liberals do I have to tolerate, pushing their claims that nonwhite people can’t run for positions of power, because of OTHER people's racism?

What your guest said, at 6:58, is that people who think Kamala Harris should run for president are “Not qualified to speak out loud in this country.” Couching it in self-righteous language — which implicitly asserts that she alone understands how racist the country is — only made it WORSE.

I'm not a fan of Kamala (mainly due to her willingness to be Joe Biden's accomplice). There was a point where I nearly forgave the fact that she's basically a cop (when I saw that one spectacular moment, where she confronted one example of Joe Biden's lifelong, career-guiding, racism).

But then she immediately turned right around and sold her soul to be "that little girl" who propped up a horrific racist's genocide.

Despite that fact, Kamala is inarguably a better candidate than Joe is. The white-liberal compulsion to accommodate racists — and the white-liberal compulsion to claim a superior understanding of other people’s racism — is not a valid excuse to block a non-white candidate from the presidential ballot. Nor is it a legitimate predictor of whether Kamala can win. There is no more legitimacy to your guest’s "gift of prophecy,” than there is to the “gifts of prophecy” she ridiculed in OTHER ridiculous people. There has been no legitimate foretelling of a future in which Kamala loses to the rapey racist.

Yes, as your guest condescendingly pointed out, racism is real & sexism is real. However, Hillary didn't lose because she's a woman, and Barack didn't lose AT ALL.

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When you announced to Jason Johnson that he was speaking for all black people, you both seemed to know that was a joke. But now, here you are in this interview, speaking for all black people, as if you really did just check in with “the black vote." YOU (not black people) are pushing people to accept the sequel that nobody wants.

It is not okay that you are encouraging the world to (again) falsely blame black people for Joe’s candidacy.

Jason’s opinion is Jason’s, your agenda is yours, “the black vote” consists of a multitude of individual minds that neither of you speak for, and the poll that Jason cited seems to state the opposite of what you and Jason were saying about it, prior to its release.

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I'm extremely tired of the crusade to tell each individual voter to sacrifice his/her soul — to vote for genocide… to vote for the backstabbing racist that gave EXTRA funding to racist policing & refused (not 'failed,' REFUSED) to protect voting rights… to vote for the sadistic racist that has been a nightmare to dreamers & has escalated border savagery… to vote for a monster by MULTIPLE measures — in order to save the country from fascism.

I’m also very tired of the crusade to tell each individual voter to discount his/her senses — to believe that a cold, or a stutter is what we saw, rather than the thing we all know we saw — and self-gaslight for the sake of the country.

These ludicrous excuses for his performance at the debate — the debate HE challenged his opponent to... the debate he BOASTED about how well he would perform in — are irrelevant to people like me. Being OLD isn't what makes me hate this racist narcissist just about as much as I hate that other racist narcissist.

Maybe Joe's willingness to show himself on the world stage doddering, slack-jawed & gibbering, is evidence that he's incompetent to hold the office. Maybe it's "a bad day" that EVERYONE BUT JOE has to pay a price for. Or maybe it's all just an elaborate act, in a bid to evade genocide charges, with a diminished capacity defence (the same way he evaded charges for his illegal possession of restricted documents).

More relevant than the infinite maybes, is the fact that you're willing to ask ANY sacrifice, of every voter, "for the sake of democracy," but you're unwilling to ask the BARE MINIMUM of Joe.

The only person, from whom you don't demand a sacrifice, is the man who's JOB it is to serve the country. The man who spent his entire life feeling entitled to the presidency. So much so that he never gave up, despite how many times the people said no. So much so, that when the people were gearing up to say no again, in the primaries leading up to 2020, he — along with the power-brokers & money-hoarders — organized a GANG-attack against Bernie... against the BASE… against the base’s right to have an un-rigged primary play out naturally, and choose for themselves.

THAT is how Joe elbowed his way into that free ride to the Oval. In the only election he would ever have a chance of winning. Coasting on America’s loathing of Donald's uniquely grotesque nature. In that election, which no Democrat could possibly lose.

NOW — because of JOE’S uniquely grotesque nature — Donald's uniquely grotesque nature is no longer enough to guarantee a Republican loss.

When your guest gave that, “not afflicted with self-awareness,” quote — while simultaneously slagging off the person she was quoting, because she apparently looks down on Susan Sarandon (somehow?!) — I should 've just switched off. But I didn't. My impulse to give your guest the benefit of the doubt caused me to witness her go on to prove, multiple times, that she, too, is “not afflicted with self-awareness.”

The guest is full of insults & contempt, but that is not the same as being RIGHT. The "Cult of personality" is that wholly irrational insistence that Biden is, "The one person with a chance of keeping Donald Trump out of power."

That is insanity. Joe might be the one person who could LOSE this race against Donald. (Other than Hillary.)

Having said that, there is a minute or two of insight & truth, starting at 24:00. It won’t be a revelation for most of us, but it’s true (credit where credit is due).

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Ya know, I will say he didn't look too bad at all at the NATO summit. While I still think there are more than fair criticisms of how they've employed Kamala throughout his term, I'll withhold judgment upon further review. Just wish the administration would have put Kamala in a better position to lead should something happen to Joe.

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Ya know, I will say he didn't look too bad at all at the NATO summit. While I still think there are more than fair criticisms of how they've employed Kamala throughout his term, I'll withhold judgment upon further review. Just wish the administration would have put Kamala in a better position to lead should something happen to Joe.

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Ya know, I will say he didn't look too bad at all at the NATO summit. While I still think there are more than fair criticisms of how they've employed Kamala throughout his term, I'll withhold judgment upon further review. Just wish the administration would have put Kamala in a better position to lead should something happen to Joe.

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Ya know, I will say he didn't look too bad at all at the NATO summit. While I still think there are more than fair criticisms of how they've employed Kamala throughout his term, I'll withhold judgment upon further review.

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If trump wins, the rage at the party will be enormous. Joe and Jill specifically will completely upend their legacy.

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Trump can't win. Problem is Biden isn't stepping down, so this is the ticket for now. If he does step down, for whatever reason, Harris will step in. Have to attack Trump and MAGA.

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Obviously, but Biden isn't even able to do that. It would have been nice if during the debate Or that interview if he would have mentioned project 2025 even once! And he failed to even do that. The bare minimum. People want something to vote FOR something this time around. Asking voters to hold their nose and vote against Trump just simply isn't going to cut out this election.

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In answer to the title question: because the mainstream media fashions themselves as the bad guy from 'Tomorrow Never Dies', apparently.

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