Mockery is a woefully underutilized strategy in the anti-fascist playbook, so kudos!

They HATE being laughed at, so we need to do more of it. It doesn't mean we're letting our guard down or taking them less seriously.

It means we see them for the pathetic creatures they are - little boys dressed in a big man's shirt.

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Yes, this parody does paint them in the ugly colors that fit. But I could not find it as hilarious as others. I found it as disturbing as it will be when they get rolling. We just have to roll our eyes, defend Kamala as our chosen leader, irregardless of how it came about, and give her the boost she may need when she needs it as things progress and get uglier and uglier as they will. I am confident she can handle it with confidence and without stooping to their level. But it will take its tole. Let’s make sure to send her positive messages of strength and encouragement at every opportunity. It will make a difference.

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Exactly! HOL I noticed recently Kamala using similar humorous cadence with a slight impish smirk that Obama used so successfully when she said something like ‘to promote unity, you have to do more than just use the word’. God that delivery was good! https://open.substack.com/pub/hol4justice/p/what-is-that-saying-about-a-picture?r=f09mi&utm_medium=ios

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This is unbelievable the lengths they will go to mock someone -they are very shallow human beings and showing they really are. . It’s disgusting not one bit funny if you were on the end of that attack.

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FLASH: #DEMs lose TWO (2) "Keys To The White House" as a result of #Joe being forced out under the threat of the 25th Amendment ... 1.) The #I-PCK = "Intra-party Contest Key" and, 2.) the "Incumbency Key".

The updated score is now:

#MAGAt(s) = Six (6) Keys versus #DEMs = Seven (7) Keys.

Analysis: #Trump is now One (1) "Key" away from securing a 2nd Term as President of The United States with a 100-days left till the Election. C=> https://www.youtube.com/live/BxvUPI1Bph4 #Holy-Sh't! #Nothing-Is-Easy

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It was hilarious.

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Actually I was appalled rather than amused. These people really are this petty and disrespectful, like their beloved leader.

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They are cynical bastards. They know inflation was caused by the supply chain disaster that happened when their idiot president grossly mismanaged COVID. As for the border, they has sweeping bipartisan legislation that they themselves killed at Trump’s insistence because he didn’t want Biden to get the credit and because he wanted to run on the issue. Kamala Harris needs to stress both points.

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I should add that they are running ads blaming her for inflation and the border.

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LOL BRAVO! Wajaht! Hilarious!

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lol, to coin a phrase.

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Bah Ha ha ha!!!!

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This may very well turn out to be a transcript rather than an attempt at satire. What worries me is that the Democratic Party has not condemned the overtly racist attacks on its presumptive nominee. Harris’s comm team is more culturally competent and will handle these attacks. But the Democratic Party (writ large, i.e. white Democrats) must learn to talk about race affirmatively. White Democrats must overcome the fear of losing the support of people that haven’t voted Democratic in over a generation; since the 1965 Civil Rights Act. They’re not coming back.

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Laughter is rhe best medicine. This parody was right on target. Ooops. Can I say that? Anyway, fpotus people have zero senses of humor. Mocking them is one way to get them all flustered. They dig more holes for them to slide into the muck, and thus turn more people off. Crazies can be amusing for awhile, but come November, people will not want to hand them the keys. Roe is/will galvanize women hugely. Look at the red states that kept abortion more legal, when voters, not legislators or judges, made the decisions. The SC crap they just handed down and Project 2025 will also sink the Reeks. By the way, NICE reference!! I like it!!

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Maybe someone else found this engaging. This is not up to your rigorous analysis.

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Just a parody and using their own quotes. Sometimes a little mockery to lighten up the heavy.

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lighten up, bro

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