Well said. Now the attacks will begin. Republicans can’t find the guts to admit they are racists, so they hide behind petty sniping. It will backfire-turnout will be through the roof-women, minorities and the young will respond with outrage.

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I'm waiting for the moment Kamala can tell Trump that a black job is President of the United State!

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deletedJul 22
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Memes are fun but seeing her take him to task in real time will be epic. However, he's too scared of her to give her the opportunity.

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I'm not worried about Kamal Harris she is no push over! And she was one tough DA in San Francisco for 20 plus years! I'm not very worried about her being able to handle the magats! She'll swat them away like the flies that laid em!! 😉✌️💙

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Is it finally ok to go low now? I don’t think integrity will be compromised if democrats finally push back before we all end up with nothing but Trump as dictator. Principles are nice but not to hide behind.

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I think it is! In fact it is way past time!

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Excellent discussion. JD Vance's misogyny is a gift to the Dems and Kamala is in a great position to use that gift to its fullest. He goes beyond "reproductive rights" to complete subjugation ( stay with your abusive husband for what, the sake of the also abused kids?) that can speak to women no longer in their reproductive years. I know several stay at home moms. They are definitely there by CHOICE, not because someone has preached "real family values" at them and would be heartily pissed that MADE them take that role. Choice just took a way broader meaning for women.

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Awesome conversation!

I've already contacted YT about my feed, notable increase in videos of hate,

misogyny and violence toward animals!

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I completely agree with Ruth and think the Polish 2023 Sejm & Senate Elections should become a textbook example for defeating fascism. In addition to the inspirational messages reflected in events like the March of a Million Hearths and PM Tusk's KO heart-shaped logo, the Polish democratic opposition realised being anti-PiS was not enough to win a Sejm majority. As soon as he became leader of the PO (the major party in the KO, declared dead in 2021), Tusk took clear positions on a lot of 'controversial' social issues, most notably banning candidates not in favour of reproductive rights from representing it. Simultaneous, as noted by journalist Agata Szczęśniak, comparing two KO posters separated by only one month - the first a menacing display of PiS leader Jarosław Kaczyński with the caption 'I am the threat;' the second a colourful picture of KO politicians' children with the KO heart-shaped logo and the words 'Vote for us' -, the tone of the KO campaign got a lot more positive. A month before the Election, the KO also outlined a hundred detailed measures to be implemented in their first hundred days in office. The other democratic forces, now also part of or supporting Tusk's government - the liberal-agrarian TD and the democratic socialist Lewica - followed a very similar approach. Even though each of the three democratic camps ran separately, they made a public commitment to forming a post-election coalition, so they focused all their attacks on the PiS.

Bottom line - Hope, positivity, clarity, details and unity brought fascism down in Poland; they can stop it anywhere.


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