It seems to me that you are failing to comprehend, that by endorsing Harris, along with a handful of US Imam’s, you are obviously indirectly encouraging others to vote for her to, and that means, you are inviting people to take a “gamble” on Harris. You are asking for Muslim’s with a conscious and fear of God, to engage in “betting” exer…
It seems to me that you are failing to comprehend, that by endorsing Harris, along with a handful of US Imam’s, you are obviously indirectly encouraging others to vote for her to, and that means, you are inviting people to take a “gamble” on Harris. You are asking for Muslim’s with a conscious and fear of God, to engage in “betting” exercise??
So I ask you respectfully, if people listen to you, and feel guided by your often very wise judgment, and Harris (having won the Presidency) sells Yourself, GAZA, Lebanon etc..out entirely, will you take full responsibility for all those sins that you directly endorsed, and so facilitated, on the day of judgement, for all those people you encouraged to vote for Harris?
Surely, they can say, to God, on the day of judgement, that they were led by you, and so Harris’s (who is already complicit in genocide) future war crimes and mass murder, is not their fault, because they followed your instructions, believing that was the right thing to do? They had some duty, according to you, to protect their country!
Is your duty not towards your religious obligations first and foremost? Is it not, God first, then Family, followed then by COUNTRY?
I’m afraid, on this occasion, I am quite unable to agree with your decision, but it is your right, to chose, but why do that publicly, and run the risks, as cited above?
Personally, (if I was a USA citizen) I would not vote for Harris, based on my religious convictions, that will not allow me to mitigate or temporarily dismiss, the significant crimes against humanity, let alone being Muslim/Palestinians, perpetrated by Harris’s administration. I would not take that GAMBLE - my conscious will simply not allow it.
That said, I believe that Muslim’s should NOT vote for either candidate (Trump or Harris) and rather to follow their heart, (guided I hope by Islamic jurisprudence) and then leave the rest to almighty Allah (swt). I cannot and refuse to lend my signature to these genocidal candidates - period!! I would still go out and vote, to prevent Trump for sure, but I would take great care in my selection.
It seems to me that you are failing to comprehend, that by endorsing Harris, along with a handful of US Imam’s, you are obviously indirectly encouraging others to vote for her to, and that means, you are inviting people to take a “gamble” on Harris. You are asking for Muslim’s with a conscious and fear of God, to engage in “betting” exercise??
So I ask you respectfully, if people listen to you, and feel guided by your often very wise judgment, and Harris (having won the Presidency) sells Yourself, GAZA, Lebanon etc..out entirely, will you take full responsibility for all those sins that you directly endorsed, and so facilitated, on the day of judgement, for all those people you encouraged to vote for Harris?
Surely, they can say, to God, on the day of judgement, that they were led by you, and so Harris’s (who is already complicit in genocide) future war crimes and mass murder, is not their fault, because they followed your instructions, believing that was the right thing to do? They had some duty, according to you, to protect their country!
Is your duty not towards your religious obligations first and foremost? Is it not, God first, then Family, followed then by COUNTRY?
I’m afraid, on this occasion, I am quite unable to agree with your decision, but it is your right, to chose, but why do that publicly, and run the risks, as cited above?
Personally, (if I was a USA citizen) I would not vote for Harris, based on my religious convictions, that will not allow me to mitigate or temporarily dismiss, the significant crimes against humanity, let alone being Muslim/Palestinians, perpetrated by Harris’s administration. I would not take that GAMBLE - my conscious will simply not allow it.
That said, I believe that Muslim’s should NOT vote for either candidate (Trump or Harris) and rather to follow their heart, (guided I hope by Islamic jurisprudence) and then leave the rest to almighty Allah (swt). I cannot and refuse to lend my signature to these genocidal candidates - period!! I would still go out and vote, to prevent Trump for sure, but I would take great care in my selection.
Be well, and good luck to you all in the US.