I turned our U.S. flag upside down today, atop our 25’ flag pole, in deep R Idaho. We’re 50 m off the grid, it’ll be interesting if visitors to “the forest”, /Salmon-Challis National Forest notice it this 4th. It’ll gang this way, until Election Day or there after.

I suggest others do the same. I painted 2 y ago one of the farm gates to the property yellow and blue in our support of Ukraine’s fight for independence and sovereignty against a ruthless dictator.

Prior to that I’d painted it purple, no particular reason but it might match the wild iris in the yard. A RW neighbor stopped and said, “you know that’s a ‘gay’ color?” Being an artist and quilter I loved the color, I said nothing in response. I’ve got a Dissent (company) sticker on the yellow mailbox (Slava Ukraine). We do what we can do, wherever we are.

The SCROTUM6 today, just ruled against democracy, and did away with democracy with one fell swoop of 6 pens.

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Write your reps. Politely. Identify yourself & as a voter. Briefly request a specific action. Politely. Follow up if they do, or do not act. Request a meeting. (Have your notes in order.)

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Normally I would, but I live in Idaho. Any letter would go in file 13, most likely after the standard “thank you for your letter of concerns.” We’re 6 hrs from Boise.

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So true. This decision was made possible by Trump stacking the Court. This power needs to be changed and the judiciary completely separated from political appointments and interference.

The USA is no longer the "Land of the brave and home of the free" but rather the 'Land of the raver and home of injustice set free.'

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Trump shouldn't get credit for stacking the court. That was #leonardleo and the Heritage Foundation.

Have a look at The Scheme / Senator Whitehouse you tube series.

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Thank you. Said it better than I’ve been!

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Where were your insight and outrage 3 years ago when this plan was being made public by Senator Whitehouse D/RI?

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A great column Waj! I want to reply to all you've spoken about, but it would take me too long, and my right arm is somewhat disabled, so not so swift on the keys. Just know in all you've written about, I've caught your pretty open sarcasm and disdain - and quite rightly, too! Keep 'em comin'!!

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This is a bunch of garbage dribble from a bunch of leftist pieces of s*** f*** every single one of you you're not the majority you never wear the f****** majority because people know that you're all full of s*** so go f*** yourselfs

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Thank you for this. We must be honest about where we are.

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