How can we convince people that our economy depend on these immigrants and that they are people too just like you and me.

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No one is illegal. I have no idea why they’d want to send the hardest working people away. I live in California. Our farms and crops would suffer tremendous losses.

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Why doesn't the MSM challenge him on anything?

Case in point; Trump lied that he was going to cut energy costs in half. Energy makes up 6% of or GDP. That mean's Trump is proposing a 3% drop in GDP, which would certainly result in some real economic hardships.

The MSM is too lazy to cover trump and his firehose of lies. Their billionaire owners of the MSM don't want them debunked, anyway.

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‘Deportation’ is another word for ‘Racial Profiling’. … So before any cigar smoke-filled partisan rooms jump to conclusions… first make sure the USA 🇺🇸 won’t get jacked by Confederate terrorists using poverty as an excuse to commit crimes against humanity.

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There is currently a push from all states to deport illegals. Recently heard Massachusetts deported 50,000. This election govenors will be bragging how any illegals they're deported. That's the current game in town. The reprocussions of which I have no idea of. But as mentioned in this short commentary there will be much unpleasentness. From the dairy farmsf in Wisconsin to the plush hotels and services industries throughout America there will be much economic and human suffering. But to put things in perspective the hardships being endured by the Palestinian people is much more horiffic.

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I live in MA and there is nothing in the news, I checked, saying that 50k migrants were deported. Where did you get that information from?

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